How do you feel about abortion?

This is the number on killer in the united states, these are innocent unborn children. the human life begins at conception this is a fact not an opinion. Do you think abortion should be legal. Does this barbaric practice have any place in a civil society. The bloodshed of the innocent is not a thing to be taken lightly. what's the difference between a child and a fetus they are both completely dependent on other people or even the mentally handicap of parapeligic what's is the difference.
+1 y
why not just remove your uterus if you don't want kids
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Most Helpful Girls

  • I think abortion is wrong and evil and the people who are for them and get them are the worst horrible disgusting putrid scum of the Earth. I hate when people try to make it about the baby, unless the child has a decease like Ta sacks or ADL where they will die a slow painful death there is no reason to consider an abortion, even then it would be something to really think about. To the woman who say they have a right to their body and reproductive freedom, what about the babies right to live. The baby should not have to die just because you slept around and did not know how to use a condom. Even if the case of rape, the baby did not rape you and should therefore not have to suffer. Adoption is always an option. To the men who say they would want and make their girlfriend have an abortion because you don't want to have a kid, or your not ready for a kid, then you should do something to make sure she is not in a position to get pregnant. Adoption is always an option, because their are so many families out there who would want and love a wonderful gift of a baby and be able to treat it right, that their is never a need for an abortion other than being evil cruel and selfish. If you do not want a kid close your legs, and tie your tubes. And yes a fetus is a living thing, it can cry kick move have hair and finger nails, and even hear sounds. Even when it is just a little tiny cell by definition of living things it is alive, and thereby by making it not alive you are committing an horrible act of murder on an innocent baby. Why do you think they have special doctors and pills and precautions that to you have to take when you are pregnant? To protect the baby, because it is a fragile but living none the less being. It is a person, but not just a person, your child, you have a duty as it mother to protect it for 9 months and then keep it or give it up for adoption to a loving family. So even if you home life and situation would not provide for a safe and happy environment for a baby, you can give it up, and give it to a stable loving an caring family that you can meet and interview and choose prior to having the baby to ensure that it will have the best possible start, an then you could never hear from the baby again. Or your could have an open adoption and still be apart of your child's life even if you can't be the mother in the most common sense. You mother chose to allow you to live and grow, even if she was a horrible mother, she did that much, so you owe it to her, to pass on the gift of life. Say all of this to say there is never EVER a reason to have an abortion. Oh, if someone kills a pregnant woman they get charged with double homicide , why? Because the baby is alive, and so if you have an abortion you have no excuse, no reason, and your are just horrible, evil, vile, cruel, sadistic, monstrous being who dose not deserve to walk this earth because if you can kill not only a baby but a child you do not deserve to go on your merry way slut.

  • I am pro-life except for in extreme cases. A lot of people think the only options when they become pregnant are keeping it and abortion when it's just not that. I hear the excuse all the time "but there already too many kids in adoption!" um, yeah, that is because they came into the agency as KIDS. Nobody wants to adopt a kid with memories that knows that it's being adopted, people want infants and toddlers that don't remember where they came from. Infants get adopted easily especially if they are placed before birth.

    I also hear "the world is already over populated" depends on where you go, some places are over populated some are not. It also really depends on your definition of overpopulated. The world has space for billions of more people, excluding mountains and places that physically cannot be lived in. Abortion is not murder by law terms, but by definition you are ending a life by another's hands.

    We are living the moment we are a cell. In the womb, we develop brain activity by week 6 and nerve cells by week 9. It is a common misconception that we don't develop nervous systems until week 20 but that is untrue, that is when are system is maturing and finishing development, not starting. Most women find out they are pregnant between weeks 5-8, most abortions are preformed between weeks 6-9. So, you can call the fetus anything you want but facts are, when most abortions are preformed the life you are taking away can feel every moment of it wasting away.

