So seeing each other naked for the first time? How do you go about it?

Do you both strip and stare for a couple seconds or not make a big deal of it. I’ve never actually seen a man naked but I want to. I don't know how to bring that up lol
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Most Helpful Guys

  • I thought I'd be embarrassed for the first time but instead I was just so excited, and my girl wasn't a virgin and seemed to know what she was doing, and so I felt very comfortable undressing around her. It was something I was initially worrying about though as things were heating up, but after her clothes came off, I was happy to toss mine off.

    • In my case she was experienced so she actually pushed me on the bed and started to take her clothes off. I probably stared at her body in amazement. Then she helped me to take off my clothes. She was kind of taking the dominant stance and I was kind of submissive there. Later as I got less shy about this I would start to dislike that sort of thing, but at first it was really nice to kind of have one who knew what she was doing and taking charge of the situation.

    • Most awkward part was actually rolling on the condom. I remember being sort of shown this thing in sex ed but it all became hazy and kind of rocket science combined with the excitement and nerves, so I think I rolled the first couple inside out or something like that. I managed to botch two tries. The third one she helped me with while I felt like an idiot, telling me how to put it on right. :-D That was a bit of a mood killer but fortunately she was patient with me, as I think she knew I was a virgin. I also had no idea I would lose my virginity that night, and it was my first time drinking alcohol so things were spinning a bit at the same time.

    • Uggg! I wish he’d just take charge and do that. He’s been naked around me but it was in the dark under covers and I had my glasses off. Maybe when we go to bed tonight I’ll sit where he sleeps so he can’t get straight into bed after he takes his shirt and shorts off...

  • If you get a guy naked and you are naked, you need to be prepared for much more than just staring! :) Are you prepared for some sexual activity?

    • No :(

    • So how do you intend to keep that from happening?

    • I don’t know 😕 I mean I’d stay stop or no nicely but I’d feel bad I turned him on. That sucks. I do want to try to get myself used to being with him though so I’ve got to start somewhere. There’s no way I’d be ok our first night planning to have sex if I’ve never seen him naked. I’d freak out. I was nervous with both our underwear off.

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Most Helpful Girls

  • Don’t make it awkward. If your with someone once you guys are finished doing the deed suggest you take a shower together. If you really want to know what to expect and scared to do it in person then, watch some porn or something.

  • Yes you both strip and look at each other for about 1 min or less. is he up fit it or does he know?

    • I don't know how I’d bring that up. We’ve been dating 10 months

    • Maybe first make sure to be alone with him and mention that your interested in seeing him naked and he can see you naked.

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1 23
  • How about just going for a skinny dip? Just tell him/them that you want to feel what it's like to have water on your bare skin in a pond or beach, and leave it at that? No sex involved, just nudity, which doesn't always have to involve sex. In many parts of the world, nudity does not equal sex.

  • When you meet someone that you really like and he really likes you, getting naked won't be a problem it will happen naturally, You are just over thinking it. If you are that worried about seeing a man naked, go to a strip club, and get used it.

    • I am not saying my advice will be correct for you. But I used be very shy maybe scary shy with girls, couldn't even talk to them, to scared to touch them even. I used strip clubs, to over come all that. Now I have no problems to talk to them, or even grabbing their ass lol. I am not even getting naked in front of them now.

  • It may be a bit awkward the first time, but once you are naked together regularly, it’s no big deal. Savor the moment. Stop and stare, tell him how handsome he is. Make a wonderful memory of it. Strip down for him to music. He will never forget that song. I didn’t.

  • It's a bit of an embarassing moment for me as well.
    Ideally, this could take place in a dimly lit room, or dark room. But I wouldn't expect two people to just disrobe and look at each other's business and then go on about their day. That's not likely to happen. lol.

    • 😂😂😂🤦🏻‍♀️ I don't know how people do this as kids (high schoolers) I feel like I skipped all these learning days in school

  • Just do it.. enjoy it,. take in the view,. let him do the same,.. maybe for the lolz dance a llittle, show off,. wiggle your chest or bottom,. have a laugh together,. Life's better when it's light-hearted,. have fun. :)