Girls, how do you know your period is coming, does feel like you have to pee?

yeah i know it happens a certain time every month, but how do know when during your cycle you will pee blood? how do you determine if it is pee or not?

like do you ever think that your period blood is coming and your tampon with get it and it turns out it is actually pee?

that begs another question? what do tampons and pads actually do?
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What Girls Said

  • its not all like pee, you have no control over it, it just comes as it pleases

    the pads absorbe, tampons block (I think)

    • Tampons dont block, they just suck the blood up before it comes out.

  • It's hard to explain how I know it's coming, other than it being around the same time every month. But the minute it happens I know it's started. Pads and tampons both do the same thing, soak up blood, one just in the body and one outside.