Ladies, Johnny Depp or Brad Pitt?

Okay, no gay jokes please. But yesterday I had a debate with my girl (not really my girl...its complicated actually...she still uses my Mach 3 though, which is a huge thing for me and caused me to ask a question about it on here, but anyways) and we had an argument on whose hotter. Johnny Depp or Brad Pitt? Okay, I'm not gay or bisexual or anything, but if you ask me, I'd say Johnny Depp. She kept telling me that Brad Pitt is hotter, I said why and she said he has nice muscles. So then I told her that I don't have any muscles, what about me? and she said...Brad Pitt is hotter...then our friends in the background said we are LAME for having these dumb ass debates...but anyways, I was wondering, what women think, Johnny Depp or Brad Pitt?
Johnny Depp
Vote A
Brad Pitt
Vote B
I don't think either of them is attractive
Vote C
I find both equally attractive
Vote D
Select gender and age to cast your vote:
Girl Guy
+1 y
Okay people, Johnny Depp or Brad Pitt are the options, you can't fill out Choice F on a scan tron sheet on your exam if Choice F is not even an option.
+1 y
+1 y
I just realized how gay that update sounded. This whole question is NO HOMO. FYI
+1 y
Brad Pitt is the next Robert Redford. Johnny Depp is so ahead of his time he IS the next Johnny Depp.
0 0

Most Helpful Girls

  • johnnnayyyyyy

    1. he is smart

    2. he is funny

    3. he is awesome

    4. he is johnny depp

    5. he makes an awesome pirate

    6. he makes an even more awesome psycho barber-killer dude

    7. he makes an even, even more awesome psycho writer-killer dude



    • what about awesome bank robber dude

  • johnny depp. I love his olive skin, dark eyes. not much of a body though but he is so sexy in pirates of the caribbean when he has that deep tan and dreads

    brad looked good in fight club and he's cute when he has some facial hair, but not the scruffy mountain man look. other than that he's a little too pretty boy for me

  • Johnny Depp cos he's a brilliant actor and ply some versatile roles! The mad hatter can't be beatened!

Most Helpful Guy

  • As a guy, gotta say both are pretty attractive from what I can tell is considered male attractive. No homo, obviously :P

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What Girls & Guys Said

14 4
  • Johnny Depp is sexy. He has features on the softer side, but Brad Pitt was unbearably sexy in the movie, "Mr. and Mrs. Smith", so as long as he looks exactly like that, then it's a toss up for me. Haha. Thanks.

    Jamaica Outtttttttt

  • Johnny Depp without a doubt!

    As Brad Pitt gets older, he loses his sexy appeal to me for some reason, but Johnny is just sexy all the time.

    • Brad Pitt is the next Robert Redford. Johnny Depp is so ahead of his time he IS the next Johnny Depp.

  • I chose Johnny Depp. His features are much more exotic and sensual (in my opinion). I don't think there's anything special about Brad Pitt.

  • Neither ! Let's go with Shemar sexy ! (;

    • I would select your answer as the best answer but for some reason every time I try to place my mouse pointer on the best answer check box something crazy I get logged out of GAG, or my computer freezes or a pop up screen pops up telling me JAVA ERROR: CAN'T SELECT AS BEST ANSWER

    • go ahead mama! Shemar Moore is beautiful! Now a list is starting...haha. Jamaica Outtttttt

    • Awww ): @chondell ha ha yep ! n& gotta rep the JA !

  • Johnny Depp
    I was first captivated by him in one of his earlier movies, "Benny and Joon". It was a scene where he was sleeping on a couch or something. My actual thoughts were "Wow, he's really good-looking. He's beautiful".