So the condom breaks during sex & now she has a great percentage of being pregnant... what now?

Oh yeah buddy...
So the condom breaks during sex & now she has a great percentage of being pregnant... what now?

Your probably screaming inside or maybe outside...
So the condom breaks during sex & now she has a great percentage of being pregnant... what now?

Or you may look like this cat.
So the condom breaks during sex & now she has a great percentage of being pregnant... what now?

Or like kanye..
So the condom breaks during sex & now she has a great percentage of being pregnant... what now?
or something like this...
So the condom breaks during sex & now she has a great percentage of being pregnant... what now?
and she's like this...

So the condom breaks during sex & now she has a great percentage of being pregnant... what now?

Because there's a possibility that she can be pregnant soon...

So the condom breaks during sex & now she has a great percentage of being pregnant... what now?
ok ok sorry... lol let's get serious.

Some girl's are smart and might take this...
So the condom breaks during sex & now she has a great percentage of being pregnant... what now?

Some don't... maybe some girls won't get pregnant, some girls suffer from pcos like me or just not fertile :/

But if u can...

Lady's weeks later you guys will probably have that pregnancy conversation and sometimes that convo can go good and... sometimes it can go baaad... Or... if you had sex with a stranger and he haven't texted you are called you at all ummm... I don't think there would be a pregnancy conversation.. just saying.
But there are ways to avoid this awkward situation... So lady's & gentleman what will you do if the condom broke? Please leave your answers in the comments... Or vote or both Thanks!

This will never happen to me.
Vote A
I don't even use condoms... I use the pull out method :/
Vote B
Honestly I don't know what I would do.
Vote C
Soooo... i would probably just move out of state.
Vote D
Vote E
I would be happy!
Vote F
None of the above/other.
Vote G
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Most Helpful Girls

  • Sadly I experienced the fear of pregnancy. It happened with my first boyfriend we didn't have a condom (and I wasn't on bc either at the time) and usually I was very adamant on the importance of protection but I made an exception and he came inside me. Next day I got the pill but for about a week I felt very ill and eventually did a pregnancy test (I was very paranoid by that point) but it turned out false. Needless to say I got on bc not far after lol. The one thing I learned from this (apart from not taking idiotic risks) is it's important to not feel alone in a situation like that and thankfully I had a lot of emotional support from my boyfriend he took responsibility for what he did and so did I. So it's also important to have a trustworthy partner that won't bail out if something goes wrong.

  • I'm on birth control. And it's one of, if not the best, methods of hormonal regulation. My body thinks I'm pregnant, so there are a few results that happen and added up the chance of me getting pregnant is less than 1 percent.
    So, I think I'm covered.
    But if I wasn't... ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
    I would take to GaG to rant like hell about how pregnant I am.

    One time he thought he finished in me, and there was 0 protection. So, I got a morning after pill. No baby for me.

  • I'm on the implant, so we never use condoms.

    Also, before engaging in any sexual activities guys should seriously start taking more care asking the girl her stance on birth control and reproduction.

    How many guys have encountered one night stands going "herp derp I'm against hormonal birth control" and refuse to take the Plan B pill? Or they just decide on the spot they want to be a mommy now?

    I realize that asking stuff like that could detract from the mood and what have you, but avoiding ending up with an unwanted kid should trump horny desires.

Most Helpful Guys

  • You need to have talk with this girl since there are two ways this can go. Ask her if she is pregnant. If she says yes but you don't want it and she doesn't want it, then get an abortion. If she wants the baby and you don't want it is up to you and your decision if you stay or not. But try to show her the down side of having the baby at this age and it won't be beneficial to the baby and your lives. If I was not ready for the baby and she wanted it I would try to convince her to get rid of it but if it didn't work then I would probably leave and move out of state.

    • You should not have sex with anyone without them being on birth control or telling this ahead of time even if you use a condom.. Because you are NOT a MAN.

  • I wouldn't be engaging myself in sexual activity without first accepting and considering the repercussions of my actions.

    If she's having a baby then I guess I'll take on more hours start saving for that collage fund!

    • Lol collage fund. How many glue sticks could a kid need? Hahaa

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What Girls & Guys Said

6 13
  • If you are on the pill then you should be fine.. But get him to use an antibacterial penis health creme if you are going to have unprotected sex... this will keep you clear of rashes and other irritations cause by his bacteria. I use one and my girlfriend really appreciates it.. leads to better sex for sure. You can get a creme like this online

  • First time I had sex, there was no condom. I took the plan b the next morning and I got on the pill.

  • I can't say I've ever used a condom because I was on birth control pills and now an IUD (which, by the way, no one, not even the doctor, told me that I would be put into partial labor to get it inserted._. I have a much greater respect for mothers now). If this ever did happen to me though, Plan B would be the way to go.

  • I am opposed to abortion. So, simply put, if I was likely to be a father, whether i was ready to be or not, because i made a mistake, then that means i have 9 months to make sure i'm ready to be a father.
    if that is, for whatever reason, not feasible? The morning after pill is not abortion.
    but seriously, there was a time when guys were expected to man up, be responsible for their actions, and marry the girl and be a dad.

  • I'm infertile. But if a miracle happened I would keep the kid. I support a woman's right to abort, but I don't agree with it personally. And I would offer an out to my partner, but I would hope and pray he doesn't take it and stays w me.