Should I be embarrassed about having body hair?

I'm Latina and genetically some of us are either born with body hair or not. I wish i didn't have any. I'm so insecure about it. I don't mind getting waxed or anything but I want to be loved and accepted. I have hair on my arms legs under arms (common parts) where I'm embarrassed and insecure Is having hair down there , my tummy, my back and my bum.-. I've been called pretty and attractive. But I feel like once they see that I'm automatically ugly. Ugh...
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Most Helpful Girls

  • I'm insecure about body hair too. I'm White British with blonde hair (that looks more ginger in some places). I get hair in the common places, arms, legs, underarms, "down there", bum, etc. But then I also get them in the strangest places and that's what I feel insecure about... I have a birth mark on my leg which gets a few hairs coming out of it and a mole that hasn't grown on my chin (I get a few hairs out of that too). My ex used to tell his guy friends and make fun of the random hairs that grow on my nipples, and the "snail trail" on my stomach. Even though they are hard to see and I shave them, it makes me super insecure. Especially that he made fun of them (what a dick?)

    • Do you have small hardly visible fuzz or it's visible fuzz/ hair?

    • @chick4ever Dude wtf is your obsession with body hair... F*ck off already lmao

    • Why mad. I just asked.:/

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  • I don't think you are ugly even if you are hairy, i am hairy too, and i am admitting this without hiding my identity because i really don't care what others have to say about this.

    YES i do depilate the heck out of myself, and YES i look as if im a hairless sexbomb, but my boyfriend knows this, and he says that he still loves me, AND YES I HATE IT because it takes so much work,

    You should just appreciate the fact that you are HEALTHY and you don't have other issues :) trust me, it's better being hairy rather than being bald because of cancer.

    • I agree. Good for you with loving and accepting all of yourself!

    • @CrystalChild Yep i do, I STILL DEPILATE THO !! lol <3

    • I would much rather a girl I am with have a full bush down there than looking like she is 10. All guys (before porn and modern fashion twisted everything) used to be turned on by this because the natural female body in a mature state is supposed to be attractive and beautiful.

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  • No one can tell you to love or hate your body for you. But if you want to know if that's normal, then yes, it is. As mammals we all have body hair all over our bodies. I have very light skin and dark hair. Most of my body hair is fine and not so noticable, but my stomach and leg hair are. Quite frankly I don't care if that's unattractive or not, I love all of my body. I hope you gain that inner confidence one day too xoxox much love

  • I'm latina too so I understand--some ethnic groups are hairier than others. People of Mediterranean descent (Spanish, Italian, French, etc.) are well known for having a lot of hair, and it's generally dark hair on light skin, so it shows up better. This is good because they usually have thick full heads of hair, but bad because they have a lot of body and facial hair. Don't worry about it, ur beautiful the way u are :)

Most Helpful Guys

  • latina girls are my favorite!! u guys are beautiful. body hair honestly doesn't bother me at all i think adults are suppposed to be somewhat hairy even women. i obviously dont want a girl with a thick mustache and armpit hair lol but a little peach fuz on ur upper lip is fine with me. and i prefer pussy hair trimmed not shaved i can't stand when its completely bare down there. and i really don't care if a girl has hair on her back or butt or arms or legs, as long as she occasionally makes an effort to shave here and there i'm cool. if she shaved everything once a month i'd be happy, smooth is nice but i'd rather she be a bit hairy than have prickly stubble

  • I have a couple of Indian sisters with hairier arms than I have and I find them stunning. They do shave/wax their legs and I'm not sure how I'd feel if their legs were hairier than mine, but being hairy for most of the areas you described never stopped me from finding a girl very attractive.

    • I have a couple of Indian sisters [as good friends, though I think of them like my own sisters] with hairier arms than I have and I find them stunning.

    • These girls have lot of arms hair but smooth legs?

    • @chick4ever Not naturally, I assume they shave their legs. They have lots of hair on the back too around the neck area and below. I still think they're so pretty. I drew a sketch of one of them because I found her so pretty:

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  • How can anyone see it if you wax it? Umm if you don't care you shouldn't care who likes it or not if you do rid yourself of it not a big problem

  • Yes, you should be embarrassed, then go get a fucking wax. Jesus, go buy some duct tape and year it off yourself. I don't understand why someone would be self conscious about something that is literally fixable in 20 minutes

  • Just vax it

  • My girlfriend has a bit of fuzz on her back just below her neck and in between the back part of her shoulders. She also has a small fuzz patch near her waist (also on her back). I find it adorable. That's just me. Me encanta tocarlo jaja, pero me dice que no le gusta tenerlo por la misma razón. Le digo que me gusta a mi, pero si se lo quiero rasurar en el verano, no la puedo parar. Es su cuerpo. Lo deja crecer durante el invierno. Me gusta. Se ve muy hermosa en mis ojos :3

  • Body hair is only natural. There are many men who won't mind.