    A lot of people who get abortions get them for poor reasons. Rape, incest, and the mother not being able to carry to full term are the rare conditions when abortions are preformed, most are for other reasons. A lot of girls don't want their reputations tarnished, don't want to keep a baby, don't want to be embarrassed by the public, and think the baby would be better off dead then given a chance at life. If you have enough backbone to have sex, you should have enough backbone to deal with the consequences that come from having sex. Over 88% of women who become pregnant are able to carry to full term and give birth without any complications (including miscarriage, pre-mature birth, low birth weight etc.).

    A very popular argument by the pro choice side is "you can't tell a woman what to do with her body!". If you watch some abortion videos, you can see the fetus exercising the only right it has: The choice of trying to flee the abortionists tools. There are actually videos out there showing the fetus trying to save it's own life by swimming away, trying to preserve it's life unsuccessfully. Would that not be considered a form of desperate non-verbal communication that it wants to live, even if it is by instinct and not by conscious choice? I don't know, but I feel that if we get to a point where we are trying to preserve our life, shouldn't we be given rights then?

  • Well life beginning at conception is a religiously drilled idea so I would have to say you are wrong on that being a fact. Nobody really knows.

    The reason abortion is legal in the first place is because of how life was when it was illegal. People upset on this issue seriously need to learn their history! There is a reason has it become the way it has because back-alley abortions are 10x more barbaric!

    People trying to compare a child to a fetus.. Its just stupidity. A 12 week old fetus cannot survive outside the womb. A 12 year old child can.

    More then anything I say becoming a mother is a very personal choice and it should be nobody else's whether to be or not to be besides the woman. I don't know her story, her background, if she schizophrenic and clearly cannot be a mother, or is scraping by on 125$ a week and sure then sh*t can only give a kid a sh*t life. All I know is its their choice as it should be. I can't judge and neither should others unless their willing to open their checkbook and spend thousands to support a strangers child.

    Its funny... The people who don't want universal health care sure don't mind the idea of bringing more people into the world who would probably need it.

    • science says so, also a child cannot survive without intense care and thanks to our technology it makes the likely hood of survival much greater so when we get to the point of our technology allowing us to have a 12 week old survive out of the womb your argument will be refuted, also I'm not against universal health care I feel it is a right in modern society as well living a full life

    • My body, My choice can never be refuted because quite frankly everyone screaming to have these unwanted children born won't be opening their checkbooks.

    • well its not your body its the childs body does one Siamese twin get to kill the other under the same logic no its not how it works we just need the laws to catch up and why should they open the check books you're the one that got pregnant you don't need a lot of money to raise a kid

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Most Helpful Guys

  • Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah...

    You can write all the crap you want. It doesn't make it true. Whah whah human life begins at conception. Why? Because I SAID SO. Whah whah whah...

    You know what I find barbaric? Forcing a child to give birth when she doesn't have to. Forcing a rape victim to carry her attackers child, when she doesn't have to. Forcing a girl to carry her FATHER'S child, when she doesn't have to.


    When the alternative is to pop a pill and lose some cells. Bloodshed? The blood doesn't even form in the time the morning after pill gets to work.

    If you can't tell the difference between a child and foetus, you obviously SUCK at biology. So why should believe any of your other bullsh*t about when life begins, eh?

    • you are arguing with extrems, you can't do that your argument is non valid its is an outlier that has no place in debate. also a fetus is a child

    • Why is a fetus a child?

    • You think I'm arguing with extremes? When your response was that women should remove their UTERUS? You're clearly f***ing insane. There's nothing to be gained by talking to you.

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  • Yeah I'm against abortion in general but one has to take the situation in consideration. A girl who is 10 or 11 and gets pregnant should have a abortion. I've heard stories about cases like that before. It's sickening to think such a young person has to go through that. But I'm more pro-life than pro-choice for sure.

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  • i really believe that abortion should be legal. regardless of whether it's legal or not, people are still going to have them. this has been going on for hundreds of years, it's just that it's now a safer procedure that won't kill the woman getting one. and I also believe that nobody should tell a woman what to do with her body. she's the one that has to deal with the child in question, not you so what if she is incapable to take care of this baby?

