Disgusted? Turned on? Or just plain fascinated by it? What was going on in your head when you saw that? Lol
0 0
It was fascinating to watch but it felt like having warm snot all over my stomach and boobs. I guess it was better than becoming pregnant.
0 0 0 0I was fascinated and very intrigued. And wanted to see it again.
1 0 0 0
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(12)Fascinating lol still find it pretty exciting c;
1 0 0 0I thought: you wanna do what with that?
0 0 0 0I was highly amused and intrigued
0 0 0 0It was kind of gross.
2 0 1 0Well mine was when I walked in on my brother staring at Megan Fox so yeah it was very disturbing!!!
1 0 0 0
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