Horny virgin girl?

I'm a 19 yo girl who has never dated, never been kissed, never had sex, and never even held a guy's hand. I've always had low self-esteem, even though many people have told me I'm quite pretty and intelligent. Ugh, stupid hormones are leaving me horny for more time than I would like- especially since I have no one to share an intimate experience with. Do you feel that this makes me less of a "good-girl" so to speak? I mean I've always kept up the innocent appearance and never went to any parties, never drank, never smoked, never did anything. I'm completely virginal and pure on the outside and craving male companionship on the inside. I feel bad and kinda dirty- like a porno cliché of the naughty catholic schoolgirl. What does this make me?
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Most Helpful Guys

  • Thats not a problem at all, beleive me you got nothing to worry about. these are natural feelings and everybody gets them, some more than others. You are who you are and you don't need to attain an idealistic standard if it isn't you. any guy that wants someone who is fake is not right for you anyway. just know that everyone gets these thoughts, its not going to make you any less or any more a "good girl". In fact its probably to be expected that at the moment your hormones are all over the place and its not so easy to control. But just know your in no hurry, a decent guy isn't going to care about any previous experience.

    You don't need experience to get with a guy, just find one that shares a common ground with you. someone who has similar likes and dislikes and you get along with is an ideal guy to look for, basically just someone that you are comfertable with is best. I think the insecurities you have lie in the fact that you haven't had any past experience and you feel that a guy is more likely to pass judgement on you, I'm sure this is just a temporary feeling and you will overcome it when your ready.

    Just remember you are who you are, but I think you should wait for a guy that means something to you before you lose it. just having sex for the sake of getting it over with seems a little pointless and you will gain more respect from yoru guy if he is someone that means somethign to you. Don't be the village bike, you don't want to be considered easy do you?. just take your time and if you need any help just ask.

    Good luck, God Bless

  • Wow. I know that women will go to great lengths to maintain a "good girl" image but is it that oppressive now that girls feel guilty for just THINKING about it. That must SUCK. I really do feel sorry for you girls having to put up with this crap.

    No it doesn't make you less of a "good girl". It makes you a normal, teenage girl. At that age everyone's sex drive is on overdrive. It's part of being a teenager for both guys and girls. I feel sorry that women like you feel so pressured to repress their sex drives.

    It's perfectly OK to be horny. Repeat that out loud to yourself a few times. It's perfectly OK to be horny. Nothing wrong, dirty or bad about it. It's OK. I give you permission! Feminine sexuality is such a beautiful and mysterious thing. Girls should be made to feel free to explore it and express it within safe and acceptable limits. You urges are part of being human - it's part of what makes you alive. What's so impure about that?

    I say embrace it! Celebrate it. Think nasty thoughts. Masturbate. Watch some porn. It's OK. You're not hurting anyone and you're not hurting yourself. I've always thought it was incredibly stupid to think of sexual innocence as virtuous.It's neither bad nor good. Having sexual thoughts or even having sex doesn't make anyone impure. You'll still be the same person after you do it.

    My point is that you're 100% normal. You're desires are part of your identity, your being. Don't be afraid of them.

Most Helpful Girls

  • umm, normal.

    lol no worries girl. you are completely normal. its our natural instincts as human beings to want sex. even though you've never had it before, you obviously know about it. plus you're definitely past the age where you barely begin to feel the way your body reacts to certain things. in other words, getting horny. again, completely natural. it does not make you a bad person I promise. have you ever masturbated? that will definitely help in what you've been feeling alot. especially since you don't have a trusted partner to do things with. just enjoy things yourself. I do it. the guy across the street does it. the girl I sit next to in class does it. in other words, everyone does it. its natural and normal and there is absolutely nothing to be ashamed of for doing it. I certainly recommend taking care of things yourself, rather than going to find some random guy who you won't care about and vice versa. leave everything to happen when you feel comfortable. in the meantime, just know that you are a normal human young woman.

  • All I'd like to say is I'm in the same exact position. So you're not alone! I'm even the same age. No sex, drinking or drugs. No dates or boyfriends. I've felt this way too.. We'll find someone out there some day ^^ and it's ok to feel this way. Sure I still feel embarrassed to feel this way. Most are and that's fine too. Hopefully this was helpful. I found a couple of the comments below helpful. Thanks for posting this!

  • it makes you human..im 19 & also a virgin & I think about sex all the time it doesn't mean you're less innocent or dirty just curious

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2 6
  • it makes you a good girl a little to good but you seem like a good person

    and you wanna have sex that's not bad if you didn't want sex then you would have a reason to worry but maybe you should get out a little more while you are young cause it sounds like now ur missing out on stuff cause nobody will wanna see you at a party when you are 43

    i knwo that was a little off topic

    but you are normal masturbate some live a little you will be ok

  • dont feel bad about yourself ever girl get horny just add me as a friend on here and lets get horny

    • Lol what a loser

    • Lol like I care what you think

  • It makes you a normal teen girl. Just masturbate.

  • hey everybody gets these urges. its just acting these things out is were things get messy

  • oh that hot.. i love the school girl look.. but it sounds like your shy...