That is a rather dumb, but self explanatory question.
It depends on the person. I am white and my preference is black guys and the penis is not a factor in that choice. I just have an attraction to these men and have had that attraction pretty much since I was a young teenager. I don't want to be judged for my choices and I don't judge others for the choices they make.
Women don't choose men because of the penis no matter what the color. That just happens to be a plus sometimes.
You have to remember that with very rare exceptions the penis is not the main thing we are looking for in a man.
Besides that if all the answers came back "black" what could or would you do about it? Spray paint or shoe polish isn't going to do the trick! LOL Just joshing with you0 3 1 3You act as if I care if they do all come back black? Personally IDC. Not a biggy to me.. I was just honestly curious.. as another women on here said (GOd forbid I'm curious about something??)
I like both, but I'm a lot more picky when it comes to white guys. I think white d***s only look nice when they're big. Otherwise, it's like sucking on a raw hot dog and it doesn't do it for me. They just aren't attractive. With black guys, even if they're not that big they still look hot, although big is better! I like both types of guys but if we're just talking about sex, and hooking up and all that they I generally tend to go for black d***s.
6 10 0 3Good girl good choice always black I love you but black men do love you
Me too
white, I guess. as long as it is big. Yo alpine, what's shakin'?
0 6 0 1:) thanks for being honest kimmi :) Not much you kimi? Haven't seen you in foreva miss ya :(. Big hug.
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when a penis is inside a girl, there is no light, so they are all black. lol. Why would color be a factor in what kind of penis a woman likes, with women, it usually matters to them who is the owner of the penis and not so much the penis itself.
2 9 0 0Lol @ they are all black.
I think most women care more about the size of a mans wallet than his dick unless they are prick happy sluts that is then I am sure they would go for a big black one!
0 0 0 1
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10 1White I guess, but just because I've usually been attracted to white guys. I've only seen a black penis in person once and that was when some homeless dude exposed himself to me.
1 4 0 1Awww... Nasty.... I can understand that then I guess...
Not like I hold that against black guys or something. That guy was just a bit crazy and your question reminded me of him.
I c Well the question wasn't intended to scare you and others for life lol ;). LOL.
I don't really mind, I date any type of guy - black, white, asian.it doesn't matter. Besides, to be honest, if you like the guy it shouldn't matter what colour his penis is!
0 5 0 2It's about personality first.
But if I wanted a f*** buddy or something then white.
I'm not racist, it's just a preference.1 5 2 2Thanks for the answer :).
the blacker the berry the sweeter the juice mmmmmmmmm
2 7 0 3♠️🤍🖤🤍🖤🤍♠️🐇🍆🦍♠️. MmMmMmM XsWeeTesT you said it best
my preference is white dick lol.duno why reli its just more appealing?
1 6 1 3Thanks for the answer :)
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