Can I still get an abortion?

I'm 6 months pregnant, almost 7 months and I really want one. I don't like being pregnant and I don't like this thing and I want it gone and out of me. It kicks all the time and annoys the crap out of me and its evil.
+1 y
i'm not depressed I just hate children
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Most Helpful Guys

  • If you don't like being pregnant, why did you have sex?

    There is always a risk when sex takes place.

    And please don't abort.

    You should take responsibility for your actions. Pregnancy is a symptom of sex, except one famous scenario mentioned in a book you don't want to hear about (yes, The Bible! -- the book that teaches ya'll conduct above a trailer park, but you don't want to read that -- assuming you can read..AND can go against the flow/have a thought of your own. So go play 'catch syph' with one of your dozen co-'mind'ers, and when you can't find a cure for the disease you acquire. and your Valentine's-large-red-sort-of-symmetrical shape is broken, come back to church. We got faith healers and counselors.

    And not to make-this-oh-my-this-is-long post longer, but then you can be having truly safe and loving sex in abundance with a man you actually know beyond less than a handful of dates -- gasp! Now, I understand that might scare the decaying, near-criminal degenerates that reside on welfare away, but it might also 'save' many.

    Please repent of your sins and accept Jesus Christ as your one and only personal saviour. Amen (yes, this is actually an advertisement for Jesus C).

  • Flights of stairs link

    • i tried that already. but it didn't work. I'm just gonna use the drug to cause a miscarriage and it will kill the thing.

    • Sounds super

    • At almost 7 months, that just may cause an early birth and an injured mother. Not much more

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Most Helpful Girls

  • I'm sorry to say there is really not much you can do this close to term. While a late tern abortion is possible late term abortions (12-24 weeks) are banned in most countries with few exceptions such as the pregnancy poses a risk to the life of the mother. And not always then are they legal. Moreover even if you are able to get a late term abortion there is grave risks to your health (i.e. sepsis, heavy hemorrhaging, perforation or rupture of the uterus). So ask yourself do you want to end this pregnancy more than you want to live. You seem to be a smart enough girl you know where babies come from get on the pill or use a condom . And next time be more responsible. Two words emergency contraception. Next time if you chose to have unprotected sex at least use emergency contraception afterward. If this pregnancy is the result of rape there are lots of foundations and organizations that can help you. Good luck to you and your baby may you both get the help you desperately need.

    • P.S the abortion pill you mentioned is also extremely dangerous as well you'll be risking infection and massive hemorrhaging by taking it. Not to mention the pain they will induce as they cause the uterus to contract it may feel worse than actual giving birth.

    • It's way too late to use Mifepristone (the RU 486) and RU 486 is absolutely NOT the same as the morning after pill (levenorgestrel or both estrogen and progestin ) completely different molecules, completely different action, at a completely different stadium.

    • Of course, it's way too late to even consider the morning after pill.

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  • So you got pregnant and you hate children this makes tons of sense. Its too late for an abortion I would do adaption if you really don't want it. This is so sad to think that someone does not want there child :( I'm a teacher and this just makes me want to cry because children are my life. They keep you young and are so much fun. Anyone who does not like kids knows nothing about them and has never experienced there joy. If you closed your legs or used protection you would not have this problem now would you. I love kids like I said but I'm not sure if I want them so I'm not going to get pregnant. By now your baby should be fully grown and I hope that he or she is loved more then this.

  • The fact that it kicks you means that it's not only alive, but it has legs. This baby is pretty much fully developed. You don't want an abortion; you want to murder. I'm sure you're not the kind of person who kills any person who annoys her.

    Stick out the rest of the pregnancy, give the child up for adoption, and then never get pregnant again. Get your tubes tied if you want. Anything to spare more children from your selfishness.

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  • Legally no.

    If you try to induce some sort of miscarriage, you're more likely just to cause the baby to have developmental disabilities. I mean, serious problems that will plague it for life. I'm fine with abortion, but if you cause a kid to be born with disabilities because you were too stupid to get it done at the appropriate time, that makes you a monster, and you ought to be charged, found guilty, shot, and left to rot.

    You were dumb as hell for not dealing with it sooner if you didn't want a kid. Now, just keep yourself healthy and deliver a healthy baby and put it up for adoption if you don't want it.

    • nope. I'm gonna cause a miscarriage no matter what.

    • You know that it's a foot long and weighs two pounds now, right? You'll have to birth it. That means you'll probably have to explain yourself to a doctor. At this point it's less of a miscarriage and more of a fetal death or stillbirth. Oh, and you run the risk of doing serious damage to yourself too, so it's kind of suicidal on your part.

    • Did some reading, and just FYI, the pills you keep talking about likely wouldn't work in your case. Your baby is too developed to simply miscarry, so the pills would more than likely just induce labor. Seems like a good way to screw things up. Just let a doctor deal with it appropriately.

