Im thinking of letting my boyfriend to have sex with other girls. Would it be wired?

I know I cannot sexually satisfy my boyfriend because I only got small assets. So would it be wired if I told him that he can have sex with other girls? What would you think if your girlfriend told you things like that?
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Small boobs and a butt
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Most Helpful Guys

  • I have been told this many times in the past. For some reason, girls I've dated would come up to me, all on their own, and tell me that they know that I could have options, and that they were ok for me to act upon any of them as long as I kept things discrete and did not humiliate her. Some did and some didn't want to know details.

    The first time it happened, I was shocked and didn't know how to respond. In many ways, I still don't know what the best response should be. It didn't change how I felt about the girl, but I did appreciate the display of trust she showed me.

    In the end, it's up to you. If you make such an offer to him, you can't be upset if one day he took you up on it. Also, he may or may not get the wrong idea about your intentions. Either way, if you think this will make him happy because you have small boobs? I'm sorry to tell you, but it really doesn't make a difference in that department at all because, frankly, most of us don't care about boob size by the time the bra comes off.

  • It shows me that she doesn't trust the fact that I'm with her for a reason and already love her body, if she proposed that idea, I'd seriously consider leaving... pretty insulting in my opinion.

    • No it's not insulting. I just wish my boyfriend to have more fun and be happier physically

    • It is insulting. If he wasn't having fun and happy then he wouldn't be with you. Stop being so small minded.

    • Thanks!

Most Helpful Girls

  • If my boyfriend suggested that I sleep with other men, because they have bigger dicks than him, I'd be heartbroken, hurt, and incredibly confused. It would sound like he didn't believe that I loved him and only him, and thought that I'd be happier with someone else. It would destroy our relationship.
    Why would you want to make your boyfriend feel that way? Why don't you trust that he loves you and wants you for more than your body? Is your relationship really that weak?
    This all sounds like you have issues you need to resolve with yourself. Talk to him about that, instead of just suggesting he fuck other women. That won't make either of you happy.

  • Did your boyfriend ever tell you that you don't satisfy him? I don't think making him have sex with other girls is a great idea. He definitely decided to be in a relationship with you for a reason, and by choosing to be with you, he accepted everything, whether it's big or small. Everybody is different and although society gives us girls this idea that if we are not as gifted as other women when it comes to our breast and butt size then men won't even look twice at us, we need to learn to accept what we have. Confidence is way more attractive than any breast or butt size.

  • You shouldn't let your boyfriend have sex with other girls that just isn't right if he's committed to you then he's committed to you and you only if he wants to go have sex with someone else then he doesn't need to be your boyfriend. Plain and simple. It doesn't matter if you have small boobs or a small butt. If he loved you he would enjoy being intimate with you anyway. And if you think that you really don't know what to do to make him feel good talk to him about it because sex is a connection between two people and it should stay that way.

  • If he's not satisfied with your body, he shouldn't be dating you. The fact that you don't have big boobs does not mean that you don't deserve a partner who loves you the way you and are will be faithful to you. I can't speak for guys, but if my boyfriend made the equivalent offer to me, I'd be horrified and insulted, and upset that he would even be willing to share me.

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11 31
  • What do you mean " got small assets." It wouldn't really be weird.. howevr you can't really expect him to go have sex with other people and come back home to you, he will realize that he can get both personality and sex with other people..

    • That is true

  • If he doesn't find them to be a turn on, then why are the two of you boyfriend and girlfriend in the first place? Sounds to me like you may need to get yourself a new boyfriend. One that likes your assets. :)

  • "Small" is Not All... What this Relationship should Be All about with 'Small boobs and a butt.'
    If he Loves you and cares Anything about you Unconditionally, no matter What Condition you are In or what your made up of, it seems if he really wanted Another who Had Bigger, He would be Doing Her and Not... You.
    Leave it alone, swat this idea Off. This idea may even Stir up a Hornet's nest where you make him Tough and Rough... For him to Walk away and say That's Enough.
    Good luck. xx

  • Yeah if you're good with it send your boyfriend my way. I mean you clearly don't mind...

  • Seriously? Wtf? Why do you even think he's with you in the first place? Sex isn't just about ass and boobs, just like it's not just about penis size. There are a lot of things you can do, and even say, in bed that will be amazing that have nothing to do with the actual shape of your body. If you think that the only things that get him off is boobs and ass, then you're not mature enough to even be having sex/a serious relationship in the first place.

    • I just don't think highly of sex in a relationship so

    • It seems more like you don't think highly of yourself. If you don't want to have sex, then seek out an asexual partner, or stay single. This guy that you're with clearly wants to have sex with YOU and only you, otherwise he wouldn't be in a relationship with you. He'd either just have you as a fuck buddy or not even bother being more than friends with you. The fact that he's in a relationship with you is a clear statement of him not wanting to sleep with anyone else. If you suggest to him to fuck other girls, you might as well not even be together at all.

    • Sounds to me more like her issues is SHE isn't satisfied. She doesn't care that much about sex? The problem isn't her "assets" it's that she's not enjoying it so wants homyto shag someone else and take the pressure off. Either she needs to address her confidence and get him to up his game in the bedroom or they should part ways for both their sakes.

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