Guys, Seriously Does having sex with a condom is really a huge deal breaker to you?

Most men who disagree wearing a condom say it is due to the sensation and the pleasure issue as it really does not feel the same as fukcing without one. I understand that part believe me, Nowadays condoms I suppose are made from different fabrics than many years ago and probably with better fabrics so the guy could feel something

I mean think about the risks of STD, unwanted pregnancies and still you want to go commando. I mean for some minutes of sex with a condom you are sparing your whole life of a baby responability or of a STD that you may not be even ready for it. or ask for it. If you do not want kids or have the responsability of becoming a parent or contract a STD why insist on going bareless just because for most guys they want to feel something, they are thinking only in them It seems they pay more attention to the pleasure than the responsability. Do you really wnt to take the chance and risk if you are really not ready to deal with a disease or a pregnancy from the lady?

I know you may all say well the woman also needs to be on birth control and it is also her responsability. You may be right but that is in the case the woman is probably sexually active so she needs to be on birth control often. But what if the woman is not sexually active (or virgin) and due to that she is not under any brith control method beaue she has never need to be under a birth conrl due to her sex inactivity or for beign a virgin and the easy way to protect in this particular case is the guy using a condom, not only is easy to get it but easy to buy it and you can buy condoms everywhere so they are more available out there for people to get it and you do not need a doctor to have one in hand fast. On the contrary the lady pills are only prescribed by a doctor or any other type of female birth control is prescribed by a doctor period and it is more tedious to get it just like a condom and what if one day the lady forget to take the pill the day she will have sex?
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Condom to the rescue as you can go and buy it quicky almsot everywhere, a lady just can't take a time out and tell the guy "Hey im going to my house to put my BC method can't you wait Of course that can't happen. so it is more tedious. Some time ago a adult friend who is 45 told me this "I dont like to wear a condom during sex because it does not feel the same"
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Then I thought myself he is a 45 mature guy thinking like a teenager. He tol d me that he was about to have sex in the upcoming weeks with a virgin who was a late virgin and still he did not like to wear a condom. So I told him Really? I mean the lady could still get pregnant at her age and neitehr you or her want kids or being responsible why dont u wear a condom because it is her first time.
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What Guys Said

  • Yeah I’d wear one

  • No. It's just fine. Specially if you don't know each other well yet

  • Yeah because I can literally feel nothing, I'd rather have no sex at all, never fooled around with anyone out of a relationship so it's not as big a scare to me if I choose not to wear one

    • what abotu STD or unplanned pregnancies? if you are notm onogamous

    • We both get tested, and she takes birth control, with my last ex we didn't, but next one I will. I would never be nonmonagamous.

  • No and it should not be if it's at the girl's request and u got to watch out for diseases these days so if it's by a girl's request and the guy is giving you a hard time then he's not even worth your time

  • Wearing a condom is a deal breaker for me because there are benefits of sex without a condom – which you won’t hear in those sex ed classes. They include:

    1. You becoming a lot more motivated to have sex!
    2. You inspire a lot more trust and devotion in your partner whom you're sleeping with.
    3. You get a lot more pleasure!

    I've always had sex unprotected so therefore have STI checkups and so I make sure current or previous partners do too so we know one another's sexual health status!

  • It is a turn on for me tbh. I use one everytime no matter what or sex isn't happening.

  • I can't even keep an erection while wearing a condom

    • I guess that is in your personal particular case

    • So for you it is better to risk the chance of the lady to get pregnant in case she is not under aBC

    • Yeah it sucks because I don't want none of those things you talked about to happen to me

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