Should I have sex and get it over with?

I'm 16 and a virgin and I've never even been kissed.Well,the thing is,guys nowadays don't want to go out or date a virgin,let alone have a relationship with one.Virginity is like a repellent or a disease,it pushes guys away ya know.I'm not an over emotional girl,I can block out my feelings and emotions and I don't become clingy cause I don't like clingy people myself.So I'm thinking maybe I should just have sex to get it over with.Preferably with a guy I barely know that way it won't be awkward or maybe I'd never see him again.I would use birth control and condoms,so STDs and pregnancy are prevented.So should I just have sex and get it over with? And I'm sure not being a virgin when I go to college will make dating easier Wouldn't it be easier to have sex and get it over with?I mean,it's not like having sex with someone I "love" will make it any better and sex isn't special to guys,so what would be the point of waiting?...Nothing
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Most Helpful Guys

  • You have obviously been hurt multiple times...This honestly saddens me, I feelin ya pain at the moment. Let me tell ya this girl, don't you dare give that special attribute up. Don't you dare, I promise you won't regret it. You stay true to you, don't let these guys b bullsh*tting ya. You'll find you a man that treats you right and respects you. I am a guy and I would a million times over prefer a virgin, these guys that don't prefer one, they just want sex. So losing it would do you absolutely no good, you may get more dates but they won't be nothing but about sex. Gain yourself respect, you straight girl. You stay strong. Don't follow the world, look what position its in now with all of its problems and bullsh*t, Make your own world girl. You in this position for a reason, everyone gets to this point at some time, most make the wrong decision. Just remember this, You stay true to yourself! that man is out there waiting on you and you still young so don't make a decision you will have to live the rest of your life with. Give it a couple of years, I guarantee you will find that dream man that really is in it for the love. Kissing isn't bad though, that is something that you need to experience, just don't turn into a kissing jk. Kisses are still something really cool though to find that a girl still has, makes things more interesting.

    • 1)I've never been hurt 2)Virginity isn't all that special 3)I don't see the correlation between sex and love.They are two different things in my opinion

    • 1. If you were never hurt then you wouldn't have asked this question and have been feeling doubts. You asked and we gave honest answers, they won't always be what you want 2. Virginity is very special to some guys, for me example. I wouldn't mess with a non virgin. I want to love something that no1 else has had. 3. You can't have love without sex in a sense but you can have sex without love...They are different but you seem to love more and the love is more special when its both of yours first.

    • 1)I've never been hurt,I'm just saying,virgins are ignored by guys. 2)I don't know any guys who think virginity is special. 3)I still see no correlation

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  • i just went through all your replies and comments for this question and it just seems that you yourself don't know what you want...

    not to hurt you and don't take it the other way...but it seems that you are defending both that's not running into any conclusion is it...

    well I think its best that you yourself decide about this question as it you whose virginity is going to be lost...

    personally I don't feel that virginity will come up in the dating game and definately virginity is not a thing that you are trading off to get access to the dating world...

    oh please virginity only matters if you are planning to hook up with a guy and NOT DATING...they are simple 2 different topics...

    and if all you want is simply sex then why hide it behind glorious words of sacrificing virginity...there are many guys out there to enter if a girl is ready to spread her legs...

    • How am I defending both sides?And what are both sides anyways?

Most Helpful Girls

  • What do you want from sex? The way I'm reading it, you're seeing it like a toll road - a price you have to pay to get a relationship. What kind of connection is that?

    The only difference between a virgin and a non virgin is the fact that one had sex and the other didn't. Sex doesn't affect your personality or your outlook in life. Having sex doesn't make a woman more desirable to a man - for some guys it just makes them more available. I disagree that the majority of men don't want to have a relationship with a virgin, because you not ONLY a virgin - there is more to you than just your sexual history. Most men don't want to have a relationship with a woman who doesn't interest them - sex or no sex. Sure, there are guys out there who will put up with a woman because she puts out - but that isn't a relationship.

    Don't kid yourself and think that having sex will open up doors to with men that you've only dreamed of, because it won't. You'll still be you. If you don't want to wait - that's your prerogative, just don't change your mind for the wrong reasons. And doing it for a guy (whether for attention or a relationship) is the wrong reason.

