Should men have a say in abortion?

What do you think? If you have any better arguments, just leave them down there! And if you don't wanna read them, just skip right to the comment section.

Argument for: A woman doesn’t want to have a baby. She is allowed to abort it without the fathers permission to do so. If she goes through with it however, and the father doesn’t want it, he is forced to pay child support. The argument for child support is that they both have the responsibility of the child they have brought up, and therefore he is responsible to pay if he leaves that other responsibility by not staying with the child. But a woman is allowed to leave her responsibility of caring for the baby yet not born. They both have equal responsibility, and it is illogical, and therefore men should have a say in abortion.

Argument against: A woman should determine whether she wants an abortion or not. It is her body, and she is the one who will go through labor, and birth, not the man. He doesn’t understand, or know what she is going through. She has the right to her own body, as we have until the day we die, and after that. A man cannot force a women to bear an unwanted child. Therefore a man should not have a say if he doesn’t want an abortion.
Should men have a say in abortion?
Should men have a say in abortion?
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  • The child in the womb is just as much his as her. God is who give life not women. Life comes from the man to the woman and grows in the womb. Women, in general, have become go and they think they above everyone. Why do women have an abortion? One is they never really plan to have children. Second, is to cover up their sin. Third, is by killing it they think they remove the issues. Fourth, is they stand before God in what they were done. Woman the right to kill children when she does not give life.

    • @Robin48 Don't write about gods and life. That god of the bible also killed all firstborn male children of Egypt, according to the Bible. And how many did it kill by flooding Earth? In the Bible Numbers 5 even says abortion by the Ordeal of the Bitter Water is compulsory, if the husband has a doubt about his wife's fidelity.

    • @jacquesvol An nutless liberal grandfather giving corrections on biblical teachings? DONE 😂 You're citing things of the Bible you do not even understand. Both accounts you named (The Plagues of Egypt & Noah's Ark) have an entire story behind them and conclusion as to why these punishments were given that you would know if you even opened a Bible before. But of course an empty senile kidney-stoned leftist dying freak such as yourself would rather get the little you know of the Bible from pro-choice feminist sites rather than the book itself.

    • @ProjectBaby1K Thank you, brother. Please have an issue with the Bible. The main reason they see the Bible as a threat to them because in what they are doing. The truth live God is alive and well. He is still in charge. His word is real.

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  • No they shouldn't, they should have an option to opt out of parental rights and responsibilities however.

  • Why would I have sex with a woman that would abort our child?

    Do people not talk about these things anymore?

    • In the heat of the moment I hardly think so... especially in today's culture of hook ups and flings people have become selfish.

    • Equally, why a normal woman would want to have sex with a man who would want to abort his child.

    • @Nomad2 @candyaurora both true

  • To carry a child a women hose through a lot of physical pain, it also costs her money because she needs doctors appointments and she has to buy clothes to fit her body when she's pregnant. It stretches out the skin leaving scars. Being pregnant puts you at risk for a bunch of medical stuff. Well she's pregnant she can't drink or smoke or eat sushi.
    That's​ all before birth. Guys don't have to do squat before birth.
    I think it's unfair to make women go through all that shit because some guy wants a baby.

    • @Nuala What about a woman that rapes a man? He didn't get a say in which woman got his seed. Maybe he doesn't want his rapist birthing his baby. If a woman is raped, many times she doesn't want to birth his baby. It should go both ways. Basically, she stole his baby. When rape is involved, it changes things.

    • @tugg-A Then he should go to court. Of course in a situation like that things should be handled differently, but in most cases the women should have the choice. Just to clarify, I think women should have the choice to either have custody but not take anything from the man or let the man have 50% custody and get the money.

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  • Given some of the things that have happened to women as a result of abortions, I don't think the man has the right to make her go through that

  • both the mother and the father should have a say in the matter

  • They do, but at the end of the day it's just an opinion. Ultimately the decision is up to the woman and no one else's.

    • @danceislife080 What about when a woman rapes a man? He didn't get the decision in which woman got his seed. She's birthing a baby that maybe he doesn't want her to, yet she can call for an abortion if he rapes her. It should go both ways. If he is raped, he should decide if she keeps baby or not.

    • @tugg-A That's a valid reason. I guess again you could still argue that it's her body and it's up to her. I don't even know. I guess if it was found that he was raped, then maybe there might be some way out of raising or providing child support.

    • @danceislife080 True. The sperm that she stole from him was his body too. If the sex was consented, then abortion should never be a question. Technically once egg meets sperm, it's a life, therefore murder.

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  • With responsibilities should come rights.

    Women expect that somehow, the baby is just a fetus and of no importance if the mother decides to kill it. Yet if she decides to keep the child the man should "man up" and be a father, and pay child support or go to jail.

