Do girls like guys moaning?

I know a lot of men probably don't moan but when it does happen, does it turn girls on more? Do girls like when guys moan? Should guys moan more often? Now since I asked such a gay question, I'm going to go do something manly like hit myself in the head with a frying pan and knock on my chest with my fists and scream.
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Most Helpful Girls

  • Yaaaaaasssss! Women love it, I love groaning, moaning and whimpering and that airy groaning talk men do like " oh baby you feel so good" it's a turn on and it just makes me more enthused to please the man. I think also when women hear men moan , their dominating trait comes and then she wants to take control and watch you unravel. I love it when he groans in my ear, or when I watch his face with signs of pleasure and he is moaning or when his forehead is on mine and our mouths are barely touching and I can feel the heavy breathing on my mouth. That sir is a yes! Do it more. I don't know why guys are afraid to moan, girls love men continue to do it or try. It will make your sex life better and her more enthused to have more sex I mean who wants to have sex with someone who isn't showing signs of being into it? Noone groan and moan more , garauntee you she will want to be on to a lot more. Just to hear you unravel, however no screaming! I've never heard a woman say she is turned on by her man screaming.

  • God, I love love love love love love love when my baby moans. He use to be mean and get me horny in the middle of school. Like in the halls he would kiss me and pick me up then would say something like "Baby, I wanna f*** you" then he would moan in my ear. ((I guess it turns him on knowing I want it)) lol it use to piss me off because I'd get all horny and I hated it because we were in the middle of the hallway and there was nothing I could do about it. lol He does it when were on the phone too. During sex he doesn't do it alot. He usually just moans during oral sex sometimes. lol only because I told him it turned me on. haha but hey, if it works do it right? lol

    Moaning defiantly turns me on, I know that for sure.

    I don' t know if I helped any, I'm just going on about moaning lol

    btw. So you don't think I'm like 15.

    I'm 17 and a junior. haha

    • I just had to add. These chicks are right. Breathing heavy is like the sexiest thing ever. and... You have really smexy eyes. =] lol sorry. I had to sayy it.

  • Completely yes. As long as it's not over the top or screaming, it's very attractive. Usually breathing heavily and (some) forms of whimpering are really attractive, too.

    • Thank you, I wasn't wrong about what I was thinking. I let out some moans during sex and after were done I'd go to the kitchen to smoke a cigarette and then I'd think "what if she thinks somethings wrong with me cause I let out a few groans, meh."

    • Why don't you try asking her what she prefers? Most women have specific preferences.

    • I wouldn't know how to phrase it so it wouldn't sound weird lol.

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Most Helpful Guys

  • i agree with what melissa wrote. moaning lets your partner know what you like. if your a girl or guy.

    but ya its awkward for some reason to moan and as a guy it is especially if the girl isnt. but if the girl is then I do sometimes and any girl that has heard says its hot.

    i think its hot when girls moan. so I guess girls think its hot when guys moan. well from my experience girls like it.

    every girl has their preference though so ya I don't know what moaning would be hot and what wouldn't be.

    oh and not a gay question. or am I gay for answering? ahah oh well. ya its awkward to moan at first but just let it happen I guess and your girl with probly comment on it afterward. or maybe during!

  • Ok so i honestly only heard about guys moaning recently, now this is coming from someone of less experiance if your picking up what im putting down, so i can't tell you how girls feel about it however i can say i used to be silent while masterbating as i imagine all guys are but i saw this and wondered if i could naturally moan and so i tried and to my surprise it felt amazing and relieving and i dont think I've ever came harder or had gotten more pleasure, i dont understand it but im not gonna question it, and if a guy is reading this thats always silent, id say give it the ol college try

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  • I think guys don't vocalize enough. Most of the guys I've been with a quiet during sex, although I'm not sure why it is guys seem to be more quiet than many girls. But moaning, groaning, even a sigh are ways for us to be able to tell you're enjoying yourself insteadd of having to guess when you're being quiet.

  • A man moaning is hot. A man screaming, not so hot. lol.

  • I think its hot! Most guys won't do it .or it takes a lot but, when I hear them make any kind of noise it just makes me want to do whatever I'm doin.better :)

  • I love it when a guy is vocal about what he's feeling! It gives me more confidence and it directs me in the right direction :)

  • I like to talk a bit during sex. But don't moan if it isn't naturally coming out that way.

    Talking dirty is awesome though. Tell her she's sexy during sex. Tell her you love her body. I like to talk dirty out of sex too. I'll text my girlfriend while she's at work and tell her that when she gets home I'm going to rip her clothes off. She says it keeps her hot all day.