Girls, I want to shave my pubic hair. But I am afraid and I need advice. i'm only a young teen, and I don't have a woman to talk to, so can you help?

hi! So when I was eleven or twelve and I started to get some darker hair down there, I shaved the top of it just to test things out. I did it in the shower and the hair was wet and everything but it itched like crazy for the next three days. I know my much-older half-sister (who lives far away and I am not close to) shaves everything off, she told me years ago so i guess hers doesn't ich? i can't talk to her though we dont have contact. Now i am thirteen and i have a LOT of dark, curly pubes and today in the car after the beach I noticed some hair poking through the legholes of my bikini bottoms. It's embarrassing so I want to shave it off. how do i do this without getting ichy? i can't wax, bug Nair or the like, or get cream for razor bumps so that is NOT an option. is there a certain technique to have no itchiness? also, the hair goes... er... really far back, so i need to shave that which is terrifying. by the way i have been shaving my legs for almost two years and i rarely nic myself while shaving so i'd say im an O. K. shaver. Also my underarms for a few months but they dont grow much hair. please give me advice, im nervous. also i am not doing this for a boyfriend or girlfriend or anything, its to make me comfortable. thank you!!
i shave my pubic hair
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i don't shave my pubic hair
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i trim my pubic hair
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Most Helpful Girls

  • I only shave because the pubic hair irritates me (not when its short and growing back). To start off with shaving your pubic hair you going to have to trim then shave. Get scissors and be careful and just cut until the hair is pretty short. Then use shaving gel or soap (that's what I use mostly) rub your vagina with soap or gel, get a razor (a new one is preferred I feel a old one is more likely to cut you) then just shave like your shaving your legs. You may want to take two fingers and cover over the lips part of your vagina just to be safe. If you keep up shaving your pubic hair you never have to trim again.

  • What's with these trolls? Come ON people!
    Lady, there's no way you're that young... your age identification says (25-29)
    The heck you think you're fooling?

    • this is not a troll. i picked that age because when i signed up i thought that you had to be over eighteen years old or you can't sign up. this would be a stupid troll anyway.

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What Girls Said

  • Shaving will mostly likely result in uncomfortable, itchy, red bumps. You don't want to be seen scratchin' your crotch because believe me, you WILL be itchy. I recommend trimming with an electric razor.

  • If it's only to stop it poking out of your bathers and you want to avoid the itchiness then I suggest not shaving it, but trimming it. Grab some scissors and cut it back. Easy, saves itchiness from the regrowth and solves your problem.

  • I would get it waxed at a professional place or don't do it at all you wouldn't want crotch rot.

  • I shave the whole thing because my hubby likes it. The only razor that hasn't made me itch after was one of those cheep disposables. I doesn't cut it all down as smooth bit it keeps the hair from trying to grow back under the skin. I shave most of t off with an electric razor then se shaving cream and the cheepo for the rest, just use you fingers to guard your clit (would really suck to get cut there). If I want to get where I can't see I just get my hubby to do it, I trust him more than me.

  • I use the purple bic razor, the twin pack one. Its cheap and the most gentle razor I've ever used. Some of those more expensive ones felt like knives and just awful. They were too harsh! I shave in the shower while wet and I use soap as like shaving cream lol. I rub soap down there then shave, along with the moisture strip it gets really slippery and the razor glides effortlessly. Much safer for me that way. I think the razor is called comfort twin.