Should I tell my girlfriend I think about her when I jerk off?

We do have sex but sometimes she's not home when its time. I kinda want to tell her but sure what she would think. I dont want to freak her out. Girls how would you take that?
tell her
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+1 y
ok like serously way to many people commented to thank everybody. so like thanks everybody. im so gona tell her next time i do.
+1 y
oh she was totally into it. it was sweet
0 1

Most Helpful Guys

  • Ok, any woman that thinks a guy who masturbates is weird or something is an idiot. We all do it and there is nothing wrong with it. Any woman who is not flattered by her SO masturbating to them when they are not there is a prude. I say go for and tell her. If she doesn't like it, then she is a prude and not very adventurous in sex. If she does like it, then congratulations, you just found another way to enjoy each other!

  • As long as it's in the context of other sort of sexy talk, I think she'd probably be flattered. If it's like, "Hey, my little cousin's play is this weekend, want to come?" "Sure, also, I think about you when I jerk off," that might be kind of weird.

    • Hilarious.

    • lmfao

Most Helpful Girls

  • Yes, absolutely tell her!! As women it is important for us to feel wanted sexually and to know we are enough sexually and that our men are satisfied by us. So by telling her that its her that you think about and fantasize about while masterbating that tells us in a big way that we please you sexually, you find us sexy, and we turn you on. That basically we are doing a damn good job! Lol

    • thanks

  • Umm... yeah! Send her a pic with the words "I can't keep you off of my mind. See what you do to me? I really wish you were here right now.".

    • Smooth move haha

    • I'm good like that. Haha! @chris07

    • Haha remind me to keep my girlfriends away from you lol (don't need my girls stolen :p)

    • Show All
  • OMG!!! Tell her!! That is just so nice and meaning you think about her.

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What Girls & Guys Said

8 5
  • Do it, man.

    Just be prepared for her not to volunteer what, and whom, SHE thinks about.

  • That would make me feel good. Like my boyfriend finds me sexy

    • thanks

  • It's flattering if it's me... :)

  • Do it! I would love to hear something like that:)

    • cool

  • @Stacyzee is right, I would feel sexy if my boyfriend told me he jerks off to me.