Brazilian wax, turn on or off?

Personally, I don't like hair. Unless its on my head or my eyebrows. I like to keep maintained and clean. So recently I've had a lot of time on my hands and I gave myself a Brazilian wax using a kit I bought at a local drugstore, came out really nice. I'm happy with it. I kind of wonder how my boyfriend will react, he's never really cared or showed that he cared. So as a guy (or as someone with a boyfriend) how do you feel about no pubic hair? As a girl (or someone with a girlfriend) have you ever done it? Would you? How would your boyfriend (or did he) react? Any comments or opinions are welcome. And thanks!
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If its a turn on or off could you explain a bit why?
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Most Helpful Guys

  • You are 100% my type of girl. No girl had ever said those words that match 100% with what I often say. OMG. I am so excited to read your question.

    I absolutely HATE pubic hair. I don't even agree with a trim. It is just not clean and it is disgusting.

    If you put Miss Universe in front of me and if I find any trace of hair on her pubes, or under her arms, or on her legs; I will tell her to get lost and go jump down a hill.

    THe only hair I can tolerate is arms ... that too, only if the girl has light or very think short hair.

    • Haha, thanks I am flattered and I agree completely. According to scientists hair has no purpose than to keep us warm, but that was back in the stone age days. Now it's just a hinderence I get frustrated when I'm not smooth. And have you actually watched the Miss Universe shows all the way? They lack a common sense. Regardless of hairiness I'd tell her to get lost.

    • Very glad to hear year response. Interesting to realize about the "keep warm" factor. I think that's true. As soon as my haircut is due, I start feeling uncomfortablely warm. (but I'm talking about the head... Hahaha). I just used the miss univ as an example .. Certainly I don't agree that they are the best women in the "universe". :) I hear what you mean. If you don't mind, please let us know how long and well the brazilian lasted. You may just drop a message if you feel. Once again, I'm year BIG fan.

  • Major turn on.

    I like the appearance.

    Performing oral sex is much nicer. (Yum!)

    Easier to keep clean. No hair to trap yeast & bacteria.

    During sex, there is a big increase in the transmission of body heat from the vulva. I enjoy the hotter sensation.

    • I love the cleaniness factor.

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What Girls & Guys Said

1 8
  • Turn on, because of increased sensation. And visually the vagina isn't hiding behind a beard, easier to see and get turned on.

  • It's very nice to be able to go down on a woman for an extended time and not get your face rubbed raw by pubes. Some women report increased sensation during penetration as well. It's also easier to keep clean smelling as hair retains odors. I've shaved women as well, they seem to enjoy the attention/personal grooming and it usually ends in great sex.

    • Thanks for the precise answer. And really, increased sensation during penetration?

  • Well, not sure how much your boyfriend likes cunnilingus but a bald floor is very nice. I'd shave my face more often before going down because it feels better than irritating her inner thighs with scruff.

    • Sadly he doesn't go there. Lol, maybe after this he will?

    • That's too bad. I'd be offended if I couldn't go down on her.

    • I suppose that makes you one of the few that do..? Or maybe him one of the few that don't.

  • Personally I find it a bit of a turn on, but I really wouldn't be turned off by a girl having hair down there. I've done it myself, too - and my boy/girlfriends seemed to like it. =P

    • @Update Well it makes you a little more visible down there, and that's always nice to see. Plus, the smooth feeling is always really nice. =D

    • Thanks! :D

  • turn on for sure