Lets face it, guys have it easy.
Just imagine being a girl...
You get your period every month for a whole week. A few spoons of blood? Haha, no way. It's a fucking bucket every time. Those nice pants/skirts you had - garbage. Those fun activities you planned - canceled. Not to mention the embarrassing moments of walking around the school with a huge, bloody stain on your butt. Every time you stand up or make a sudden movement there is a waterfall in your underwear. Nothing helps.
When it's time to get a boyfriend you have to look good all the time. If you don't have a shit ton of make-up, slutty clothes, and big boobs no one will like you. Being too tall or too fat means that you have a 90% chance of spending the rest of your life with only cats to keep you company. Also, shaving your legs is super annoying.
When you actually get married it's time to have kids. You waste nine months of your life carrying around a baby. You look very unattarctive, and can't even move around for such a long time. When it's finally time to give birth you're at risk of dying painfully, or possibly getting 500000 different types of diseases. If you survive, all you get is a red slimy larvae that you will have to raise for the next 18 years. Now it's time to cook, clean, and take care of the little brat. You will have to work 24/7 while your husband "earns money for the family". Oh, how busy he must be. Lets not forget you're much fatter and sooo much more unattractive than you were before giving birth, and husbands who cheat are not rare.
Yet another painful thing about being a woman is how helpless we are. We're so much weaker than men, and cannot fight back when a filthy bastard is trying to molest us. Sexual abuse is 10x worse than death, so we always have to watch out. Of course little boys can have that happen to them also, but unlike women, they're not going to get pregnant or anything.
Fuck my life, I hate being a girl.2 1 0 8Oh... This is so negative...
If you're looking for a reason to pity yourself, this is the way to go. I'm not going to harp on the lack of objectivity, but I will say that just because you wish you were female for whatever reason, doesn't mean all men should. I'm sorry you hate your gender and I'm sorry you can't just identify as something else, but you can't change that.
So what should you do? You have no control over the fact that you are male. What now? You put your thoughts to work.
Without harping on varying degrees of irrelevant material (such as pregnancy-- which 11% of pregnant woman are diagnosed with Post Partum Depression, several die during pregnancy, and others experience serious levels of pain--hence the high dosage of drugs available for them. so yeah, its a pretty big deal lol), you could do something productive and start reading philosophy.
Why philosophy, you ask? To collect your thoughts. Maybe you can even become a mens rights philosopher and find ideal ways to fix the problems. Sure, everyone needs to change-- there is always room for improvement-- but by not collecting your thoughts in a productive way you're really just kind of wasting time. truth is, society needs to change, but society needs direction. it doesn't just change magically.
and by the way, no gender finds low self esteem attractive unless they have a serious (and remotely creepy) fetish for people who have low self esteem.2 0 1 11well low self-esteem is worse for a guy
I would never suggest that women have it easier than men or attempt to downplay difficulties related to "periods, pregnancy, etc." Nor would I claim that low self-esteem is worse for a guy. Otherwise, I very much relate to the OP. I derive very little satisfaction from being male. I hate the role demanded of heterosexual men: having always to initiate and risk rejection (conversation, dating, sex, etc.). I'd much prefer to be approached (and receive the attention). Of course, this hasn't happened in 30 years. Sometimes, it seems like women are less attracted to men than to the way a 'good' man perhaps makes them feel about themselves. I want to add that I found Goflipaburger's reply unhelpful. If the "truth is, society needs to change" and it's suggested that MRA philosophy may "fix the problem," then why remark "If you're looking for reason to pity yourself..." That's not just unsympathetic, it's inconsistent. And clearly the OP was already investigating his thoughts, hence the post.
"You have no control over the fact that you are male" I could not disagree more with that statement.
Anti-social poor self esteem girls don't get boyfriends. Neither do fat ones typically either. Overweight boys have an easier time getting girls than the other way around. We need some type of basic social skills and confidence to get attention too.
I agree with you. It would suck to be a guy. I am so glad I am a woman. I don't get random boners/morning wood, I don't worry about the size of my genitals, I don't need money or car keys in order to date.
(Although society puts more pressure on girls to spend excessive amounts of time, energy and money on our looks. Not to mention our weight. And boobs. Essentially we just have to sit there and look pretty)1 5 0 10it's easier to sit there and look pretty than it is having to go out and get rejected all the time
We still have to have confidence though. But yeah, rejection is one of the hardest things in life.
girls don't need confidence
Most Helpful Guys
I am a 21 year old male. Never had a fulfilling relationship, don't expect to ever have one. Think about it man, would you have sex with yourself if you were a girl? I know I wouldn't fuck myself were I to suddenly wake up in some girl's shoes tomorrow. Evolution isn't meant to be fair or comfortable, its driven purely by the preservation of the species. One very happy man could repopulate an entire city within a generation were all of his brethren to die in some foreign war. If all of the females in said city save one very unlucky girl disappeared over night, the species would be gone in a week. That's why if you or me ever find ourselves in a hostage situation, god knows they're going to negotiate for the women first, they're simply more valuable. My advice is to grow up, face the circumstances of your own reality and the overarching indifference of the universe.
