Which penetration feels better? When she's on top or when you are on top?

0 3

Superb Opinion

  • I hate which is better questions, cause they are both great. Each is unique with its own thing, him on top, if I am in the folding deck chair position, is awesome. Very deep and feels great, there is also lots of other ways for him to be on top.

    When I'm on top, there is ways too, reverse cow girl, regular cow girl, where I lean straight back, close my eyes and enjoy or lean forward so his penis is hitting on my clit and potentially even far enough forward to kiss him.

    Just try them all out, there is never just 'one' way to do anything.

Most Helpful Girl

  • I'I'm not a guy but... I think it feels better when I'm on bottom, but sometimes it feels larger when I'm on top but it just depends on how excited he gets. lol

Most Helpful Guys

  • They're both good, slight edge to her being on top because she's controlling the depth and speed of the penetration, which sometimes is very deep, and sometimes I'm all the way in and she is rotating on me.

  • Although both are cool, for me it’s better when I’m on top as I can control the thrusting. I think there is more of it when I’m on top.

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What Girls & Guys Said

3 29
  • Better if the guy is in control

    • Good girl :P

    • @scooogy yess even If I'm top I let him take control

  • To me it feels better when I'm on top

    • In general, How does vaginal intercourse feels like for you?

    • Pleasurable, like a deep massage internally with fireworks at the end

    • @yohoerose is that because u can control how much u take?

    • Show All
  • Most of times it's feels better when I am on top especially when the girl isn't very experienced on being on top

  • I am a great fan of Cowgirl sex. But the best sensation for me is legs-up Missionary.

  • They both feel good for me, but, my wife likes being on top because she can control her own pleasure better