Should I circumcise my son or not?

He'll be born soon... My husband wants him circumcised just like himself. I think it's awfully wrong to want to cut a baby, because you are cut. I figured, it would be best to let him decide later on in life if he wants to go through the procedure.
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Most Helpful Guys

  • No. You fucking shouldn't. Let him decide. That makes more than the most sense. If he doesn't like having foreskin, he can get surgery for it later. He can't grow back another foreskin. (Unfortunately). They say it's medically better, but all he has to do is be taught to clean it on a regular basis, and there is no health concern. No one ever taught me, so just make sure you have the talk. Multiple times. I vaguely recall my grandad teaching me to pull it back, but I was like 4 years old or something. I didn't remember it at all.

    Just. There are things you have to know, so your son will end up well off. He has to desensitize it over time, by pulling the foreskin down while wearing underwear. The friction will make it less sensitive. I'd say around 10-12 years old, but I don't really know, since no one ever told me. At first, it's fused to the penile glans, so it's impossible until a certain age. But it's very important, especially if he's going to be having sex as a teenager.

    And then, cleaning it every day in the shower. It can get pretty gross if it's not cleaned, and I think it can cause penile cancer or infections or something.

    Well. Point being, make sure you understand what your son needs to know about having foreskin, if he's keeping it.

    But. Even though I had to learn this shit from Sue Johanson on TV at night when my parents were asleep, and the major annoyances that brought with it, I'm glad they left me whole, even though my dad is circumcised.

  • As a baby it's a minor cut easily healed. As a adult, it takes weeks to heal.

    • Tell that to David Reimer

    • @Mesonfielde At 1,000,000 circumcisions a year for >50 years, one David Reiner is fine. Plus, The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) says that although the benefits of circumcision outweigh the risks, these benefits aren't significant enough to recommend that all children have the procedure. Circumcised men have lower rates of urinary tract infections, sexually transmitted infections (including HIV), and penile cancer.

    • Notice the part, "The benefits outweigh the risks."

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Most Helpful Girls

  • I don't think it's "awfully wrong", I think it's worse to decide later. My 7 year old cousin just got circumcised and I think it's worse that they made the decision so late that he has to go through recovery and not entirely understand. So either you do it or you don't do it at all, but don't be changing your mind later.

    Referring to it as genital mutilation and child abuse (not you others) is ridiculous. It's not like you are taking a kitchen knife to your son, chopping it while laughing maniacally. It's a procedure that is done by professionals.

    I think you need to read up on benefits, pros, cons, what guys have said (in an objective way, not guys talking about lack of sexual options). To make a decision, but if your husband has it, and has thought it best for him and has no issues with it, realistically it's like him trying to argue about periods, he just won't get it. And while it's a 50/50 decision that you both have to agree on, you should listen to his points. I think you aren't giving ALL his reasons I doubt all he said was "well I have it", I'm sure he gave more.

    • No, he literally said that because he has it he wants his son to have it done. Then I brought up that wanting to have your son's penis cut, because yours is cut sounds ridiculous. After he said, well when you put it that way... Shutup "sarcasm". Since then, we haven't talked much about it. So yeah, he did not give more. Also when I say later, mean when he is older like 18 if he wants to do it, I would pay for it.

  • My son isn't circumcised, but his dad isn't either. Of course, my family thought I had lost my mind when I didn't do it, but they eventually moved on. Despite the myths out there, it isn't as "uncommon" or as "nasty" as some believe... as long as it is clean.

    I did a lot of research before I decided not to do it, and I suggest you should too. There are a few things that I learned. ... Like, I thought it would have to be cleaned differently, that is false. The foreskin will not retract until puberty.

    My son is almost 4 and has never had any issues!!

    I had to watch circumcisions in nursing school, and it was terrible to watch! No, the babies don't remember it, but I feel like it is borderline torture!

    Also, I had an ex boyfriend who wasn't circumcised as a baby and decided to get it done at 21 years old... THAT WAS TERRIBLE TOO! I wouldn't encourage that, unless my son brought it up later in life. It is much worse when done as an adult.

  • I think it's mutilation. My boyfriend was circumcised and wishes he hadn't been. As long as a guy keeps himself clean it isn't a problem. Olus, there are a lot of nerve endings in the foreskin that make sex feel better for the guy, and foreskin itself can make sex better for the girl. Plus, there are studies that say the guy can absorb some of his woman's hormones through his foreskin that help with pair bonding.

  • If you want to, however realistically your son won't remember the pain when he gets older, as for if he decides to get it when he's older, he has to be awake and will endure a lot of pain so he probably won't decide to get himself circumcised willingly unless there's a problem with his foreskin. there's a lot of benefits to it, however others would view it as mutilation.

    • Their is no benefit to circumcision.

    • @Thisperson98 A lot of people would say otherwise. Bottom line its her son they will come to an agreement, when you have children you can do whatever.

    • Hmph, saying "they won't remember the pain" can easily be used as an argument for any type of sexual harassment.

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  • No, I wouldn't. I am, and I'm glad that I am, but I do wish that I had the choice. I understand why my parents did it, and it was probably better than having it be 'different' than everyone else's was growing up, since it was just the cultural thing to do and everyone had it done. When I was younger I always thought "of course I would have it done to a son if I was to have one" but I have changed my mind as I've thought more about it. And now I'm definitely in the camp that it is something that is better left to him to decide. It's an irreversible choice, so it's something that should be left to him to make.

  • There are no _real_ medical advantages frankly. There will be articles around on the net advocating for and against. If it's only for cultural reasons and not religious I would leave it up to your child, it's his penis, not his father's. Teaching your son underneath his foreskin is easy and prepares him for a more satisfactory sex life later on. I know, there will be man saying "I am cut, but my sex life is great!", fine, good for them, I guess you won't miss one finger if you're born with nine and never knew what it was to have ten. There will be woman that say "ew, that's gross!", sorry dear, a non-washed female vulva is not that appetizing either for males... Cutting is mutilation, whatever gender it's applied to.

  • He just got that thing. If you're taking votes, I say leave it alone.

  • Why would he want to cut his sons dick? Why would any normal human want to slice bits off their child's genitals? It's fucking barbaric... The penis is fine just the way it is, the foreskin is there for a reason, don't mutilate your child's genitals because your husband wants their dicks to match... I mean, what kind of reason is that?

  • Hell no. Tell your husband that's crazy.