    Something cannot be worthless enough it can be killed without consequence, while simultaneously valuable enough we shame and imprison men for not valuing it. Babies either have value or are worthless. Not both.

  • Of course, but ultimately it's the woman's choice. She should have the final say.

    • @datgirl When a woman rapes a man, he didn't have the final say in which woman got his seed.

  • if it wasn't rape, yes

    • @superdouch What if the man was raped?

    • lol tough one, I guess he should have a say then

  • There should be a prenup for sex.

    Might kill the vibe, though.

  • Since I believe in having sexual relations only after marriage so in my opinion yeah the father should have a say in abortion and that should be a mutual decision. I fail to comprehend why people especially women forget that the baby is 50% his father so why not involve him in an important decision like abortion.

    • The baby might be 50% the father's but the pregnancy is 100% hers. Why force someone to go through with something that's happening in *their* body, that they have every right to have full control over?

    • @lumos you are only talking in terms of physical effort.. what about the emotional effects? After all the father would also be emotionally invested in the child? by the way I am also against abortions in most cases so..

    • But yeah if the pregnancy is becoming fatal to the mother then she should get the abortion straight away.

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  • yes man should have a say if my girlfriend got one behind my back.. then i would ghost her ass.

  • Honestly I dunno
    It takes two to make a baby but then again a woman could die from having a baby
    Sure you guys can care but it's not like you've raised the kid and had all these glorious moments with it and all these pictures
    I man should not have a say ( as bad as it sounds ) Because his life isn't in danger
    Kinda makes me sad though to think of a man who wants the child and his girl is in the other room getting it killed
    But hey, have the baby or die
    Unless the woman would be willing to die for the baby
    Maybe like 2/5 would be down I dunno

    • The cases where the woman's life is in danger are extremely rare.

    • @coolguy919 In cases where men feel immense physical pain is non existent.

    • @coolguy919 You have a higher chance from dying from childbirth than abortions. Thank goodness for technological medical advances and epidurals... that number must have been higher before all those inventions.

  • Hmm, it seems like most of the women against this idea are usually saying something along the lines of "it really hurts, so I wanna do what I want".

    I completely acknowledge the fact that pregnancies are one of the most painful things in the world, if not the most painful. However, we've got to be logical here and think of the people around us, too. Of course, the woman in a relationship could forcefully order an abortion or stop it. But as we all know, doing what you want "by force" basically means doing what you want without consulting other people's feelings or needs.

    In my opinion, women should probably have a higher say in abortion. However, they should talk with men first before accepting or denying an abortion. If you cannot even see from someone else's point of view, you probably shouldn't be judging whether a life form should be terminated or not.

    • I thinks the father should also have a say in a abortion, since it's also his child and not only the mother's child. I thinks it would be difficult for the father if he wants to keep the child, but the mother ends it's life.

  • I think he should have some say. What exactly a man's role should be I'm uncertain, however, a female willingly (assuming it's not rape) let a guy have sex with her knowing there was a risk of pregnancy. If the baby will be both the male and female's responsibility, then so should termination of pregnancy. Simply because men don't give birth doesn't mean they should not have a say in abortion. Pregnancy is just one out of many stages of child-rearing.

    • @Icyfire101 And a man that's raped didn't get a say in which woman got his seed. So he should decide if baby is birthed or aborted, just like a raped woman does.

    • @tugg-A my argument was based off of the assumption that the abortions in question were a result from purely consensual sex

    • Since it's the girl who has to support pregnancy and childbirth, the man can voice his opinion but she decides.

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  • Men shouldn't have a say in abortion.

    They also should not be held responsible for the child if the woman chooses not to abort.

    • @Omega_brie But when a woman rapes a man, he didn't have a say in which woman got his seed or if he even wanted a woman to get his seed. What about his rights being violated?

    • @tugg-A Just how common do you think women raping men and getting pregnant is?

  • No guys should not have a say. It doesn't matter if the guy wants the baby it's the woman's body. The woman is the only one that gets to make the decision.

    • @Guitarwizard7 What about a man that gets raped? He didn't get a say in what woman got his seed. She shouldn't be allowed to birth his seed when he didn't consent for his seed to enter her in the 1st place.

    • That would be the exception then.

    • @Guitarwizard7 Which was my point that the victim of the rape should choose, since it's legal. Not make it legal 1 way and illegal the other. But if it's illegal, there shouldn't be exceptions of rape, unless it goes for both if he and her is raped. Now you see what direction I was going?

  • It's a tough situation but if they didn't have a say, then if a man wanted an abortion and the woman refused, then he shouldn't be forced to pay child support

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