I was reading this:
link I was surprised to see so many people attack the author as the sole transgressor. Honestly, I agree with the author. She should have set boundaries, and he shouldn't have blamed her 100%.
How do you feel about these things? About rape fantasies as a whole?
Updates:+1 y
For the record, they did not have safe words. " In my mind, it was still very much in the realm of fantasy, and I was secure in knowing that if and when I decided to take things to the next level i.e., act out the fantasy the inevitable and, for me, dreaded conversation involving safe words and boundaries (things I’d always associated with schoolmarms and humorless girls who’d read too much Third Wave feminism)"
+1 y
"The problem, of course, was that since we’d never discussed it, his decision to enact it without any prior dialogue, without my consent, robbed me of the control that would’ve made it a rape fantasy rather than an out-and-out rape."
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