Are there any people out there who actually DON'T CARE about Female Body Hair?

I mean, are there any guys who would totally be okay with it if their girlfriend (who had a nice body, pretty face, lovely hair, beautiful eyes, a great personality, etc.) did not use a razor? That means hair under the arms, on the legs, eyebrows, private areas... as is natural for a woman. Girls, would any of you prefer NOT to shave all the time? Do you ever feel like guys are superficial to only find us sexually attractive if we modify our natural bodies? Or is it required? What if a disaster hit, or you went camping for months, and no one could shave? Would you just prefer to be single?
Natural body hair can be sexy too! Even on females! I'm cool with it.
Vote A
No way - I want my girl bare everywhere, or no action between the sheets!
Vote B
I don't really mind too much, but I do need my girlfriend to shave her legs and underarms frequently.
Vote C
HAIR DOESN'T MATTER - love is beyond that, and sex is just love expressed in the ultimate way!
Vote D
I will still love her if she is hairy. I just won't want to have sex with her.
Vote E
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Most Helpful Girls

  • I would absolutely prefer not to. It's an enormous pain (sometimes literally- I have very sensitive skin). Men never seem to acknowledge the fact that yes, they are also expected to shave, but shaving just your face is nowhere near the trouble of shaving half the surface area of your entire body. It takes longer, it's more work, and to add insult to injury, you go through supplies at a faster rate meaning it's also more expensive. I would love it if men would stop taking women shaving for granted. It's actually a relatively new trend (although it's gone in and out of style I suppose), and men obviously never had a problem with it before they new any different. Women nzaturally have body hair so it's a misconception that body hair is masculine. Most women do have LESS body hair than men, but it depends on the individual, and these days even women with very little body hair are expected to shave it.

    That said, I sometimes prefer to shave because of how it looks or feels. But I hate feeling like people will think I look unattractive if I don't. When a guy has stubble on his face, he comes across as lazy at worst, but when girls have stubble on their bodies they are judged much more harshly. That's unfair.

    • It is painful for me too. I agree with you. Altho, I'm not a fan of guys with visible nose hairs or huge beards. So I can also see the other side of this. Or guys with long hair, I don't find that sexy. So in a way its just personal preference. But the small soft hairs that grow on womens legs... I don't think guys should make such a big deal. :(

  • I wish it weren't such an expectation for women to shave. I think choosing to shave or not should be a conscious choice, and women should have good reason to do that to their bodies. I don't think most women really give much of any thought to why they're actually doing it. However, being the social norm that it is, I do choose to shave, because, unfortunately, women who don't shave regularly are judged negatively on that basis.

    My sister stopped shaving a couple of years ago, but then again, she goes to an extremely liberal college where people are totally fine with that sort of thing.

    • Ooo, I wanna go to an extremely liberal college ! I agree with you that "choosing to shave or not should be a conscious choice" ... I wish guys could just find us sexy the way we naturally are.

    • yeah, definitely agree.

      I started reading this book a while ago:


      I never got around to finishing it, but it addressed this sort of thing, and I thought it made a good argument.

    • i go to an extremely liberal college. I have yet to meet any girls who don't shave.

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  • I don't. maybe because I see it as part of Biology.

    To be quite honest, guys don't really care about female body hair. If they really don't like it, they'll let the girl know. But for professional reasons, like guys, sometimes we are required to not have that much body hair, rather than because people really care about it.

    In guys defense, we girls, too, sometimes expect too much of guys, such as prefering them to be clean shaven rather than not. and quite frankly speaking, guys usually have to shave ALMOST EVERYDAY because their facial hair grows faster than girls hair.

Most Helpful Guys

  • I didn't vote because I'm on the fence on this issue. I absolutely love the made up look of women when they shave everything totally smooth and wear their fake painted nails, sometimes that look makes my heart skip beats and I experience a desire for them that is hard to describe but the girl I have a crush on right now is the opposite, she's a tomboy and she only shaves armpits and legs like once every six months but I'm so into her I don't care and just like her the way she is. So I guess I don't care if the girl has enough personality to lure me in but if she has a great personality and spends the time to be well groomed by today's standard I'll admit that is the hottest. It isn't fair that women are expected to live to these crazy standards though so that is why I'm on the fence on this.

    • Thank you for explaining your opinion in such detail. :)

  • I voted A but could have voted C...I have had unshaved females before and it wasn't unpleasant..I would really prefer her legs shaved...don't care too much about armpits and I think that shaving pubic hairs is dumb (altho I can understand why one might wish to trim) ...I know a lot of northern girls that get lax about shaving in the winter when always wearing long pants..

    • o those northern hotties

    • So you are Canadian eh? Do you know females that "skate" (lax on shaving) in the winter? I can sure see why they would...and my wife sure doesn't shave every day...should ask her how often (or seldom!)

    • I used to not shave my legs in the winter - I need the hairs, they keep me warm damnit! Not many other girls I know do this though. :(

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What Girls & Guys Said

9 11
  • I HATE body hair on myself. I shave unwanted body hair off because I want to. It's unattractive, looks bad and feels yucky. No, I don't find men superficial because they like when we keep ourselves groomed.

    Thumb down or boohoo over my different opinion, but I dislike body hair. unattractive and idgaf if it's natural

    • So do you like your man to have smooth sexy shaved legs/underarms/pubes?

    • Pubic hair is gross on everyone, but I don't mind it on my partner actually. I like when guys have leg hair

  • i voted c for my personal preference for myself and how I'm comfortable. I don't shave EVERYTHING but I shave mostly everything. honestly, I wouldn't want to not shave. I like that feeling of just having shaved when it's all smooth. I hate that stubbly feeling. it's itchy, gross, and just uncomfortable to me.

    • What about a guy with nice smooth shaved legs? Would that be attractive to you?

    • it wouldn't be stubbly if you just left it as it is. stubble only happens right after you shave.

    • QA-i don't really care much about body hair. I mean, it would be kind of atypical for a guy to shave his legs but hey if he wants to then I'm not gonna stop him lol beerY33-once you shave once, you can't go back so you'll have stubble forever if you stop shaving after having done it. and if you never shave you never get the smooth feeling either.

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  • I don't shave all the time. I shave when I feel like it and that hasn't posed a problem for me.

    • well that's good :)

  • I haven't shaved my legs or armpits in a month. It's nice and soft. People can say what they want about it, but aversion to body hair is something that has developed out of this specific culture, and (not to sound overly unconforming like "f*** society" or anything like that) I really don't care to adhere to a social norm that's a pain in the ass. I shave when I feel like it, not when I "should." Luckily, my boyfriend is one of the few guys who couldn't care less.

    • lucky girl! maybe I should try that for a month... I get such bad rashes when I shave it hurts and I don't see why I should have to... boys are stupid :P

    • Yeah, I'm not sure they realize what a hassle it is for some of us :P Are you shaving because your boyfriend strongly prefers it? Or are you single and shaving because guys in general prefer it?

    • I used to for my ex-bf and resented him requiring it of me. Newly single, I will now be shaving because I guys in general prefer it. Altho I was CONSIDERING leaving the hairs natural and seeing if I could meet someone who didn't care...

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  • it is horrid that we're expected to shave,it seems to me like it's encouraging pedophilia,since women aren't supposed to be hairless,only little girls are. society always wants women to look younger,bigger eyes,hairless bodies,''flawless'' skin-really,it's all sick,but now that it's considered the norm-we're f***ed,and we have to accept that we're f***ed.