    There is no point in waiting if you don't want to wait anymore, but I think you should base that on your own desires not on how some nonexistent guy might feel about you.

    Good luck.

  • It's totally your choice. I understand you wanting to hear the different opinions/views, but don't base it off majority or anything. You gotta choose in the end unfortunately.

    But I think guys find virgins as a challenge, like something they want to conquer (which sounds weird but still).

    Saying that would make me a hypocrite though. I'm sixteen and I decided to just lose my virginity because it was getting on my nerves and I felt that it got in the way. I didn't fall to peer pressure, I just took it into perspective, if everyone else is doin it then what's the big deal in me not having fun too?

    So I lost mine to a guy I knew for 3 months, we're pretty good friends. He broke up with his girlfriend and was definitely missing the I was basically his temp or fill-in. We had sex three times, and now he's back with his ex. I feel pretty indifferent to it all. I'm not emotionally scarred or anything. But the word spread fast that I wasn't a virgin and now I feel like I move way to fast with all other guys.

    Good luck. I hope whatever you chose works out for you. =)

  • Sex is healthy and it is natural.Some people have sex for just pleasure,others to express their emotions.It isn't up to me whether you have sex or not,it's up to you.Yes,I agree,guys don't like virgins,I am a 16 year old who goes to HS and associates with guys on a day to day basis,they all stay the hell away from virgins because virgins are considered "boring"

    Have sex if you want,I'm not gonna be like the rest of the people on here who are going to give you a speech or lecture

    • HAHAHA. Guys don't stay away from virgins. Guys who are only looking for sex stay away from virgins. Just because you don't put out doesn't mean you're boring. It means you have self respect.

    • Actually,they do.I happen to be a teen around other teens and they avoid virgins.I don't understand how being a virgin means you have more respect for yourself than not being a virgin

    • Evangelina214,are you a virgin?Not be be invasive or disrespectul?

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  • Don't just give it up like it's nothing. You'll regret it and regrets are sh*t. You're only 16, I know people who are still virgins and they're in their twenties and they're hot! The men that date them think they're special for having waited so long and they're respected for that. Sex isn't something to just get over and done with. Espesh the first time, it should be special with someone you love and someone who'll treat you right. You will only attract the d***s with the attitude you have towards it. Maybe 16 year old losers who think they're God's gift don't want to date a virgin but the real guys wouldn't be intimidated by that. And dating doesn't have to include sex.

    • Damn, looks like no love on this answer angel haha I actually do like your answer though, +1 lol

    • I know! Where's the love? This is easily the best answer here lol.

  • "Well,the thing is,guys nowadays don't want to go out or date a virgin,let alone have a relationship with one."

    It sounds like the only guys you know are assholes. Guys that want to get into your pants won't want to date a virgin.

    "I can block out my feelings and emotions and I don't become clingy cause I don't like clingy people myself."

    When you have sex with someone that's going to change.

    "I mean,it's not like having sex with someone I "love" will make it any better"

    It actually makes it 100,000,000% better.

    "sex isn't special to guys,"

    Jesus! meet some new guys...

  • This is totally up to you. Are you ready and wanting to give it away to just some random boy you pick out?! Then I say I do it. Don't let other people make this decision for you.

    If you have any doubts what-so-ever then don't do it. You should be completely ready. Mentally more than anything.

    Maybe rather than just giving it to just some guy, give it to a boyfriend. Just maybe don't tell them that you're a virgin? That could be your problem. Don't give away that information away so easily. Wait til they become close to you and like you for you before you spew that information. They should stick around for liking you at that point rather than just break up with you over it. You can always tell him you are willing to lose it to him if the thought of breaking up with you occurs to him at that point. (if you are)

    Hope this helps!

  • Well there are countless tales of women who wish they hadn't given it away so soon, so with that in mind I would counsel you towards celibacy, unless you really really want it and need it.

  • Lol sounds like a dumb idea to me. You just need to take a deep breath and relax. No point in doing stuff just to do it. You are totally normal.

    • Why would it be a dumb idea?I don't understand how having sex is dumb?

    • It's not dumb. But it's like getting a tattoo. Doing it just to do it is dumb. But if you want to just be a body and nothing else, then go get used by a guy. It's totally your call

    • You would be doing it just to do it, you may regret it later

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