Superb Opinion

  • "Hot" women are typically vain, fickle, sleep around, trampish in outfits & behavior. More often then not they don't have good personalities being pretenious, demanding, "high maintainence" as some guys call it and other traits that are not sought after. There is often little to nothing truly desirable about these sorts except for cheap easy sex and why they're oftenimes dumped like yesterday's pizza when a guy is bored of them.

    "Average" women are typically not vain, fickle, less prone of being trampish in outfits or behavior. They are typically trustworthy. They more typically have good personalities be it caring, considering, less pretenious or demanding, and thus appealing to a man. In general these women are more highly desirable because there's a potential future with them whereas "hot" women as said are good for entertainment but little else than that.

Most Helpful Girl

  • I think maybe the type of "hot" these men are talking about is more personality wise than physically aesthetic wise. A person can look hot but that doesn't always mean their personality is good. But it's best not to make assumptions based on a person's attractiveness, since it can go either way.

Most Helpful Guys

  • Conventionally attractive women are lusted by many, and they know it. The vanity isn't seen as attractive by many men.

    Average women are approachable and likely have a much more down to earth personality that makes them much easier to be with long term. Besides, finding an average woman beautiful is a truly eye-opening experience for both of them.

    • Do you think that it's true about all attractive women?

    • No, as I've not met all 'attractive' women. But I've been with a few before I was married, and based on my experience, it's safer to avoid them as a general rule of thumb. Coupled with other men's experiences online, I found that I'm not alone with my experience. Besides, if a small handful of men are avoiding conventionally attractive women, I doubt they would notice.

  • That's a subjective statement tho, what might be attractive to one guy might be average to another and vice versa.
    So I doubt that guys in general will say this and even if they do, the definition and image of average and hot will change with each individual.

    • I agree

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What Girls & Guys Said

7 16
  • I find many men prefer genuine women over women who are flawless and perfect. I know a high status beauty queen that was dumped by her boyfriend for being too perfect.

  • It is so hard to answer because it is often in the eye of the beholder, I think sometimes one person thinks a woman is hot and somebody else actually finds her unattractive or even disgusting, like opinions can be FAR apart about women with really big boobs or booties. So that is one possible answer. I think the other most common answer is, a lot of guys don't think they can get the most in demand girls so there may be some sour grapes about preferring other girls. JMO!

  • I've never heard of that.

    But average women tend to be less narcissistic and high maintenance than hot women (who know and act they are hot).

  • I think its usually that normal women can be more attractive than model types, who are often too skinny and maybe not as sexy.

    Like they look great modelling clothes etc, but the average body girl is probably more sexually appealing.

  • We have better personalities that's why...

    • Not true

    • Usually it's true not always lol

  • So Group A is more hot then Group B, but Group B is “hotter? “ You lost me.

  • They feel intimidated

  • 😂😂😂😂😂

  • Because women's definition of hot is usually manufactured AF and looks fake, while men prefer to look at women who at least appear somewhat natural.

  • What men are saying that? LOL Hot can mean a lot of different things, and one man's "average" is not the same as another's. I can't offer a universal number or percentage, but my personal experience is this: if I talk to 10 women considered "hot" by cultural standards in my country, at least 7 of them will lose that designation once they speak! LOL

  • If they are hotter then they aren’t average, aren’t they!

  • I think that all female are all beautiful and all look great in there on way I think but doll I don't know a lot of stuff like that

  • Well, men have sex with hot woman, but marry average women.

    • Not true for everyone

  • Average Women love the affection for the guy.

  • Because many hot women know they're hot, and they only live by that, having either a shit personality, or none.
    While average women know they are liked by everyone, so they often have a better, more humble and nice, personality to go with it.

  • I haven’t heard this

  • hot girls have way more attitude.

  • Most average women don’t need to do as much to be hot

  • because they are less effort needs to be put in to looking a certain way

  • But average according to whom?

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