My boyfriend watches Porn....WTF

most f***ed up story,..since I'm against watching porn at first I would never snoop through my mans shit, I believe if you don't look for trouble you don't find then I started having these weird dreams about him, and then my 6th sense told me something gotta be checked up with him... i was chilling with him in his house & the history button caught my he was out of the room I went through it and found MAD MAD MAD porn. he later denied it..yet I got through to him and he said I'm sorry I didn't want to make you sad. ok I understand that but then he said "its not even wrong I'm not gonna feel bad about it, most guys do it" wtf m so confused I asked him if he wants something different and he said no what's going on y would he not want just me...I'm not ugly, I have nice body, I f*** him like 2-3 times a day, I'm a good girlfriend :(
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  • Porn is okay,because most guys watch porn,but the live chat is something else.

    Live chat with a girl who you can talk to and will do whatever the guy tells her to do is...

    I don't know,because some can say it's just like a stirp show and some woman are okay,but clearly you are not,so go talk to him and get him to understand ur feelings.


  • masturbation is a normal male interest.

  • Porn can actually be a good way of learning new tricks :o haha but not seriously watching porn doesn't mean you're not satisfied your present relationship its just sometimes born out of curiosity and yeah well... I guess most guys watch porn haha hell I do, but if its truly something that you're agains then... there has to be middle ground because trying to corner your guy can just make him do things he wouldn't normally do like lying as the previous guy said

    • It was live woman in front of a web cam..thats normal too?

  • It has nothing to do with you, guy thing, unless he's looking at illegal stuff. Try not to let it hurt you because it truly has NOTHING to do with you. If he starts looking at porn and not showing you affection THEN you have a problem.

  • You should be the one apologizing for being such a snoop. Now, you should make it up to him. Watch some with him -- have fun, see what he likes to see. Maybe then you can spice things up. Otherwise, he will just continue to keep such things a secret from you. Stop being such a prude -- porn, in proper degrees, is good for you. Quality also counts for guys -- not just quantity.

    • Your answer disgusts me

    • That?s O.K. I just don?t know how long you will be able to suspend reality -- at 21, young and innocent can still be quite charming. Happy lessons.

    • The thing is, I don't agree with you in the point that she should apologize. She has the right to be irritated by the fact that her boyfriend is watching porn, ven if this irritation is unnecessary since watching porn is a separate thing from sexual saatisfaction.

  • Its perfectly natural, don't get insecure about it, older women even married women use vibrators, and dildos even if they are in a relationship, young men have insatiable sex drives that need to be meet weather or not your there or not, immense sexual impulses must be kept under control at all times.

  • hmmm well I did read that up in one of my medical books before. The whole dopamine reward system thing I mean. I guess so. But hey, all humans have at least one addiction right? Why is this one considered "bad"? I would much rather watch porn than smoke cigarrettes or drink alcohol or do drugs. you know?

    • Ur right......its all gud wen you point is y isn't ur girl enough? if she gives you more than porn can

    • It's not about what you give him, porn is always going to fill in a gap that your girlfriend cannot. We don't watch porn because we're in love with the girls on there, we watch it because we like to expand our knowledge about sex. Honestly porn is not a bad thing, just as long as you don"t become "addicted" (Which I think it's impossible but that's just my opinion).

  • My keyboard jammed up there... haha didn't realise how bad it was till I read my comment again... sorry everyone ;P

    • Freddy, you need to study the neurochemistry of addiction. When a person takes an addictive drug dopamine and other neurotransmitters are released in the mesolimbic system of the midbrain producing a euphoria. That same area of the brain is activated during sex and pornography. If you care to look it up for yourself study the dopamine hypothesis of addiction and the neurological reward system. It has been supported through numerous studies on both animals and humans.

    • Regular-guy is right it is a addiction.If you for example workout everyday and find you are not liking the feeling and wanna quit,but if you keep it up as time goes by ur brian starts making it feel good and you get this high kind of feeling.This all comes from the same process.Research it and you will understand. Peace!!!

