Gagging blow jobs?

I just saw a porn where the guy gagged the girl with his penis. It didn't seem like it even felt good, it seemed like he just wanted to choke her. She was crying and her makeup was running and everything. At a few points, I thought she was going to puke. And the guy was so cruel. When she choked he'd compliment her and jam it in harder. And at one point he asked if her father had ever done this to her. I don't really understand this. Guys, have you ever done this to a girl? If so, why did you do it? And girls, have you ever let a guy do this to you? Why, what did you get out of it? Did you like that he was trying to make you choke, or did you just like the idea that he was too big for you or something? I'm really curious how common this is, so I'll do a poll.
Guys, yes I have gagged a girl.
Vote A
Guys, no I've never purposely gagged a girl
Vote B
Girls, yes I've let a guy gag me
Vote C
Girls, no, I've never let a guy gag me
Vote D
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Most Helpful Girls

  • No, can't say I ever have purposely gagged a girl? Then again most can take me all the way down anyhow. I'm only 6"s? Although, ya, I've seen that a lot in porn, and ya I think your right. It's a superior thing. They do it cause it makes them feel like they are huge which makes them feel better about themselves. Who knows about what the girl does it for? $ I'd say. Them girls make good money to do what they do, and we as camera guys usually tell them what to do. Sometimes if you turn up the volume way high you can maybe catch part of his voice telling them what to do for his movie, that is if he didn't edit it good enough. Maybe the girl did enjoy it, who knows, a lot of girls like really rough mean sex like that you'd be surprised. A lot of the girls that get into that rough sex, like to be choked anyhow like with hands etc. Sounds nuts but true, so maybe its just she likes it rough? Maybe the reason she likes it that way is what you said, "because it's too big for her to handle all of it, and she has to gag and realize wow its huge!" Dunno, but that very well could be? Not a girl can't answer that for them. Only they truly know why "they" like it.

  • Okay well, I let my husband do this to me, but he is gentle. He is not cruel. I hang my head over the side of the bed to get my throat aligned. It goes down so much easier that way. You have to have some experience in controllig your throat reflexes and breathing. I love how my husbands **** throbs in my throat. He doesn't force it in.he eases his way into it. It takes communication. He watches my face and sees if I am okay. It a wonderful feeling especially when he cums and it hits the back of my throat. My husbands the best and its one of those acts if done respectfully can bring a couple even closer together.

    Come over to my profile and anwers one of my questions.

    • Well hell, it sounds pretty hot the way you do it. I could handle that. The porn was a different thing, though.

  • I have never let a guy do this and I don't think I would. I think it is degrading and cruel, and why would I want to be with someone who acted that way toward me? If we agreed to it ahead of time as part of our play, that would be one thing. But a sneak attack like that is more likely to end up with me either choking, puking, or just biting him in revenge. And then I would leave. If a guy's idea of a good time is to surprise me by doing something humiliating or painful, then I don't want him. I think sexual activities should be fun and rewarding for both parties, not one taking advantage of or damaging the other in some way.

    • I didn't mean like a sneak attack. I meant like you knew it would happen.

    • Oh, okay. I might allow it then if we had agreed to it ahead of time.

  • I've been gagged before, but it wasn't like a problem.

    It made my eyes water a lot.

    I think I was gagging because his penis was big and I deeped him.

    He was like throat f***ing me practically.

    He really seemed to like it, I don't know why.

    I didn't get anything out of it, but he got pleasure from it

Most Helpful Guy

  • Well this type of video might be a turn on for guys. They might want to do that to a girl but would feel crappy if they actually went through with it. I have not intentionally gagged a girl but I do tend to thrust a bit when it feels good. I will also admit that to a guy it feels really good if she does deepthroat. Something about it tightening up between the roof of the mouth and tongue. Also the most sensitive part is the tip so that adds to the experience. If a woman wraps her hand around the base of the shaft and moves her hand with her head, it will feel very good to him and not gag her.

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  • if a man ever attempts to ram his penis down my throat I'll bite it off. I do not like the gagging feeling. I remember my ex was telling me how his buddy got his girlfriend to deep throat him. I was like, good for her but you ain't getting that from me. He was like, well, the gag reflex will eventually go away with practice. I told him, perhaps you should find someone else to practice with.

    • Do you think that's harsh if it's something he really wants to do? Assuming you care about him, don't you want to be the one who makes him happy, and not have it be some other chick? I don't know, I think I would at least attempt anything my lovely boyfriend really wanted. I'm not saying I'd keep doing it if it was totally awful, but I'd keep an open mind. I don't want him to look at other girls and think that maybe they would do whatever I wouldn't.

    • I don't think it's harsh. Because this is something that is completely outside of my comfort level and he knew that. He kept asking in attempts to partly change my mind but mostly to annoy me. I have kept an open mind about the other stuff that he really want to do. This just happens to be something that I will not do, I know my limit. He "accidentally" let pushed himself pushed too far and I gagged and I got really mad.

  • I hope guys don't do this. But I'm assuming if there are any who do, they get some sense of power/domination out of it. It sounds disgusting.

    But uh, it was just a porno. You never know, the girl might have been able to deep-throat and was just putting on a show. Don't take it too seriously.

  • Like you said it was a porn flick. They get paid to do those things for the effect it has on viewers! I doubt that even the actors in those flicks would do that to there real life partners.

  • Hell no that's absoluteley disgusting! Blah!

  • welcome to the world of porn don't worry it a film it rarely happens unless the guy is raping the girl

    • Yikes, okay, no I definitely meant consensual sex. And I wasn't worried, just curious.

    • I see I see well as I said it rarely happens or the girl will kick his ass

    • Why are you shouting?