HELP Girls & Boys: He doesn't want to pull out ... What does that mean?!?

So me and my boyfriend decided to talk about sex before we made love, and while we were talking he said he doesn't want to pull out. Does that mean he wants to "cum" inside me? Does that bring a certain pleasure to men? Does it feel good for a woman? Anything will help thank you !
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Most Helpful Guys

  • It should be YOU that makes the decision of whether he pulls out of not or whether he wears a condom or not! It's your body, not his, and it's YOU that can get pregnant, not him! It really shouldn't make any difference if it feels better to a guy or not. It's what you call having unprotected sex. If your boyfriend doesn't have anymore concern than that for you nor is willing to take the responsibility that's necessary before you let a guy have sex with you, then I'd say he doesn't make for a great boyfriend. Yes it means he wants to come in you, and that should be reserved for a guy that's your husband or someone you plan to live with and have children. Or someone you're absolutely sure doesn't have any STD's. I doubt if it feels any better to a girl, but I won't answer for them. It feels a little better to man but that's mostly in their heads.

    • I mostly like your answers, but I partially disagree here. This is precisely the thing a couple should discuss before becoming sexually active together as it is a mutual activity and a mutual decision. Now if it is still a relatively shallow relationship destined for only the short-term then SHE should absolutely be THE final say. The fact that she said BOYFRIEND though makes your recommendation so much more important because of the notoriously short length and shallow commitment of boyfriend/girlfriend rel

    • Right... but she did say they were talking abou it and it was him that said he didn't want to pull out before he came. So I said that was her decision to make, not his. Now if she was on BC it might be okay with her to let him, and then again she might say no way. But the girl should always have the final say as far as any guy cumming in her other than her husband. But it can't be a mutual decision because it's her that needs the protection, not him, so she doesn't need that hasstle.

    • Well, if they aren't wearing a condom in the first place it won't matter because she is already exposed to pregnancy and STDs whether or not he pulls out because fluid is exchanged well before orgasm. If they are wearing a condom then it won't matter either because they will be (more) protected from pregnancy and STDs. So it mostly comes down to preference about clean up. More important is condom or no condom--in these cases I say a condom is a must.

  • Believe it or not that is the normal way of doing things--that is what our bodies were designed to do. It kind of diminishes the orgasm to pull out and stop right when you are getting to the peak. Also, unless your primary concern is clean-up, it's already too late if you are worried about any sperm entering your vagina. Plus, if you haven't come yet, well it's pretty much over for you because that will be the end of it for him (for a while at least).

    If you are concerned about pregnancy, then he should not enter you at all unless he has a condom or you are on birth control. Pull-out is a notoriously BAD form of pregnancy prevention.

Most Helpful Girl

  • IT means that he wants to come inside you and in case you don't want to get pregnant make him where a condom. He can keep it in there as long as he wants with a condom on. You should talk more about this with him and really get to know his intentions because he might WANT to get you pregnant.

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  • Yeah pretty much, he wants to come inside you but dudes only pull out when they're going raw or excuse me for a better definition when you don't use protection. No matter what as a woman, you gotta insist, no demand that he wear protection. Not only for safety but also so you don't have a kid you're not prepared for.

  • go on birth control and he can come inside you. rawdog feels better for girls and guys