Also, to all of you women out there, the worst thing you can say to an unattractive man is "you're just not my type," or "we should just be friends." Just as the worst thing to say to a fat girl is "you're not fat." Be honest with him, tell him he's a worthless hunk of shit. If he sticks around out of desperation then he deserves his own shit sandwich. Maybe people wouldn't be ranting on these sorts of forums if we as a species were introspective and dignified enough to admit these sorts of things to one-another.0 0 0 0Keep ypur head up. 21 is not that old. I'm 25. Same boat. I lost my virginity at 23. Haven't had sex since. Sex wasn't even that great. I've since gone MGTOW and went monk. What I realized is that the answer to these problems is to introduce doubt into female belief systems so that women begin doubting what they previously thought was attractive actually is attractive. If we do this, then we can change what they value into the traits that we have and valuerather than us give up our values to conform to them, we convince them to give up their values and conform to us. In short, we invert the social hierarchy just the same way socialism inverts capitalism.
yeah tell me about it, it pisses me off
0 9 0 0
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7 9It's not better to be either.
Each gender deals with it's own challenges and disadvantages. We also have our own perks and advantages too. Do you honestly think that women never deal with rejection or feel pressure to be "good enough" for someone?
In the end, we all just want to be valued. And women struggle with this just as much as men do, for our own reasons and in our own ways.4 3 1 8yeah but women are allowed to want or need a boyfriend for validation, to make them feel better about themselves, but it's pathetic, not okay the other way around
You have a very very long question with a lot of issues to address. As such, I'll only go after the main point-why does everyone say its better to be a male?
Women are considered a minority class because of how much power men hold. With power comes privilege. Male privilege refers to the special rights or status granted to men in a society, on the basis of their sex or gender, but usually denied to women and/or transsexuals. Here is a male privilege check list: link (go to bottom of the blog).
Privilege is simply the ability to not have to think about something that someone else always has to. For example: women/men & sexual safety. A male who is perceived to be straight can walk around at night and not worry about getting sexually assaulted. For a woman, it is very important to keep this in mind-where I can walk, should I call a friend, what can I do if I get assaulted? See what I mean?
This does not mean guys are bad. Privilege is just something that exists in our society because certain groups hold a disproportionate amount of power. White, straight males are the biggest shareholders of this power/privilege.
What you talk about deals a lot with how we perceive gender roles. That's a bummer too, because gender roles are particularly restricting for guys. But you have to understand it goes both ways. If a man adopts feminine characteristics-perhaps not being as outgoing or confident people may question his masculinity. But, if a women shows more masculine traits-such as being aggressive or strongly spoken she will often be perceived as a bitch.
Its a lose lose on all fronts really.1 1 1 8women can have bad social-skills, be shy, quiet, socially-awkward and still easily get a guy
guys can have bad social skills and still get a girl too. I feel like you didn't look at my answer at all. I mean, if you were just interested in why you perceive that its easier for girls to get guys then you should have stated that in the question instead of going into "i hate being a guy" angstfest question. I was trying to describe more general gender inequality to you.
Plus, a higher price is put on women's look, compared to women. Perhaps a shy women can get a guy easier than a shy guy, but a less conventionally attractive women will have a much harder time finding a guy compared to a less conventionally attractive man.
You have this so wrong.
You're saying girls don't need to be comfortable and content? That we don't need confidence? Are you shi***ng me?
We are so freaking pressured on a daily basis to attract the opposite gender, look as physically appealing as possible, and have what it takes to talk to guys and appear confident. If we didn't go to all these extremes to appear sure of ourselves and work hard at liking who we were, then we would all be dying of depression or loneliness.
And you're wrong if you look at the counter points too. Because you said that a girl can have low self-esteem and get a guy but not the other way around.
UMMMMMMMMMM the girls without self-esteem getting guys is because they're getting the guys who DON"T have self-esteem back as well.
And honestly, I think you need to stay and be happy as a guy. Because if you're bit****g this much about being a guy, then you sure as heck wouldn't survive being a girl.6 2 0 14Best answer )
have what it takes to talk to guys and appear confident? no that's bullsh*t, girls do not need to know how to talk to guys but guys need to know how to talk to girls
"Because if you're bit****g this much about being a guy, then you sure as heck wouldn't survive being a girl" FUCK YOU! If he bitched this much about being a guy he would survive. He would become a feminist. All women do is bitch. Do you have any idea how much your post isn't based in reality. When I worked at Walmart there was a woman in the break room EVERY FUCKING DAY bitching about her husband, her father in law, her uncles, and so on. And more women joined in. It is their fucking hobby to bitch and moan. The amount of complaining this guy does... in my mind he qualifies as a woman.
I know you won't really listen but everything you just mention is true but you seem to ignore the other side of the coin. Any good thesis will consider the other side...
What about the concept of power and dominance. We can get away with more. We can be more straigh forward and act as we wish to act. Women who are bitches are quickly friendless, men who are a**holes are not. It is a character traits which people love to hate but still is necessary for our society to function. We also have more drive to compete. We are more likely to become a boss, a president, we have more control over our destiny...we are sturdier. Like you said we don't need validation. We don't need comfort. We can stride head high cause we don't need anyone's validation. That is why I prefer being a Man.1 2 0 8well, politics, economics-wise, okay that makes sense but I say women have it easier in the social world
women do not need to be secure and they can still get a guy
Yeah and women are attracted to men with power and status. Honestly does a woman want to marry a man because he wants to be a stay at home dad? I am sure a woman thinks about that while she is pleasuring herself. Honestly who is more likely to get the laid the president or a walmart employee? We need power and status to get laid. This idea that women want love, well it is a Disney lie. Work hard and get yourself a career. Men NEED careers, power, and ambition. Women don't.
It's because we can stand up to pee. Also, orgasming is easier for a guy. Sure, there are some bad aspects, but overall, things are a bit easier. If you want a girl, you just have to look for her, and expect to get rejected. However, I've seen many ugly guys obtain girl friends. Thus, it can happen to you.
0 2 0 7yeah but girls, women, do not have to initiate anything
Orgasming may be easier, but getting an erection is harder.
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