Girls, raping a it possible?

Have you ever thought that sexually obsessed girls with any guy/guys can even have fantasy of raping him/them. is it possible to rape a guy?under what circumstance and how? I never believed that a girl or a group of girls can rape a guy/guys,I thought its impossible...but the stories of rape of boys by girls coming from Pakistan,Bangladesh and China are never know,might start in India as well. Girls can rape a guy at gunpoint or threatening life by other means but not just by force, as guys can...but its only rape if a guy never enjoys a bit of it...what do you think? Did anyone of you ever have such a rapist feeling towards any guy/guys.?
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Most Helpful Girls

  • Guys can totally be raped.

    A lot of people make the argument that "he had a hard-on, he totally wanted it" or "it's not rape if you came, cause that meant you enjoyed it." That's total bull. The body is set to respond to certain sensations; a woman who knows what she's doing can make a guy get an erection, AND make him cum, even if he doesn't want to.

    A lot of people, including guys, claim that "guys always want it, so it can't be rape unless you peg him in the ass and/or the girl's really ugly." That's also complete bull. We're not talking your average rape fantasies here, where the sex is perhaps a little rough and foreful but all in all it's really erotic and pleasurable. That's not real life at all. Rape, when it happens to you, is ANYTHING but sexy and enjoyable. It's scary, it's sick, it makes you feel completely powerless.

    Even though girls often have more problems physically overpowering guys, there are other ways. You could get him drunk, or drug him, or just overwhelm him with numbers, or threaten him with a knife or a gun... There are PLENTY of ways.

    This entire "guys can't be raped" mentality is really harmful, and it means a lot of guys who have been raped aren't taken seriously.

    While a lot of women who get raped are scared of reporting it because they fear the consequences, guys get it WORSE. I mean where women often get the "it's her own fault, she totally wanted it, she deserved it because she provoked him, she was wearing too little clothing, she's just lying about being raped cause she's an evil bitch" accusations thrown at them, at least we're more likely to be believed and get the sympathy and help we need than men are. Just look at all the "he can't be a real man if he couldn't fight off a GIRL" or "he clearly wanted it cause he's a MAN and all men want it all the time" comments you see whenever you hear about a man being raped.

  • I know of a girl that literally tried to force my friend to have sex. She got into bed w/him naked & took his boxers down & tried to rape him. @ 1st he laughed it off but then had to push her out of bed. She begged him for sex, but he said no & she stormed back to her room.

    She's admitted it too.

  • A guy can be raped but in the ass.
    The girl could put him to sleep by putting a pill in his drink. To then realise her fantasy which is to rim and peg him.. Fit things in his butthole and cum while pegging him

Most Helpful Guys

  • Of course guys can be raped, its likely a bit less common (I don't know the exact stats), plus I bet more guys are less likely to report it than women since it makes them look like a p**** who doesn't like sex.

    One of the reasons I think men are viewed as unable to be raped is because our view of rape is very narrow minded. We have been taught to believe that rape involves "physical" force and physical force only. Typically this is the preferred method of rape for a man. Obviously women in most instances would have a hard time physically forcing a guy to have sex. Women use other methods like blackmail, which isn't traditionally viewed as rape, however if the guy is coerced into having sex when he otherwise wouldn't have, that's rape.

    Just as an added note, I have a male friend who was once rapped in college. He was at a party and had some girl that he wasn't interested in hitting on him. The next thing he knew, he's waking up next to her naked with no recollection of what happened. Obviously he thinks he was ruffied.

    I also have another friend who had a girl who wanted to be FWB's with him but he being smart and not being attracted to her, voted against it because he knew it would cause drama. She went as far as stealing his credit card once and refusing to give it back until he let her come over and have sex with him. She eventually brought it over and he refused to let her inside.

    Again, my point is women definitely try to force there way into sex with men as well, they just have more unorthodox methods of doing so.

    • very good insight that...yes being fed drugs and having sex is rape.


  • Not with any. I had two girlfiends with whom I am able to have those fantasies. They loved rough sex and we actually accidentally came to the raping part and it was just an erotic fantasy, like a dominated rough sex betwen two lovers. If guy is open minded he can let his girlfriend to "rape" him.

    But when we talk about real world issues and real rape, then yes it is possible. It hapoens rarely but still it happens. Use of chloroform, knife, gun... pick one option. You would be amazed how much in US you have cases that females rape males. It is not only asia and middle east.

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2 7
  • it is possible, but he would need to be tied up.

  • Guys can be raped just like girls. A girl can overpower a guy. If she can't she would need to get him drunk, tie him up, and then do it. Either way, a girl can rape a guy. It has been done in the past, and it will be done in the future.

  • When I was 13, I was abducted, chained to a bed for 3 days, repeatedly forced to have sex with women and animals, burned badly and nearly killed. It can and does happen, even in your country.

  • Yes , this has happened with me. I was raped by a woman few months back.

  • It's possible but most guys wouldn't resist much if the girls who attacked them were hot ;)