I know you said girls, but I'm throwing my answer in too. Technically, sex is awful without lube. Luckily, if you spend time getting her ready (lots of foreplay), she should supply all the natural lube you need. But, I assume you are meaning lube from a tube--guess I should qualify, plastic tube. I've only ever found the need if she's having an off day or we've gone for a looooong time. Some girls say they need extra lube if your luge is huge. Yes, the slipperier (real word?-- GW Bush moment) it is the longer it takes me to finish. Have gotten so slippery I tired out before orgasm. That sucked! Hope this helps.
0 1 0 1Usually a woman doesn't need lube for vaginal sex. If he takes the time to work her up (about 20 min usually) then thing are already good to go. Wouldn't a guy want to test the 'water' before diving in?
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Most Helpful Girls
It depends on the girl, some of us never actually need it, many of us use it from time to time as needed or to spice things up etc. and some of us, and i have to admit i am one, use it most if not all of the time, i can and do get wet, but i find i can't always stay wet or at least wet enough, and that makes it less pleasurable and often leaves me sore after so a little bit of lube is a very small price to play for more enjoyment and not having to suffer after either
0 0 0 0Well since normally girls are on the pill if no condom is involved, we get dried out. I touched lube once and it felt like my natural juices. I've only used it once during sex. He put it only on him so it felt weird and kinda cold lol. I would much prefer my own juices.
0 0 0 0sometimes, the sensational kinds, it's spices things up :)
0 1 0 0I bought the regular and the tingly one, do you enjoy it more with it?
Lube is deffinitely a plus, and it doesn't mean the girl can't get wet, we just like the feeling. I enjoy it more, it makes it more pleasurable, and a little interesting :P
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