How to satisfy a girl with oral sex

how to give the best oral sex to a woman? I need tips please!
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  • By Jonsul

    I'm the king of oral, I can lick for hours without needing to stop. Of course I can make a girl come in seconds. ;)

    Thus I give my oral commandments:

    1) Lick around but ALWAYS go back to the clit, it's like the girl avoiding the head on your dick. Kinda pointless..

    2) Pay attention to the subtle feedback, If the clit gets hard she likes it, if her legs twitch every time you do that one move.. she likes it. If your not getting these cues or similar move on till you do.

    3) Every girl is different and just about anything may feel different to them, use the cues above to find what they like.

    4) What a girl likes may change with her mood or menstrual cycle. There are times when the girl may like it slower or faster, harder or lighter. Use the cues. Make note, during and right after her period she tends to be more sensitive in her clit, do it softer and use it to your advantage.

    5) ALWAYS use cues for feedback!

    6) Feel free to play around in the beginning, but as the big orgasm begins to build try to develop into a simple rhythm or pattern. This is a near absolute rule it may be possible without doing this but I warn you it'll just be trouble.

    7) Learn to properly build an orgasm. When she's on the edge of orgasm change your tempo or direction to distract her from it, I lick vertically then move horizontally or twirl my tongue when she's near. The first few times you may cool her down, but in the end It's important to just delay it not kill it. Remember the cues! When she's near her clit will be extremely hard and her legs will be on vibrate.

    8) One word TEASE! Continually tease her!

    9) DO NOT underestimate the importance of feedback! You don't have to ask her but pay attention to her body's reactions, always adapt to the feedback your getting.

    10) If you have an abundance of cues too soon it seems, she's not coming fast! More then likely your doing something too extreme for the moment. Save that move for when she's about to come.

    *Hidden rule*

    After she comes she *WILL* tell you to stop, this is because after she comes she becomes extremely sensitive. What most people don't know is that this opens the door for yet another and even greater orgasm, and again after that indefinitely. Each one becoming more extreme then the one before. Make sure to get her approval for this before doing it!

    A note to girls, this is VERY extreme. If you want to tempt this consider sex handcuffs or ties. I've been punched before by a girl accidentally who couldn't control her arms.

    After her big orgasm comes cool down and almost begin over again but get the rhythm going and continue to build an orgasm as before. It may take a few minutes for it to start working but as it builds it will double the heights of the one before. If she can't handle it she'll push you off, wait till she's ready!

    The furthest I've gone is to a 4th big orgasm, she made me stop because she was afraid her bones would break! But it was the most pleasure she ever dreamed of!

    • Great answer, it all boils down to paying attention.

  • Enjoy it. Take your time (less is more). Fingering at the same time is great, (use the "come hither" motion on her g spot) but wait until she's warmed up first. Remember rhythym is everything, but don't cling to the same rhythm for too long, she will want you to start slow and build up gradually (very gradually! only speed up when she starts squirming and panting and moaning more than she already was) and remember to stay steady. She will be losing her mind if you're doing it right, so you need to be the one in control who sticks to the rhythm. She might even be flying around a little and you gotta keep at her wherever she goes (as long as she isn't trying to get away because she's overstimulated - you have the responsability to remember that less is more, so don't rub too hard, and even when you're going fast and finishing her, it's helpful if you learn how to give her little pauses to let her chill for a second without her losing the wave of orgasm - this takes time and practice)

    Also, a great trick: If you can curl your tongue to make a You in the middle, also called folding your tongue, you can use that like a straw to suck her clit (gently!) in a pulsing way. Remember that your tongue is more bumpy than your lips, so it's easy to overstimulate with the tongue, try going slow and soft at first, and increase the pressure until it seems like it's working. She will start moving or making noises when it's working.

    The lips aren't that sensitive, but it's good to tease them. The action is in the clit and g-spot, and since your tongue is too short to get the g-spot, focus on the clit with your mouth. Remember before starting you need to warm her up with foreplay and teasing, you know, nipple sucking (again less is more) etc. Also, her tinner highs are sensitive, so before you start, try gently brushing them with your hands.Where you feel that super soft skin, she is sensitive. After oral though she won't be sensitive there any more, it's similar to how you can't be tickled very easily after sex, so don't bother once you start eating her out.

    Remember to tease her a lot. After you brush her thighs, try to cup her c*nt in your hand gentle, feel her warmth, this will excite her and it will give you an appreciation of how soft she is, so when you go down, you'll have that in mind and you'll be more gentle, which she likes. Girls are more like cats than dogs. Dogs you can wrestle with and pat hard. Cats will not put up with that. You don't go after a cat. You let it come to you, and at first you just barely pet it so it wants more, never give it all you got until the cat is in your lap, lying on it's back, purring with that squinty cat smile on it's face, and then you let it have it and after that, the cat will always come running over to you when it sees you, and it might even hunt you down.

    • This is exactly what my boyfriend does to hit the nail on the to speak :)

    • Probably the best description of what oral should be! This is exactly what my boyfriend does, great advice :)

    • Dude you should write a article about this, seriously. You just tought me some shit I never even thought about doing, shyt I'm bout to tell my girl to come to bed right now...!

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Most Helpful Girls

  • Gently finger her with your middle finger while licking on her clit with a bit of pressure, but before you get to that do a lot of teasing and acting like you are going to lick her clit, licking her inner thighs, outer lips, etc.then by the time you get to it she will be going crazy.

  • Hmm. there's a lot you can do. I'd say mainly focus on and around the clit, especially around the outer edges. Tease a bit as well.

    Just make sure you don't act like a big slobbering dog.

  • I wish I could give you this advice, unfortunately I have not met a man yet that knows how to do this, and so I do not find it fun, and wouldn't know :(

    • I seen an answer you posted about getting oral but no one has done it good to you . that's sad and I would help you out and show you what feeling good actually feels like

    • Hahahah... I am ok.. one day I will find out I guess lol

    • Maybe your pussy's so loose you can't feel it. most all girls like it.

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4 7
  • do what sumfin says

  • While down there...ask if you are in the right spot. Ask if she would like it softer, faster, harder, etc.

  • lick suck

    its diff for everyone everyone likes it differently

  • . be sure in that she feels comfortable.

    2. lay down her and place ur head between her legs. let her to touch and canalize ur head.

    3. start with small kisses from knees to vagina. go along the inner side of the legs. go slowly and soft.

    4. start to kiss the outer sides of the p**** slowly while touching the area between her anal hole and vagina.

    5. lick her outer lips.

    6. lick the area between her outer and inner lips.

    7. kiss the area over the clitoris without touching it.

    8. come down and place ur tongue over her hole. draw circles there and let ur tongue to come inside a little.

    9. hols up her hips and go along the way starting with her hole and clitoris without touching it.

    10. start to kiss the clitoris slowly while playing her nipples with ur fingers.

    11. start to lick her clitoris with visiting her hole sometimes...

    12. start to suck the clitoris harder. take it into ur mouth and place the clitoris between ur lips. and lick it with ur tongue at the same time.

    13. let the clitoris go out and touch it with ur fingers slowly. draw circles... and at the same time lick her vagina.

    14. suck the clitoris harder. take it into ur mouth and place the clitoris between ur lips and compress it. lick it with ur tongue at the same time faster. don't forget to play her nipples.

    15. she is near to cumm... :)

    • Im about to cumm just reading this, lmao.

  • why oral? just beat it up.