    • Oh ya,one more thing.When you stop something that you done a lot it doesn't always result in a type of withdraw,but the more you focus on it the higher the chance a withdraw type of feeling will come.

  • Porn really is not all that bad. I believe it can actually be educational just as long as you know that these girls are all acting and that sex is really not supposed to be the way porn shows it.

    I wouldn't be too worried about it, he's a guy and we've all watched porn at some point in our lives. Just as long as he doesn't make it to the point where he prefers porn over you, then it's all good.

    Don't worry too much about it hon, it really is not that big of a deal. And trust me it has nothing to do with him not thinking you are pretty and what not. So relax! You're still young, once you get a little older you'll know what I mean :)

    • Lol you got one thing wrong buddie ;) SEX IS EXACTLY HOW PORN SHOWS IT

    • Umm there different kinds of porn. you can go for the hardcore stuff if you want but I prefer the amateur porn where they are actually couples that love each other. porn is not regular sex people have, its the kind of sex with no attachment and the intent of making moneyyyy

  • are you still with him now? does it still bother you?

  • Most men watch porn, it's their addiction just like most women are addicted to romance novels.

    Now he's gone really too far with going to live chat, you need to talk to him bout that.

  • sweetie you need to realize that porn is quite normal and typical and that when men look at and even masturbate to pictures and imaginations of other girls, it is purely sexual and has absolutely nothing to do with you. no woman is "good enough" to have a guy not look at other girls, that whole idea is just wrong headed.

    every person in the world checks out every other person they ever see, no big deal.

    if he isn't cheating then don't worry, there is nothing wrong with you or him.

  • I'll just give you my straight up opinion even though many people may disagree with me. Most guys look at porn. So its not like your boyfriend is some wierdo...he is just like most other guys who look at porn sometimes while on the internet in private. That does not mean that he does not like you and that your not a good girlfriend. As long as your relationship is good and he still likes to sex and spend time with you then I would not make a big deal out of this.

  • if you never had sex with him then that can b a problem too.

    cause wen a guy gets a boner its really hard to control.

    • Hm my boyfriend and I haven't had sex do you think that is why he watches so much porn?

  • Guys watch porn for the fantasy of it all. It's not you.

    It's not a big deal. Everyone does it.

    Maybe you and your guy can watch it together.

  • You shouldn't be angry at him for looking at porn EVERY man does it even if you f*** him 2-3 times a day,you should try to learn to like it to so you can do stuff while watching it together ;)

  • It is nothing against you! Guys love to look at other women and porn in general.. Women your age would take it personally, but it isn't you! Guys are attracted to sex that age and their penises rule their brains. It is really hard to explain to a woman why guys look at porn when they have them. It might change when he is older. He may not look at porn as long as you are around, but lets say he travels for a job, he will be looking at porn. Be thankful he is not cheating on you. Porn is also addicting! Because it is a pleasurable thing. It is new to him and he is exploring it.

    • Guys who are into porn are much more likely to end up cheating.

  • guys love girls and get excited when a girl is naked..girls are so amazing naked we guys can't help it..if we see more than one it makes a guy even more happy even if its just a picture (in my opinion guys can't be attractive to a girl the way girls are to a guy girls can't understand it)...perhaps he's never had an accual girlfriend before and he's probably very sad inside and p*rn is all he's had a chance to see girls naked and stuff and he's used to it more... maybe he thinks your going to dump him ... and having an accual girlfriend is more a fantasy than a p*rn vid...guys are like that... if he denies it he's probably scared inside or he's just very into girls and its normal but if he's chating to other girls online than that could be a problem

  • There is no reason to get jealous of porn, relax it's completely normal. Guys get turned on easily visually while women are physical and emotional. You could be the hottest girl in the world and he would still look at porn don't get threatened by it, you are just going to push him away. As you get older you will realize that it is normal and if you get comfortable enough you may even watch a movie with him. Don't give him a guilt trip it's normal.

  • Come on, are you kidding me? Yeah I get that you're not familiar with the whole guy/porn every night thing, but let him be a guy. It's nature for him - you really should expect it from any guy.

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