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  • I really hope that you're not serious about this? If you are, then

    that makes me very sad. I just wonder, if you hate kids and you

    clearly know where babies come from. Why did you have sex in the first

    place? Or why not just take the preventive measures to advoid

    getting pregant? Don't you think that would have been the more

    responsible thing to do? Also, why are you so hell bent on killing

    a innocent little baby, that didn't ask to be created? There has

    to be a reason, I mean I know people can be evil, but this just

    seems very extreme?! I love kids and I can't understand how

    anybody could hate them!

    • kids suck

    • Say's you! Your not the only woman to hate children, but you are the only woman (I know of) who's willing to kill the child when it's almost ready to be born. Also, I assuming the baby has a daddy? So, how does he feel about you killing his kid?

    • who gives a f*** what he thinks. its my body. and I don't want thing in me he can't say sh*t.

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  • It is illegal to have an abortion at this point . Your only option is giving birth and just leave the baby at the hospital where they will ensure a safe home for the baby.

  • Give the kid up for adoption just because you don't want this beautiful angel doesn't mean someone who can't have a kid wouldn't want your child.

    • eww. babies are ugly. I'm killing it, no matter what.

    • next time condomise if babies are so ugly to you...ur trolling

  • You better be trolling around.

    No, you can't because it is too late.

    If you really don't want to keep the baby, wait till you give birth. Put the baby up for adoption so a nice family can have the little angel.

    "Evil."... hahahaha.

    • i'm just gonna by a miscarriage pill

    • lol... I call bullsh*t.

    • don't care. either way this thing is coming out now. dead or alive.

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    • probably what's going on. Nobody can be this dumb

    • she hates kids but she stayed pregnant for 7 months link

    • Exactly.

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  • If you hate kids and your poor and innocent unborn child, then have protected f***ing sex.

  • People really ought to stop attacking you. I have very little sympathy for anyone, but I honestly think people with important questions like yours should not be chastised for it.

    Basically, I don't have much sympathy for you either, but people should at least just give you honest answers and stop the bashing. It's pretty messed up, and I'm sort of a cold person.

    • its true but I do think the one below your answer is pretty funny

    • I do NOT attack the question asker.

  • how f***ing retarded do you gotta be to wait till the baby is about to be born to decide you want one? Feel bad for the baby. Created by an idiot, carried by an idiot, and has the genetics of an idiot.

    • don't judge me. this is my choice!

    • I only judge stupidity. Shoulda gotten it done 5 months ago. This child has zero hope even if you did want it.

    • i didn't have the money then. which is why I'm in a hurry to get it done now.

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  • No, legally you can't.

  • No...its murder..not allowed usually anyway at this point

  • Children aren't evil and if you don't like/want children you shouldn't have had unprotected sex

  • You're an insane bitch. Think I meant to say witch. So very tempted to say that I hope you die in the process of killing your baby. Yo mama should have aborted you. That's 4 sure

    • yeah she should've. then she wouldn't have turned out to be such a fat bitch

  • Selfish bitch.

  • You sound like your under some stress related to how far along you are. You cannot get an abortion this late, but lots of family's want babies so you should look into adoption. I'll be praying for you, and your baby.

  • too little to late, looks like your gonna have to give painful birth to the evil spawn you say your carrying, oh gosh the baby is kicking...bad...bad baby.

    yeah I bet your mother hated you round that time of pregnancy too and was thinking the same thing.

    god pregnancy can be a bitch eh lol but your gonna have to have the painful birth of Damien under the full moon and hand it to satan for it to be the new lord of hell.

    • nope. I'm gonna cause a miscarriage that will kill the baby.

    • It's more likely to hurt you than kill the baby.

    • its dead. I miscarried. hard works pays off

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  • The sad thing is, this probably isn't even a troll.

  • This question should have been titled "Can I legally kill my baby now that it's almost fully grown?"

    You're an evil bitch.

    • LOL "evil bitch." I love it.

    • who cares what the title. just answer the question

    • Lol

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  • If you hate kids, why did you wait till now to decide you wanted an abortion? some places you can get partial birth abortions where they deliver the baby (only as much as the head) jam tools (like scissors) into the skull, then they insert a tube which is connected to a vacuum like thing that sucks out the brain! this is illegal in most places for obvious reasons! but if you live in America they have a law (in many states I believe) where within 72 hours after birth you can take a baby to a hosptal, fire department, ER, Police station hand the baby to a person tell them you don't want it and they will take care of it and place it in foster care for you! nsa, anonymous and confidential!

    • do you know where they allow partial birth abortions

    • I wouldn't recommend an abortion at this stage a lot of times it causes infertility and problems down the road (obviously you don't want kids) and there is a higher risk of something going wrong! by the way if you try to have a miscarriage you know a baby can live outside the womb at this point, sooo...?

    • not if I leave it to die.

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  • I don't know about anybody else...but I think this a troll. If it is for real...that you are a very sick individual.

    • i'm not sick. I just don't like kids.

    • you're sick or a troll. seek mental help. I hate stupid people but should we go execute all stupid people?

    • Then why did you get pregnant? I know accidents happen. Did you just recently stop liking kids? Why didn't you have an abortion as soon as you found out. And do not tell me that you just found out you were pregnant. I have had two kids. Personally...I think that you are just a troll looking for attention. At least I hope you are a troll...and not evil like you sound.

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