How to give an amazing blowjob?

Okay I need to know how to give an amazing blowjob! One where he won't be able to walk I'm super new to the whole blowjob thing and I wanna know how to give a really good one! Guys what really gets you going? What do you really like? Thanks!!!
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Most Helpful Guys

  • That is a great video to watch.

    Start by going to the base of his hard shaft and run your tongue all the way up to his head.

    Swirl your tongue around his head licking him good as you gently stroke his shaft. With his head good and wet wrap your lips just around his head and apply some suction and work your tongue some more while still stroking his shaft. Slowly go down his shaft getting it good and wet with your spit. As you get near the base play with his balls and keep as much of him in your mouth as you can.

    Slowly go back up keeping your hand close to your mouth so you are stroking as you are sucking. Vary the speed of up and down.

    Spend time when you are at his head, sucking and licking his head as you continue to stroke his cock.

    Keep going up and down stroking and sucking and tonguing his hard shaft and work your tongue on that spot where the head meets the shaft on the underside.

    You just need to decide if you want him to cum in your mouth, on your face, on your boobs or where.

    Trust me he won't walk away.

    • You are the best!!!

    • Glad I can help. You seem like an amazing young woman!

    • Thanks!!

  • You could watch p*rn and take notes of how pornstars give blow jobs. Every guy is different so ask him what he likes. And please, please do not ever use teeth. I cannot tell you how many times I had to stop because her teeth scraped against my glands, it hurts. If you're feeling courageous, try to deep throat him. I love having a girl go all the way down. Word of caution though, do not go too far or you will throw up. Had this happen to me once and it was horrible. Also he might be scared when you gag unless he likes that sort of stuff. Incorporate eye contact and hands if you can too. Tongue usage is important too, and don't be afraid to suck or lick his balls. Just make sure he showered before all of this.

Most Helpful Girls

  • At 19, I consider myself an amateur expert.
    I sit on the bed, he stands, there's a reason for this.
    Now, I oil him all up with some lube I keep , on hand.
    Remember he is standing for a purpose.
    His balls are hanging down so I pay special attention lubing them up.
    By now he is breathing a little heavy, so am I
    He is hard and I use my nails up and down on him
    I pinch his dick head and do some ball licking
    He starts to tremble
    I go oral
    I tease him, I deny him
    Now I go in for the kill, devouring him
    Just as he starts to blow I hold crushed ice against those tender ball of his
    I hid the ice under a towel so he didn't see the surprise
    He absolutely screams, and collapses
    I usually masturbate
    My guy is not going anywhere else.
    I totally know that, so does he.
    You have to be really into it.
    I am, totally.
    I love pleasuring him. MMMMMMMM

  • Make sure your mouth is always filled with saliva, most guys love wet, sloppy BJs. First tease him, take long slow licks up his shaft to the rim, not quite touching it and going back down. Then when you're ready, lick his head with your flat tongue, get lots of saliva on there. Alternate between licks and taking the head in your mouth and firmly suck on it whilst flicking and swirling around his rim with the tip of your tongue. Jerk his shaft as you do this. You can also lick his frenulum, a very sensitive part at the underside of the head. Make your mouth into a tight "O" and take his penis deep into your mouth and bob up and down, sucking the head on the upstroke (remember, no teeth!). After he ejaculates keep softly sucking him, not too hard as he'll still be sensitive, like you're milking his cum.

  • Use lots of spit. Tease the tip and around the head. Keep one hand jacking the parts you can't reach (makes him feel better and he can't just thrust all the way down your throat if you're not ready). Don't just shove it all in at once, work your way up to it, get comfortable. If you choke don't freak out, just keep going. Use combo of licking and sucking. Don't forgot his balls! If you haven't given one before, maybe get him to let him know when he's going to come and pull off, finishing him off with your hand. Taste it when he's done to see if you think that's something you'd be into for next time. I know I'm not a guy, but hope this helps!

    • You're awesome thanks!

    • No problem, gotta help a girl out ;)

    • Oh, and I forgot to mention, no teeth! You can kinda suck your lips over your teeth, like when you're smacking your lips after putting on lip stick, only hold the position, until you get used to it.

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What Girls & Guys Said

2 5
  • I haven't received one yet so I can't tell you lmao

    So you want him to look like that?

    • Well. I want to know how to give a really good one..

    • To make him look like that?

    • That orgasm face!

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  • > vary speed of licks
    > vary speed of suction
    > vary pressure of lips
    > very depth of blow
    > lick underside of head (sensitive)
    > press firmly with lips and try to go down as far as you can
    > incorporate hand, but very minimal
    > don't forget the balls
    > tease em with licks
    > scoop em like ice cream balls

    Also check out this video on pornhub:
    " A world class blowjob lesson "
    it's a 41 minute video by sex experts that explains the ins and outs of a good bj.

    • WHY HAHAHAHAAHA I knew someone had to do it lol

  • I don't know the answer