If you could, would you decrease the male sex drive?

I think there are some benefits to the male libido
yes I wish I could make it nonexistent
Vote A
yes I wish I could make it mild
Vote B
yes I wish I could make it more practical
Vote C
no I wouldn't
Vote D
Id make it even greater if I could
Vote E
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Girl Guy
+1 y
I should've added options "I wish I could make it more monogamous" and "I wish I could make it more pointed only towards romantic partners"
+1 y
0 2

Most Helpful Girls

  • Girl. Friend. Fuck. No.

    Fuuuuuuucccckk no.

    On the other hand... Would I maybe decrease the SCOPE of the male sex drive, and make it more DIRECTED?
    Like... so that *all* that beautifully slavishly devoted aggression would all become directed at just ONE woman?
    Oh yeah... oh yeah I would. #fuckyeah

    There's NOTHING like... **that** look, that a man gives you, when he's lusting only after YOU. Like other women don't even exist -- and like the entire male sex drive (not just his) was created just so that YOU can enjoy it. (And manipulate it, too, if that's yr thing... hahaha)

    Being able to make THAT into the default... would be pretty damn awesome.


    ... But maybe I wouldn't even do that. Because, even after all these years, I put TONS of effort into keeping my husband's sexual attention fixated on ME (... as he does for me, too). Not gna lie, that's a huge motivator, in life in general.
    And, putting in that effort is addictive, and intoxicating, and FUN. And it makes our marriage better every single year.

    For everyone else, though? Oh yeah. A SINGULARLY DIRECTED male sex drive -- as long as it's directed toward a woman who actually *wants* him! -- would make this world a much better world indeed. Mmhmm bby.

    • What does "more practical" mean, by the way? I didn't understand that poll option...

    • women's sex drive is not only directed at one man too you know. but to be honest, in a relationship i dont even watch porn because it feels like cheating to me, i dont even look at other women either. it would be great for her i guess, but it would only be great for the man if his woman can deal with his sex drive.

    • @anonman32 "women's sex drive is not only directed at one man too you know"
      ^^ Did I ever say it was?

      Since we're talking about an imaginary fantasy world anyway, may as well engineer it to fit our own agenda, no?


      "it would be great for her i guess, but it would only be great for the man if his woman can deal with his sex drive"

      ^^ You think a sexually obsessed man can OUTLAST a sexually obsessed woman?

      ... yeah, you keep thinking that.

    • Show All
  • I'd only wish it was more practical. It's so annoying being like "Arhhh! I have the worst migraine."

    And having your dude be like, "There, there I'm sorry you feel like death today. Here are some compassionate cuddles, my sweet love."

    (Dude gets boner from cuddles)

    "Suck my dick, you teasing bitch!!! I don't care about your stupid headache. If I don't cum RIGHT NOW, I might rip your whole head off."

  • No, of course wouldn't decrease it. Granted that the guy is aware that his libido is not an acceptable excuse to try and justify particular behaviours or transgressions of other people's safety, of course.

Most Helpful Guys

  • The happiest I've been on a personal level in a relationship was when both of us had a high and synchronized drive. As well as being enjoyable, it was an amazing glue that made us close.

    Low and synchronized is worse.

    Out of synch is much worse.

    So in my case, lower is better because my partner's is zero, but if my partners were higher, i'd rather have more, not less.

    The sad truth is as well, without a sex drive, I would never have formed a family. My kids were certainly planned, but I didn't seek someone to have kids with, I wanted a partner, and then we wanted kids. And they've been a big joy in my life.

    I think if men had no sex drive, 10% of them would try to get money, and 90% would play video games all day.

    • The percentage who would just go out and cause random mayhem and destruction is certainly not 0 percent.

  • If it wasn't for the male sex drive we wouldn't be here having this discussion. For the 200,000 year history of modern man, procreation could not have taken place without male sex drive. Female sexual arousal is nice, but it's not necessary for procreation. But without make sexual arousal -- which causes a certain physical manifestation if you know what I am referring to -- there would be no human race today. So don't wish away the human race by wishing away male sex drive. Our future depends on it!

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What Girls & Guys Said

13 32
  • Hell no lol. Its perfect the way it is, no need to change things.

  • Helllll noooooooo!

    Stay horny my friends.


  • Having a higher sexdrive than my boyfriend, I'd make it greater.

  • Lol no way!

    • Good!😝😛

    • @Toad-1 😬😁👍🏽👊🏽

  • I dont really think there is a problem with it but I really want an "on/off" switch.