Since Plan B is a high dose of hormones it can throw off your cycle. Having taken it before, and knowing other girls that have taken it, I can say that sometimes it takes a few months to get your cycle back on track.
Since you say you had a short, light period a week after you took it...well it could go either way. Some women get no period for months. Some women end up with a shorter, lighter period after they take it. Some women have a heavier period. OR what you experienced might not have been a period at all. If you were already ovulating when you took Plan B, there's a chance that it might not have worked. In that case, what you would be experiencing would be light spotting from a fertilized egg implanting itself in the uterus. Which means you're pregnant.
So, since you've already waited a month and a half. It can't hurt to wait a few more days. Like you said, you may get your period around the time that you got it last month. So, wait a few more days and if you don't get your period just go to your doctor or the nearest planned parenthood and have them do a pregnancy test for you. Planned parenthood will either do it for free or for a small fee. It depends on where you live, but it's quick and confidential.
None of us can tell you for sure if you're pregnant or not because the way that Plan B affects every girl is different. It also depends on whether or not your were ovulating when you took it. So, just do your best to relax because stressing out is not going to make you feel better. Just wait a few more days and if your period doesn't show then get yourself checked.1 0 0 0This. Also, I applaud you for actually being able to tell the difference between affects and effects and use the right one. Sadly, the vast majority of people can't do that.
Well I don't think I was ovulating when I had sex because from what I believe you ovulate 14 days after your period. and I was done with my period on october 8th. and I had sex on october 12th. so I don't believe I was ovulating, which means it was less likely for me to get pregnant becasue I wasn't ovulating?
Women can ovulate anywhere from day 11 to day 21 of their monthly cycle. You calculate it by starting with the day your menstrual period STARTS not when it's over. So, don't calculate from Oct. 8th--count from the first day. But, here's the catch: ovulation can occur at various times during a cycle. Things like stress or illness can affect it. So, everything you read is mostly an estimate. Unless you get a test to track it, it really is hard to pinpoint exactly when you are ovulating.
plan b and other medications like it use TONS of hormones in order to do what they do so they'll throw off your body's chemistry and your cycle like crazy, so it wouldn't be surprising if it screwed with your regularly scheduled period. I looked on the plan b site and it says that you SHOULD get your period at the normal time but it can be delayed but that you must see a doctor if your period is more than 7 days late. now that said, it's still only like 78% effective or something like that I don't know the exact number so what you can do is either go to a doctor which, since you haven't yet I'm assuming you're young and you don't want your parents knowing, or you can take a quick trip to either planned parenthood or birthright and they can give you a free confidential test that is accepted by hospitals.
bottom line though, your question "could I be pregnant" yes you could, it is possible. is it likely that you are? hard to say, I'd go with no though. most likely, since the tests read negative, the pill threw off your cycle and now your periods are messed up. that said, you still MUST get a real test done if you don't have your period soon.0 0 0 0
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3 0the day of bleeding was your period, because it came early (the pill makes it do that), there wasn't as much blood. so your not going to get your period at your regular time now.
0 0 0 0If your period is only two weeks late, it could be too early for the tests to register. Typically, most tests won't read the pregnancy hormone until a few weeks after your missed period. Try using Clear Blue in about a week, it should pick up the hormone up to four days before your expected period. Or, go to a doctor and get a blood pregnancy test.
A friend of mine swears by Clear Blue. I took one a couple of weeks ago, but because of my birth control cycle of 90 days instead of the usual 28, I'm not sure how reliable any pregnancy test will be. That's why I went to the doctor and got the blood test done. Still waiting to hear the results, but I should find out Monday or Tuesday.
If you are unsure of whether you are pregnant or not, see a doctor. They will do the blood test after asking a hundred questions about how you feel, any symptoms, etc., and you should get the results back in a couple of days.
Good luck.0 0 0 0If you've lost weight, or are under stress, that's likely to be the cause. But I would seriously suggest you go to your doctor, and do another pregnancy test through them.
0 0 0 0Well I have been loosing weight, I've lost 15 pounds so far. and my mom told me that it could be from me exercising and stuff. but she doesn't know about what's going on. she just thinks my period is late. and I hope to god it comes becasue I can't have a baby. this was seriously a wake up call for me.
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