Women aren't sexually attracted to gender specific traits thus can't be straight?

A male body in of its self won't be sexually attractive to women, only emotional attraction does that, which by definition has nothing to do with sexual orientation
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Most Helpful Girls

  • Interesting point of view. But I gues you might be right - If I think back I was always sexually attracted to guys because of something they did, not only how they looked. I mean sometimes I am attracked to someone who is quite ugly, but so kind/witty/intelligent/thoughtful/etc. I am NEVER attracked to a picture, a video - yes - the image presented to me in a film or stg like that... On the other hand, I was never sex. attracted to a girl (I never thought, I´d make out with that one)... I can see other women as sexually attractive FOR GUYS, I can easily admit, someone is hot... And I can judge only for myself - so the hypothesis was interesting but your conclusion about straightness wrong :-)

    • You still aren't sexually attracted to gender specific traits, so you could just as easily be attracted to women

    • Lol at anyone who believes women are heterosexual, they are all bisexual, they consume 2.5 times as much lesbian porn as guys and it's is by far the most popular genre of porn to the female demographic (pornhub statistics,). "straight" women are also literally more aroused by the female body than the male body, indiana. edu/.../Chivers_Seto_Blanchard_2007. pdf (read that, it's scientifically sound proof). Playboy once did a test where women where aroused by a lap dance by both male and female strippers, while men where only aroused by female strippers. Most women will make out with other girls after minimal alcohol, and will be willing to do sexual things to another girl during an ffm threesome. Normally the thing that makes a girl want to have sex with a guy will be non physical, non gender specific traits and will need these non gender specific traits to feel sexual attraction to them in the first place.

    • Female sexuality is fluid while men have a hard wired sexual orientation. Anthropologists say women don't actually have a sexual orientation, just an amorphous mess based off sexual narcissistic self affirmation. Disagree with me if you want but there is far to much evidence (both scientific and anecdotal) to consider heterosexuality the female default, look up female sexual fluidity and see that anthropologists and neuroscientists agree with me (well I agree with them).

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  • If a woman says she's straight, she's straight. There's no such thing as gender specific traits. Most straight women find a male body sexually appealing. You don't need emotional attraction to get off to porn, it's the same concept. Not every woman feels the need to have an emotional connection to someone to find them sexually attractive. Women need foreplay and won't be aroused until after sex has started because unlike guys, we generally don't get an instant way to be sex-ready, we need a lot of foreplay to get our bodies into the right condition for intercourse.

    • (Women need foreplay and won't be aroused until after sex has started because unlike guys, we generally don't get an instant way to be sex-ready, we need a lot of foreplay to get our bodies into the right condition for intercourse.) Single virgin girls don't experience sexual arousal because of lack of foreplay?

  • No, that's not correct. I have a type of man I like best, so it's based on sexual attraction. I have to be sexually attracted to a man first, then friendship/dating, then emotions come into play. I'm a heterosexual--straight woman that is sexually attracted to men. Women's emotions aren't involved until dating or marriage. The question is a contradiction.

    • Do you experience sexual attraction/physical attraction when do you see attractive guys? (totally random guys whom you never meet before, just from seeing - visually)

    • @WindsurferXury yes I do. I can see if a man is handsome or hot, it's attraction.

Most Helpful Guys

  • Thats a lie. Women are attracted to masculine traits.

    How do women act around you?

    • Lol at anyone who believes women are heterosexual, they are all bisexual, they consume 2.5 times as much lesbian porn as guys and it's is by far the most popular genre of porn to the female demographic (pornhub statistics,). "straight" women are also literally more aroused by the female body than the male body, indiana. edu/.../Chivers_Seto_Blanchard_2007. pdf (read that, it's scientifically sound proof). Playboy once did a test where women where aroused by a lap dance by both male and female strippers, while men where only aroused by female strippers. Most women will make out with other girls after minimal alcohol, and will be willing to do sexual things to another girl during an ffm threesome. Normally the thing that makes a girl want to have sex with a guy will be non physical, non gender specific traits and will need these non gender specific traits to feel sexual attraction to them in the first place.

    • Female sexuality is fluid while men have a hard wired sexual orientation. Anthropologists say women don't actually have a sexual orientation, just an amorphous mess based off sexual narcissistic self affirmation. Disagree with me if you want but there is far to much evidence (both scientific and anecdotal) to consider heterosexuality the female default, look up female sexual fluidity and see that anthropologists and neuroscientists agree with me (well I agree with them)

    • No offense it's just that daveses is gay because he likes Anal. That's his logic. Let's just be nice to him, gay pride and all.

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  • You obviously have never been with a woman in your life haven't you?

    • Couldn't have put it better myself.

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21 16
  • This again 🙄

    • It's the truth though, are you aroused by the female body? lesbian porn? are you aroused by the male body?

    • Sooooo incredibly annoying. Like a fucking virus that just won't go away.

    • @Máiiréad infection spreads haha

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  • How about you stop trying to decide women when it's none of your damn business and you're wrong?

    • are you aroused by the female body? lesbian porn? are you aroused by the male body?

  • I prefer personality when making a decision of if I want to be with the guy or not, but I don't know where you got that info because I LOVE the male body. Hot DAMN.

    • Do you feel sexual attraction towards men before getting to know them?

  • I can't speak for anyone else, but I am attracted to gender specific traits.

    • Do you experience sexual attraction/physical attraction when do you see attractive guys? (totally random guys whom you never meet before, just from seeing - visually)

  • women ARE sexually attracted to gender specific traits.
    I for one am attracted to a male body... therefore I am straight.

    • Do you experience sexual attraction/physical attraction unless you form a strong emotional connection with someone? Girls say that they don't generally get aroused until after sexual activity has begun. They have to be emotionally attracted to someone before they have any kind of physical attraction to them. They never feel sexual attraction until they get to know them.

    • Yes. i feel sexual attraction towards men before getting to know them