#Survey What are your thoughts on…?

Please share your opinion based off what you feel suits you and not what you think others should do with their sex life. Im typically judgmental af but today I just wanna see where everyone stands.
1. Saving sex until Marriage?

2. Saving sex until you’re both in love?
3. Saving sex until you’re in a longterm, committed relationship of 6+ mths?
4. Saving sex until you’re in an exclusive, committed relationship thats still in the early stages of 1-3 mths?
5. Having sex even though you’re not yet exclusive and one or both of you may be dating someone on the side?
6. Having a one night stand with someone you just met that same day?
7. Having others watch you have sex?
8. Having a 3rd party sleep with your partner while you sit aside and watch?
9. Having a 3rd party join for a 3some? 10. Having sex with a friend you’ve known for years (friend with benefits)? 11. Having sex with someone 10+ years older/younger than you (of legal age)?
12. Never having sex again?

#FeelFreeToList #DeepDecisions
My Answers #1 I was very big on it but failed. I’d be tempted ro try again but its unlikely. #2 Thats the main goal. #3 Closer to a year but yep that's the goal. #4 Too soon for me but things aside from sex may happen. #5 Must be committed first #6 Absolutely not. #7 Yes but I’d need to be at least engaged #8-10 Absolutely not. #11 Maybe if i was 35+ #12 I’d be okay with that. Its good but overrated.
+1 y
See answers above this. But as a tip— #1 When saving sex til marriage, remember other sexual activities can be done just not actual penetrative sex (of both holes) #2 Notice i said “in love” Which is a whole nother level from just loving someone #3 I dont consider anything under 6 months to be “longterm” #6 I couldnt do a one night stand because i prefer the person have been tested first. #8/9 I dont share. Fck that. #11 i prefer 0-3 yr age gap
0 4

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What Girls & Guys Said

8 40

  • 1. Saving sex until Marriage?
    2. Saving sex until you’re both in love?
    No necessarily. Could be a nice friend.. 😛
    3. Saving sex until you’re in a longterm, committed relationship of 6 mths?
    4. Saving sex until you’re in an exclusive, committed relationship thats still in the early stages of 1-3 mths?
    5. Having sex even though you’re not yet exclusive and one or both of you may be dating someone on the side? Nope
    6. Having a one night stand with someone you just met that same day? Nope
    7. Having others watch you have sex? Maybe, if it was you honestly. It would feel hot lol
    8. Having a 3rd party sleep with your partner while you sit aside and watch?
    9. Having a 3rd party join for a 3some? Maybe
    10. Having sex with a friend you’ve known for years (friend with benefits)? Yes
    11. Having sex with someone 10 years older/younger than you (of legal age)? Yes
    12. Never having sex again? Why?

    by the way, I am considering oral as well sex.. so doesn't have to be in the initial

    • #7 nahh you’d be looking at my reaction more than hers 🤣

    • Hahaha... I meant if I was doing you.. lmao.. XD So, ya I would be watching your reaction lmao.. XD

  • 1. No way, total waste of time.
    2. Nope.
    3. Nope, waste of time.
    4. Again, waste of time.
    5. Yeah, I've done that quite a bit.
    6. Done that.
    7. I don't mind.
    8. I'm not just watching if I'm there. 😅
    9. Yeah, you're welcome. If my partner is okay too.
    10. Yep, I have plenty of them.
    11. Yep.
    12. No way 😂

    • So what's your main preference

  • My thoughts only, not necessarily reality:
    1-4 No
    5-11 Yes
    12 No

    • Do u just hate the thought of waiting?

    • I wouldn't hesitate to wait in a committed relationship, but I also know the reality of being single.

  • 1. Saving sex until Marriage? Wanted that but didn't get it.
    2. Saving sex until you’re both in love? Only in love once. Its better if you do.
    3. Saving sex until you’re in a longterm, committed relationship of 6+ mths? Always nice.
    4. Saving sex until you’re in an exclusive, committed relationship thats still in the early stages of 1-3 mths? I have done that.
    5. Having sex even though you’re not yet exclusive and one or both of you may be dating someone on the side? I never sleep someone who is sleeping with some else and I know about it.
    6. Having a one night stand with someone you just met that same day? Can't do it.
    7. Having others watch you have sex? Suree.
    8. Having a 3rd party sleep with your partner while you sit aside and Sure. Too jealous.
    9. Having a 3rd party join for a 3some? Curious but im the jealous type.
    10. Having sex with a friend you’ve known for years (friend with benefits)? I've done it. 11. Having sex with someone 10+ years older/younger than you (of legal age)? I can't do it lol I've tried.
    12. Never having sex again? Oh hell no lol

    • #1 yea same #2 much better #5 i know thats right. I regret having let the shit slide with my first. #11 i think its less noticeable once we’ve had a midlife crisis lol

    • I feel like I'm getting there 😂

  • 6, 9, 11 would try, rest no

    • Commitment issues? Or just having some fun?

    • No, I just think that all of those "saving sex for x" are pointless. Sure, sex is best when someone you love and care about but that doesn't mean that everything else is bad or wrong. I think when 2 people are sexually interested into each other and feel ready, then they should just go for it and not put up some artificial barrier. 4 sounds reasonable but it's not the end of the world if you have sex before, that's all I'm trying to say

  • 1. Saving sex until Marriage?
    We can talk about it, i would probably be fine with it.

    2. Saving sex until you’re both in love?
    Totally okay, i even prefer it this way.

    3. Saving sex until you’re in a longterm, committed relationship of 6+ mths?
    Once again, would be fine by me.

    4. Saving sex until you’re in an exclusive, committed relationship thats still in the early stages of 1-3 mths?
    Completely fine.

    5. Having sex even though you’re not yet exclusive and one or both of you may be dating someone on the side?
    This is probably not a serious relationship and probably never will be. A person like that can't be trusted.

    6. Having a one night stand with someone you just met that same day?
    Never. I could never trust someone like that.

    7. Having others watch you have sex?
    Not my thing.

    8. Having a 3rd party sleep with your partner while you sit aside and watch?
    No, still not my thing.

    9. Having a 3rd party join for a 3some?
    Maybe, but only if it's another girl.

    10. Having sex with a friend you’ve known for years (friend with benefits)?
    Cool, that would mean we might become more then that.

    11. Having sex with someone 10+ years older/younger than you (of legal age)?
    Younger, Good, why not? Older would be weird for me, but maaybe, if i'm really attracted to her.

    12. Never having sex again?
    I guess it's only handjobs from now on 😂
    But, my serious answer is that, this is not an option.

    • #5/6 i agree #9 how is that your thing when the others werent lmao #10 or you could lose your friend forever if things dont workout