Nonvirgin guys: how long would you wait for sex from a girlfriend?

I'm 20 years old. I'm still a virgin because I want to look back on losing my virginity with no regrets. I'm not religious, I'm not innocent, I've done other sexual acts, I'm not really everyone's definition of a "good girl" or whatever stereotype of a 20 year old virgin you may have. I'm not waiting for marriage. When I get into a relationship, I'd probably wait at least a few months before having sex. I feel that I'd need at least a couple months to be sure he's someone I trust enough, but I'd guess it'd be 2-6 months. Nonvirgin guys, if you were in a happy relationship with someone like me how long would you wait? Not looking for opinions on virgins bc most guys 20-25 aren't virgins.
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What Guys Said

  • So your doing sexual acts that's better than only having porn.
    I also understand the make sure he/we don't just want sex thing.
    Id wait 2-6 mounths as long as it doesn't feel like a one sided relationship while i wait ie a the guy should always pay situation will end quickly though it wouldn't be sustainable anyway.
    Also you tell me how long i'm waiting early on so i dont think its a not till marriage thing (which would be a problem) or get used as a bargaining tool. Give me a date and i'm more likely to wait for it.
    Also Id want to let her size me up and id suggest it so we both knew if she could take me in fully when we do have sex and id want to know what she liked before hand as well.

  • Depends the girl, if she's worth it to wait then I would wait however long she wants if that is her preference.

  • bout a couple months n i consider myself one really havnt been w someone i connect with either :/

  • If she was serious then i would wait for hmmm lets say 6 mos. But i would be a little fed up at that point.

  • i would talk to her about it and see when she is

  • Depends on how intense it started. If it was a co-worker or someone else I saw regularly and we were kind of slowly becoming interested in each other I would probably be a lot more patient than someone that I just started dating cold.

    But I would expect it within a couple months, at the outside.

  • 3 months max.

  • One month. No more.

  • I'd wait until she was ready

  • 2 weeks

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