My girlfriend says it's normal for teens, to have a few months out of a year like that. She says and i quote, " When i was a teen, even into my mid 20s, my period came fine, and in the next month I had more spotting and a single day of light flow for the five days I was on... .. And then the next month, i'd missed my period by 17 days and I had bleeding on the 18th day... 2 weeks early for my next period to be due (32 day cycle) but 2 weeks, 3 days late of my period... Is really normal, the first 10 years after puberty it to be a little erratic every few months at that age. Your body is just trying to recaloberat it own clock."
Well she was typing that, i looked up some possible symptoms of pregnancy, mood swings noticeable, enlarged breasts, slight breast aches, fatigue, heartburn, tiredness, slight nausea, and pushy feeling in belly.
✨Hope you the best of luck ✨0 0 0 0Thank you for your indepth answer, to your girlfriend as well! We are indeed in our teens. Her last period was 2 weeks too early, but now it's 17-18 days late. The problem is though, she's having symptoms she's never had: never been late, sudden spotting, slight local breast tenderness and since today uterial cramps. I am not sure "when" it's too late to start experiencing a whole different menstruation. I was thinking the sexual activity threw her cycle way off. Half of the pregnancy symptoms describe her even when she was a virgin lol. She's afraid to go to the doctor alone, which I understand. I can't be there for her. I am expecting pregnancy (somehow), the two home tests disagreed with me. So it's a bit of a anxiety rollercoaster.
It can happen, I've had a scare like that after a one-night-stand. Turns out her period was just late. But I would still see a doctor if possible.
Also, not sure about condoms plus pulling out. Isn't there a risk you'll pull off the condom in the process?0 1 0 0The previous period of my girlfriend was even 2 weeks early, now it's 2 weeks late. Never been late. Can happen indeed, but luckily didn't, I made sure to not let it go. Will be more careful
Okay :) Well, periods aren't like clockwork. They're a biological process, so...
True, it's very odd though
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