Girls, What do women like about getting their pussy licked and can they describe how they like it, what it feels like and how it makes them feel?

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Superb Opinion

  • This is not something really pleasurable for the giver to have to go down on a stinky and raw piece of meat with leaks of putrid juices that contain bacteria and diseases that is basically a body exit the expels all kinds of potentially harmful discharges.

    Nor is it pleasurable to have someone demeaning your sexual integrity and dignity and having the part of her body with the most bacteria get into contact with your intimacy. Those type of bacteria found on one and the other place are not compatible and again, how much fun can it be to have your nose close to a body opening where disgusting body fluids and odors just make the entire exercise more of a repugnant act than a pleasurable feeling.

    • Although the vagina is a self cleaning body part

    • To a certain extent it is but it is still a putrid hole going inside the body.

    • You might want to clean it more.

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Most Helpful Girl

  • One word would be Oomph! It's actually hard to describe as the sensation is intense, maybe due to the extra moisture. Makes cum really reachable. Orgasm is extreme and faster than when fingered!

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What Girls Said

  • Sorry, I do do essay questions 😂

  • You are 38 or so it says here. Why are you asking this at your age?

    • Just curious to get a females perspective on the subject and cos why not see what women like about it too I am a guy so it's always nice to know how it is for a woman

  • I hate it

  • I personally don't like it