What is wrong with you people! What is so horrible about this I don't get it.. I mean he is just a guy and you never know maybe this could be a start to something.. Why do you all have to be weird and rude about it.. Its simple, if you re not planning on dating the guy or actually sleeping with him again then don't tell your brother untill you think its right.. Even if years go by.. But if you re planning on something here then yeah keep it a secret till you know what's on the table.
0 0 0 0you have to hold onto the embarrassment and guilt, sharing it with your brother only puts that on him and gives you some comfort. I do agree if he asked you should tell him, as you don't want to lie on top of it all, but he's probably close to figuring it all out at that point.
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WHy is it embarrasing? It's your brother's friend. Who better to sleep with for you then someone your brother knows pretty good. At least he'll probably respect you more because you are his best friend's sister.
0 0 0 0It's embarrasing because I've known him all my life and will still be around a lot, that's awkward
I see. Well, you must have some attraction to him for some reason that you haven't really come to terms with. Or you are just comfortable with him for knowing him for so long. I don't think it's a big deal if you don't tell your brother about what happened. Maybe say something to your brother like, is your friend gay because I've never seen him with anyone. then he'll say something like, no he has a girlfriend or no, he just hasn't found the right person yet. Who knows he might say..
after that you two known each other for a long time. Why don't you guys hook up and surprise you. Or maybe just if you do like his friend, hang with him like a date sort of and see what he's like. Then if he's a douche then just forget the night happened. If he isn't then you can tell your brother that you are interested in his friend and he treats me really well. Your brother won't mind because it's a guy he knows that treats you well. He'll probably be harder on his friend than you.
Who you sleep with is none of your brother's business. Do you plan on telling your brother about everyone you sleep with? Let it go and keep it to yourself.
0 0 0 0I wouldn't tell him about everyone I slept with, but I only had longterm boyfriends so far, so it had never been an issue
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1 3Don't tell you brother, but if he asks just tell through truth
0 0 0 0Don't tell him, there's no point. Just don't do it again.
0 1 0 0You sure it wasn't roofies?
0 0 0 0I don't think he would do something like that, I've known him all my life
oh id be so pissed, id do all your friends and "break-up" with my "friend"
0 4 0 0word.
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