    • in some way I understand what you are saying but if she with child it just not the woman that has to deal with it the guy has to step up and be a man and do what right for both of you and not let the woman deal with it all by her self

    • well siqsauer, you and I both know that a lot of guys don't step up and be a man. and usually it's the guy telling the girl to get an abortion because he doesn't want to deal with it. so what then? even if he pays child support that's not really caring for the kid you help create.

    • I agree with the fact that it should be legal because the women who are doing it are going to do it whether it is legal or not, safe or not, and the question is: "Is one life worth sacrificing two?". However, I disagree with the following statements.

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  • "Abortion stops a beating heart." If you do not want to raise your baby, whatever the reason, please give it it's "right to life, liberty, & the pursuit of happiness" you would want for yourself & allow one of the thousands of loving couples who long for it to be it's family. That's all I wanna say about it. Thanks.

    • amen

  • "the human life begins at conception this is a fact not an opinion. "

    It is in fact an opinion. Proof? Google that phrase and tell me you don't come up with a billion different conceptions of when the human life starts.


    Because it is an opinion.

    Now if you'll excuse me, just the way you asked the question proves that you are not open to the answers. You just want to argue with those who disagree and pat the back of those who agree.

    This site is for people interested in the opinion of others.

    • well its not an opinion its basic science its freshman year material

    • No, it is an opinion. Some scientists say that a fetus is not conscious, therefore not yet a human life. It all depends on your vision of life. For me, being human is being self-conscious, which means we can think about the future and ourself, which animals cannot. So it IS an opinion.

    • so babies under 5 are not alive then since they can't think in the future

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  • I personally don't agree with it at all. I feel like a completely innocent, unborn child has to suffer for their mother's mistakes. And it makes me mad when women go out and do it mulpitable times, using it as a get out of jail free card. But I think a lot of times, the babies are better off without them. I can understand if a woman was raped, and got pregnant, that is completely different. But having sex, getting pregnant, then getting an abortion because you don't want to take care of it. No. But in certain situations, I can understand . But it is their own decision, and I don't think getting an abortion makes someone a bad person. Especially in certain situations.

  • Abortion is lame, having kids is lamer, and needing sex to feel gratified is most pitiable of all.

    • are you a monk?

    • Let's say yes.

  • I real don,t believe in it but I don,t think that a woman should have to deal with getting a abortion by her self and a woman has the right to get one it,s her body but she need to talk it with the guy and he need to step up and be a real man and deal with it because both the man and the woman made love and now there is has take place and the woman is with child they have to make some real hard decision to make and what best for the both of you

  • The entire problem with this is that it's not actually a strong argument, but rather a rant, and this also belongs somewhere else since it has nothing to do with Sexuality.

    • sh*t I thought I put it under other sorry about that can I change it and it is a strong argument its a child that is human therfore it is murder once that can br refuted then its becomes a weak argument however science is on my side and this is pretty well know facts that the human life begins at the zygote level

    • The argument is an Appeal to Emotion, it's a logical fallacy; nothing you've stated doesn't pull at the heartstrings as to why abortion is actually wrong. "Killing is wrong!" isn't well-founded, "Harming the Defenseless is wrong!" isn't expressed well, and "Ethics of Care!" are just non-existent here.

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  • I'm pro life most of the time,.But imagine if you sister or cousin is 10,11,12 years old and its raped by a family member or stranger,I would deff consider abortion or if your life is in danger and you must stop the pregnancy.

    But if I get knocked up because had sex with my boyfriend or just some random guy I woudnt ,that's irresponsible ,and so selfish ...

    • and most pro-lifers I know believe rape is a horrednous cricumstance where abortion really can be the best option.

    • what's the difference between a child conceived in rape and one conceived in a loving marriage? what makes one life more deserving of survival than another? why should a child be punished because of the actions of their father?...questions I ask when the topic of rape is brought up.

