Ladies would you let your sister have sex with your man if she was feeling down and depressed? and fellas?

would you have sex with your sister in law if you were in the same boat?

I was watching an old show on Playboy TV the other day on my Roku and it inspired me to ask this since there is always a first time for everything and not everyone things the same.

anyways I'm pretty sure that show was staged but the episode was about a couple who supposedly had an outstanding sex life. in the episode the wife had her sister who lives pretty far come visit them for a few days who was feeling very down because she broke up with her boyfriend months ago and hasn't gotten any sex since then. in one scene when the husband wasn't around and the two had a sis to sis private moment the wife kinda noticed it and asked her what her problem was. it was this when she confessed her sexual frustrations to her. the wife then sympathizes with her and tells her that she gots the "solution."

later on that night when her and the husband were preparing for bed she fed him with the info on her sis and she then tells him out of the blue that she would like him to have sex with her for a night just to help her sis regain her happiness. at first he was a little reluctant but the she talks him into it by telling him that she really loves her sis and would do anything to make her happy again so he then agrees, she then tells him to "make her happy just like you make me happy every night". the next morning she informs the sis, she tells her that she would let her have sex with her husband just as long as they have sex and nothing else and she got a little excited.

the sis and the husband then go to fuck that night and everyone was happy afterwards. but anyways ladies if you were in this situation would you let your sister have sex with your husband? and fellas if you were in this same boat would you have sex with your sister in law?
I'm a female and no, my man is mine and no one can have him!
Vote A
I'm a female and yes my sister can be an option
Vote B
I'm a male and sister or not I stay exclusive to my wife
Vote C
I'm a male and sure why not help a sister in law out
Vote D
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Most Helpful Guys

  • I wouldn't. My word is my honor and in agreeing to marry my hypothetical wife, I gave my word that I would be exclusive to her only. Even if she and her sister would both be fine with it, I wouldn't be as I feel it would go against my sense of honor. Even is she was just my girlfriend and her sister had the problem, the answer would still be the same from me.

  • Sex with sister in law is not objectionable if she is willing and attracted to you but married life of both should not be disturbed. You should look after her and fulfill her requirements of happiness.

Most Helpful Girls

  • Most likely not one of us three would agree to the situation. I'm pretty sure my sister doesn't want to have sex with my boyfriend and my boyfriend doesn't want to have sex with my sister. No one is that desperate.

    • lol they say life is full of surprises

  • I'm a female, and while I have no SO this is TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE IMMORAL behavior. How in the world is this on TV?

    • ever heard of PlayboyTV?

    • Nope never have

    • no wonder

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  • Hell no my partner said the same he won't let anyone touch me

    • I hope he met that

    • He has he get jealous early plus I'm first love he never cheated on me or spoke to girl in that way x

    • We each other first love and now engaged after being apart for years been together over a year and he asked me to marry him on the first xxx

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What Girls & Guys Said

3 7
  • Mansharing is bullshit.

    Everyone gets depressed after breakups. That's no reason to have to share your boyfriend or husband with someone else, or the sexual converse.

    I love my friends too, but they have to deal with losing a spouse or boyfriend due to death or a relationship ending. One ends and another will begin in due course.
    Just wait it out.

    And there's the chance that it'll never happen again. That's too bad, but, sometimes that's the way the chips fall.

  • This is a level of perception. Does it happen has it happened yes. But 90% of the times it destroys the relationship. I was in in a similar situation she asked me to have sex with her friend because her friend didn’t have a boyfriend and was horny. Everything was fine until she confessed to my girlfriend that she had feelings for me and wanted a three-way relationship. My girlfriend at the time agreed which began a slow disintegration of the whole thing. Now they’re not friends anymore and neither will speak with me. Apparently somehow it ended up being my fault

  • Fuck no.

    • Agreed

    • That just sounds straightup disgusting. It wouldn't even be a serious relationship if you considered something like that.

    • Amen to this fuck that my sister ever tired I'd kill her

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  • no that wouldn't be an option

  • It depends. If you 3 talk it out and set some ground rules. My sister-in-law was spoiled & used to getting her way. She was 5 years younger than my wife. During sex play and talk my wife wanted to be bullied and controlled. I talked about her sister was going to bully her & force her to watch as she took her husband from her. My wife got off on this and would easily get excited. I told her sister about it. Long story short over a few weeks her sister moved into our home & took over. My wife loved it. My wife is a cuckquean & I did not even know what this was.