Totally controlling and dominating her?

I love to wrestle and "humiliate" my girlfriend. Am I strange? I love to wrestle my girlfriend, pin her down and put her head between my thighs until she's totally helpless and unable to defend herself. I tickle her and cover her mouth with my hands while she tells me to stop. I enjoy it very much, even though she doesn't seem to like it. I just love the feeling of totally controlling and dominating her. Am I strange? (I'm not a bully by the way. I only tease my girl.)
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36 21
  • dont humiliate her be fun but not rubbing your junk in her face. if you do pin her down next time hold her arms above her head then kiss her!

  • You are a sick puppy, dude. Violence and abuse on women is no laughing matter, million women are victims of it every year, usually by "boyfriends" and husband. I pity your girlfriend. You will end in jail for domestic abuse and violence. May your useless soul roast in Hell as it deserves.

  • Wish I was her hehe

  • my boyfriend does that to me toooooo

  • I don't think you're weird, and if she likes and you like it, then it's fine. I wouldn't let you do it unless I knew I could totally trust you, but only because I have had some BAD experiences with men. Does getting horribly and roughly raped THREE TIMES mean anything? But that's just my problem

  • You are strange and a little messed up. I would call the cops on you! if she tells you to stop, then STOP! You sound like a sadistic maniac, yes you are very strange.

    • Hey don't be mean he's fine just playing maybe you don't like it but he dosn't need to go to jail

  • s&m sh*t

  • well as long as you do treat her with dignity and respect out of this intimate environment and she's ok with this, then it's 'ok'

  • I would love a guy to do that to me. Its pretty hot :)

    ...As long as she's in to it its not a bad thing.


  • Yeah that's strange. It sounds like your saying controlling her makes you feel more like a man which is pathetic! I don't understand how you get any kind of excitement out of "controlling and dominating" a female damn that, some one your suppose to care about... That's the words of an abuser to be honest!

    • LOL! I'm just making fun of her. calm down! have you never wrestled a dominant guy before??? i think it's so cute to squeeze her chubby cheeks. she often provokes the wrestling matches so she obviously likes it too. like I said before I'm NOT a bully. I don't hurt other people to feel better (but I easily could if I wanted to cause I'm a strong guy). you're so shocked because I like to dominate a "female". would it be better if I dominated a random "male"? would it be less abusive?? hahaha...

    • Lmao ok! me and boyfriend wrestle too and there are times when he don't let me win but its not to the point where I can't stand it.

  • its not good to be a control freak...idk if you are one...but if you are, try not to be. Because its very hard to like a control freak.

    • I'm not a control freak. I just enjoy dominating her and showing her who is boss. What's wrong with that?

    • I can't tell if your being sarcastic or not. If you weren't, reread your comment to me lol. but as long as this is the only way you are controlling to her and she is ok with it I don't see a problem with it. But if you start telling her she can't hang out with other friends or guy friends, or how to dress, or treat her like your personal servant and "obedient 1950s wife" type of thing then that's DEFINETLY not ok.

    • "But if you start telling her she can't hang out with other friends or guy friends, or how to dress, or treat her like your personal servant and "obedient 1950s wife" type" LOL! I'm not like that at all. I let her do her "things" and I absolutely trust her. She's only my slave in bed. Do you think it's ridiculous th show her how dominant and much stronger I am? I mean... obviously a man like me is stronger. There is no need to prove it to her in a wrestling match, but I'm just so addicted to it.

  • Um...well, I wouldn't mind that much personally...but it can get annoying if it's over the top. Plus, she clearly doesn't like it, so I think you should stop...or at least tone it down.

    • But I'm addicted to that!!! What can I do about it? Slave girl needs to be put in her place. lol. I don't think this is a reason to break up with me. Or is it?

    • It's cute if it's done playfully once in awhile...but all the time and in that capacity...then yeah, I would consider breaking up with you. Seriously, just tone it down.

    • If you were my girlfriend, you definitely wouldn't break up with me for such a reason.

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