  • abbortion should be legal everywhere.

    it's not only for couples that " made a mistake "

    better have an abortion legally, in a hospital, than a home made one.

    better kill an unborn fetus, than sentencing a little child to a lifetime of sadness because you were not ready to raise him .

  • Do you believe that because of religious beliefs or personal beliefs? I know that some religions support it up to a point and others don't. Some say abortion is okay if it endangers the life of the mother for instance. My personal beliefs are that abortion is okay up until a point that it is developed or if the mother would die from giving birth due to complications but hey that is just my opinion. What makes your opinion valid and others so wrong? We all have different beliefs on the matter that's why it is always so heavily debated.

    • i just don't condone cold blooded murder I think its OK to save the mother of her life is indanger

    • well at what point does it become muder? at what point is a fetus a human being? Many people have different religious, personal, or scientific beliefs about this.

    • scientificly speaking life begins at conception

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  • go green and abort !

    • thanks for your useless link.

    • Stfu.

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  • When does it become a person and why?

    • 'Cause they want kids at some point.

  • Abortion is justifiable under certain circumstances but when it is used as a form of birthcontrol that is inhumane

  • why don't you just get your tubes tied?

    • revolting and unnatural Elective invasive surgery is usually not such a great idea.

    • I agree, but it was a response to the frankly scary notion the we should remove our uterus if we don't want kids. Now I'm completely ambivalent on the subject of abortion. It has never kept me up at night, but to suggest that we just go around removing bits of ourselves, cause it's 'our fault' if we get pregnant, no sperm involved... my mind is racing with anger...

    • THANK YOU!

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  • It's wrong no matter which way you look at it if you can't deal with the responsibilities of sex then don't have it.

    There are many ways to prevent pregnancy that abortion is not a choice. Be a mature person take care of what you created

  • I'm against..

  • i believe that if you really can't support it, you might as well abort it... but it would be such a horrible thing..i would never do it .

  • Yeah, I'm not for abortion in most cases, but that is definately a loaded, biased question...

    • how so I just gave facts

    • "barbaric practice" ... "bloodshed of the innocent" Kinda skewed, biased phrasing & a logical fallacy if you ask me. Again, I personally am not for abortion under average circumstances, but who are we to judge others for actions regarding THEIR unborn child. After all, it's their body, & to each his own.

  • I think it's a personal choice. I couldn't do it, but I'm not going to inflict my personal views on someone else. People should inform themselves of what they are capable of. Emotionally, I couldn't handle it, but that doesn't mean that someone else wouldn't be able to either

    • i understand I just wonder why women use excuses and just don't say id rather dodge responsibility and kill my child then to make excuses own up to what you're doing

    • yeah, I hate to use the saying, but it takes two to tango... and if the man isn't willing to stay in the relationship and raise the child.. it's not like the woman has more responsibility in getting pregnant. I just think it's a little more complicated than that for some people.

    • well to be hones the women does have more responsibility in the simple fact that she is a women and she should be more selective when choosing a mate, men try and spread their seed and women should pick a proper mate she is the one that decides if you have sex or not really

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  • I agree. You don't understand what you're talking about really. By the way, what's barbaric is what will happen if abortions become illegal. I don't know if you know but before abortions were a medical practice there were back-alley abortions. They've existed for centuries... they've always existed. If we get rid of abortions will go back to the unsafe practice of the same thing (back alley abortions put mothers at risk too, at least the clinical kind are SAFE... so in a way, "eliminating" them will put women at risk AND "kill" the child.

    • no far less women had abortions when they were illegal also I do know what I'm talking about and with your logic e should make all drugs legal and prostitution as well

    • Completely DIFFERENT ISSUES.. AGAIN! drugs are mind altering and cause violence (to FULLY formed humans and themselves) and crime. prostitution is whoa. COMPLETELY DIFFERENT.

    • no they are not different at all you just don't want to extend your logic

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