My GF's butt looks tight in jeans but her butt drops when she undresses. Would it be weird to ask her to keep her jeans partly on during sex?

My GF's butt looks tight in jeans but her butt drops when she undresses. Would it be weird to ask her to keep her jeans partly on during sex?

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Most Helpful Girls

  • Jesus lol. I wouldn't ask her to do that... if you make her feel more beautiful on her own she might have better sex with you. If you make her more confident on her own she could have more confidence when she's fucking you. If you tell her that it could possibly bring down her confidence like " oh he doesn't like the way my body looks"

  • Go workout together. Get her on the leg press machine, cable donkey kicks & weighted hip thrust. Her ass will round up fast. same exercises can be done at home without weights just take longer.

    • Well maybe not that fast...

    • she is not fat... i would give her 2 months if she does what i do

    • You won't know for how long I work out now... And I am hella skinny bitch

    • Show All
  • That is rude to say. You would hirt her. Are you embarresed because of her? Sex is about making love, you lover her for her and not for her butt.

Most Helpful Guys

  • You can undo the zipper fully or tell her to get crotchless jeans (google it) ;) I am the same way I like a girl with her jeans partially on sometimes

  • If you've got the ability to fuck through those jeans go for it.

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What Girls & Guys Said

11 2
  • Do you understand how pants work?

  • Don't ever do that, you'll make her feel super uncomfortable and maybe even insecure, also she'll get her jeans messy lmao

  • Squats

  • Lol you are a riot buddy. Do whatever you want. Orrr... make her do some squats like damn.

  • your ultimately rude and should get a new girlfriend if you have to put her down on a site sicko

  • She should be completely naked during sex!

  • Go to the gym with her and do a couple's workout or some shit 😂

  • I'm calling bullshit on you having a girlfriend.

    you don't have the potential to get one

  • First of all, if you really loved and cared about her than you wouldn't care about the looks. And, if you tell her that, then she doesn't deserve you.

  • she must wear extra things

  • How are you going to have sex when her jeans are holding her ass up? Where do you plan to stick it?
    Try seeing how asking her to do some squats and lunges goes... or just stop being such a superficial d1ck.

  • Man oh man your degrading the girl down because her ass drops. How would you feel if she asked you too cover your face whilst having sex? BEHAVE boy and enjoy your girl. Be hapoy she has a ass some girld dont.

  • Yes, very weird.