Is a "Small Double Bed" big enough for two cuddly sleepers?

Can it carry up to 175kg (385lbs)?

The actual size I want to buy is 120x200centimetres, but I couldn't find the right picture and/or name of it.

I have a small bedroom thus I cannot really pick a large bed to properly accomodate occasional boyfriend visits :D

It should work.
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It is too small.
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Superb Opinion

  • I feel that what you're losing out on is not having enough space to cuddle but habing enough space to have one side each without touching. If that is not an issue, sure! You will both comfortably fit.

    A bed should absolutely hold that weight but feel free to ask the manufacturer.

    Oh and as always when buying beds and mattresses, check the manufacturer. See whay similar ones they make and check the price on those.

    While it is often exaggerated it is also very true that the markup can be sky-high and each manufacturer produces the exact same thing and sells it to many different retailers that then brand it differently. And so the half price bad in one store might actually be the exact same as you would get buying the full price one in another. 20 minutes of research can save you a good chunk of money.

Most Helpful Guy

  • I've fit two people in a single person sleeping bag a great many times, but that was before the rampant obesity crisis. How much room you need is kind of dependent on your BMI as far as "bare minimum space." I'm 155 with a bmi of 19, that's going to be very different than someone who is 280 with a bmi of 40, then multiply by two people. The 6'3" is also a concern too. Just because that's technically taller than you (presumably) doesn't mean you'll fit. You don't typically sleep all the way at the top of the bed. The pillows would likely be all janky and ill-supported. Likewise at the foot of the bed. With the top sheet tucked in, you aren't going to want your feet at the very end of the bed. If you're both 5'7" combined weight under 300 then I think you'd be fine.

Most Helpful Girls

  • Like Id say me and my boyfriend are pretty cuddly but we sleep a lot better on 1.60 than 1.20

  • It should work haha.. unless someone likes to roll or kick, jk 🤣

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What Girls & Guys Said

3 20
  • I think it'd be too small to sleep in. To sleep together in sure, but unless one of y'all falls asleep on top the other, that's pretty small, I feel like a queen size is the smallest I can comfortably share with a person. Typically only with a combined weight of about 300 or so.
    You might be able to make it work every now and then, but if it's going to wind up being for a longer term arrangement, it'll get uncomfortable.

  • It works but it is snuggly. Was at a very small hotel over the weekend and tested that out!

  • that would be more than enough, for cuddling

  • Only one way to find out I guess right

  • At 6'0, 280 pounds and her 5'1, 10 pounds, a Queen wasn't good for active sleepers. We bought a King not only for that but to facilitate Cunnilingus, which is my main event.