Pretty much what other people said. if a guy doesn't like you solely bcoz of how you look, then it's just not meant to be. each person has their own preferences, i'm sure there's someone (actually more than some-ONE) out there for you. i kno it's cliche' to tell you that you have to love yourself first before others love you. but it's true, those Buddhists got it right. *im not a Buddhist by the way nor a devotee of any other religion, just purely synical by nature* everyone has their own insecurities, believe me. i dont like being a short guy (5'6" at age 25 is short by norm, not like im a dwarf) but it's just the way i was born. so i accepted it, moved on and tried to better myself in other areas where i can change. if someone doesn't find me attractive due to my stature then it's NOTHING PERSONAL... i dont blame them nor blame myself. think about it... if all of us in the world want the same things all the time then we wouldn't be able to survive and evolve for this long. sure there is a golden standard set by the Greece regarding human aesthetics *i think it was PLATO who came up with it, can't remember, dont quote me on it* but nobody is that "perfect" and to each his own. you don't need surgery, you are far from being disfigured. plus look on the bright side, natural selection wise, your physical feature (that you dont like, will be your greatest weapon for evolution) will eliminate the mates who are not compatible to you. dont feel sorry, just embrace your differences and love them. they'll open up the door to a whole new experience. * i kno i type like a retard coz im lazy but trust me*
0 0 0 0To be honest, if I had to pic, id pic smaller ones. Big ones don't bother me at all though. My girlfriends are pretty big (has D cups). I love everything about her, and wouldn't change a thing, to include her areolas. Yours are fine I'm sure sweety. If its a deal breaker for a guh, then he didn't deserve ya in the 1st place. If he loves you, he will love all of you. Be proud of your body the good and the flaws, its how god intended for you to look. I have things id like to change, but I'm proud of my body anyways. :-)
10 4 1 0
Most Helpful Girls
Bigger areolas are actually pretty hot. Way nicer than tiny ones, in my opinion. That said, you don't date a girl for her areolas. As for boob size, I guess all guys have their preferences, but I've dated hot girls with B cups to E cups. My preference is probably for slightly bigger ones, C or D cup, but like most guys, if you meet the right girl, her boobs are just a nice bonus to the overall package. Pointier boobs or puffy nipples can actually be hot.
1 0 0 0to be honest girls care about and have boobs on the mind more than guys do! all guys want are at least something to grab, nipples that when touched turns a girl on. which if you got boob surgery you would lose ALL feeling in your boobs so you would actually feel like you have no boobs. don't sound fun at all but its your choice.
0 4 0 1Good Advice Here^...(:
I'm here because I googled it lol
From the majority of the responses by men, they seem more OK with it than I was thinking. I have triple D's and my areolas are also big so, I was curious on the same thing.
Hope you find happiness & contentment within your body, sweetheart.0 0 0 0
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7 38Shove your boobs with the big areolas into a man's face and he will show you just how much of a damn he gives about them! Never in all my years have I ever heard of a man rejecting a woman because of her boobs.
Now go get your man and suffocate him with your chest! Think I'm kidding? Oh do try us2 2 1 1It is like any male preference, some of us will not like them, some of us will. In general, unless you are really overweight, men are far less judgmental on a girl's body than the girl is on it herself. Most men would be delighted to see any real breasts, instead p*rn. If you give a man access to your bosom, odds are, he will be a very grateful man. I've never known of a man who made it a requirement for a girl to take her bra off before asking her out on a first date.
3 2 0 1You're breasts are beautiful, just like mine and every other woman's on the planet.
1 2 0 1Yes beautiful they are
I have a feeling you are dating the wrong kind of guys if they are going to dump you over the size of your areolas. Get what I'm saying? It's a small thing, you're fine hun :)
1 2 0 1Yep if they don’t like them don’t waist your time there’s plenty of real men that would love to have the pleasure of seeing and enjoying your beautiful big areolas I love large areolas for sure
I don't know about other guys but I don't go around with a ruler and measure the diameter of a girl's areola before I decide to like her or not.
6 4 0 2LOL!
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