Weird question, but could I just walk into a target or walmart and buy a vibrator if im 16?

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Most Helpful Girls

  • There is nothing immoral or risky about using a vibrator. They actually gone your pelvic floor muscles, which contrary to popular opinion have been well documented to become commonly injured or weakened in adolescence due to sports such as running and gymnastics. This results in leaking pee. Furthermore it is never a bad thing to learn about your body and know what you need to feel fulfilled with a partner whether or not you are currently active. There are inexpensive vibrators available for sale at pharmacies and Walmart in the lubricant section. Some fancy lubes even include a vibrator in with the lube box. I know this from experience. Never be ashamed about caring for your body. Talk to your doctor If you have questions.

  • There is always Amazon. I wouldn't think there would be any problems if they sell condoms to minors. It's all in the same section. I believe where you have problems is going into a specialty store because there I believe you have to be 18 to enter.

    • If you want privacy go to Target like 30 minutes before closing and use self check out.

    • I saw them in Target the other day next to the sanitary pads and the condoms.

Most Helpful Guys

  • Well you won't know unless you try.

    I live in the uk and they changed the laws here and criminalised the person selling the item at the point of sale with heavy penalties and you need ID if you aren't obviously significantly over the age requirements.

    Before that though it really depended upon who was selling it and if they cared who they sold to.

    So shop around I would be surprised if you couldnt get something somewhere.

    Just be confident and matter of fact, if you dont give someone a reason to suspect you then they won't.

    They dont care about you or what you are doing they have their own problems.

  • I don't know how private your mail is but even Amazon has a pretty good selection of vibes and much more exotic toys. There are plenty of other places on net that will ship discreetly.
    Don't know where you live but in SF Bay Area you could walk into a dozen shops- I have my favorite local place- its totally cool. The staff are all 20-something women and will answer the most intimate questions including giving recommendations on their personal faves.

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What Girls & Guys Said

5 26
  • Walmart sells vibrators? Wow

  • Lots of store carry them, usually with the sexual lubricants. And you can pick one up and use the self checkout line and not even have to deal with a cashier.

  • Well people probably wouldn’t say anything to you but they might think something about it

  • I don't think they sell them.

  • The ghetto ones they sell by the condoms are no good. Gotta get online and buy one

  • Yeah, there's no age restriction on such things as far as I'm aware.

  • That depends.
    If you are buying a medical product, like a massage wand, then yes. (Those are the best vibrators anyway.) However, Target or Walmart may not stock on shelves an intimate product like a vibrator. For that, you might have to shop on the web. So, try in a health products aisle and there's a good chance you will see "massagers".

  • I really cannot say... but I was able to buy condoms when I was 16 without any problem... don't know if it the same thing tho.

  • Not certain if they let you but you could always try i guess.
    Mail order would typically work better but parents can be a problem.

  • Yes, they don't card you for toys.

  • Yes you could.

  • Not sure, maybe if you look old enough to be eighteen.

  • There’s no age requirement on vibrators unless you go to a “sex store”. You usually have to be 18 to walk in the door

  • Not something most big chain stores have.

    Would have to visit a sex shop or buy online.

    • Walmart and Walgreens actually have them with the lubes.

    • @LuvMyHubby well learn something new every day then. but pretty sure you still have to be 18+ depending on your local laws. in order to buy one from store.

  • Order one online... Much more discreet just make sure you are in for the delivery

  • if they dont let you you can jus say they are being age-ist and violating your rights and freedom, you can do what you want with your own body sexually and isn't their choice, they dont have that right

    • maybe they can stop yu buying ciggaretes or alcohol but it isn't their choice with sexual things, its violation of ur rights, and u should file a report on them

  • I don't know, i think you gotta be 18 to buy sex toys but I don't know tbh

  • You are allowed to buy vegetables

  • If they have vibrators.

  • amazon, order it to a friends

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