Are most party girls promiscuous in nature?

whats your opinion to my question ? are most party girls and by party girls referring to type that goes out every weekend , parties / gets drunk and picks up guys . are these girls generally promiscuous in nature in terms of the kind of sexual relationships they have ? do they normally sleep around or do they just like to party and socialise ?
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Most Helpful Girls

  • Some are some aren't- everyone who parties isn't promiscuous. You can kinda tell from how they hold themselves, act and treat people around them.

    Promiscuous girls will sleep with you after you've paid them somewhat attention and bought them a drink.

    I go out and party yet I'm not promiscuous and hardly drink when I go out and even when I do drink I don't act suggestively.

    • yes it can be tough to deal at first , you sort of have to know the person well before you get a feel for if there like this . but often girls who dress really sexy are more likely to sleep around but some aren't and just like to look good , so there is no way to tell for sure . but I agree not all party girls are the same and some do have standards and more morals than rest

    • Exactly see how I didn't put how they dress, I like to dress nice which could be perceived as promiscuously dressed, but I'm nothing like that. Talk to them you'll find out their intentions soon enough. Intelligence can be a rarity sometimes.

  • It depends. You can be very sexual without being promiscuous. I don’t believe every party girl is being a whore all over town. She just likes to flirt and have fun

  • Im a partier but I don't sleep around even if I get really wasted. Its just never been my things. A lot do but not all

Most Helpful Guys

  • Someone ether is or is not promiscuous and that has nothing to do with them being a socialite. If they go out and pick up random guys, then yes, they're promiscuous. Other then that there is no bases for this question. You can't generalize varied individuals into having a predisposed characteristic trait; it's absurd.

    That's my opinion to your question.

    • the girl I was thinking about when I wrote this question was "promiscuous " in nature in terms of the guys she was meeting at bars , all seemed to be really random guys she didn't even know in real life but I'm not sure she was actually doing anything with them or ever had sex with any of them , she just seemed to be meeting a lot of guys

  • Most people that party are promiscuous. If they are drunk it raises the chances that they are. That is why clubs are a horrible place to go looking for a relationship.

    • Bingo.

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What Girls & Guys Said

3 3
  • If they're getting wasted , most likely yes...

  • obviously lol

  • Yes.

  • I've noticed the white girls are. But party people generally are promiscuous really.

  • Yeah I'd say most are. Certainly some aren't but the large majority are