I thought home runs were on the 3rd date ... mmmmm
Well, sex isn't the string that brings them back, at least not me. Sex is fun and can last all summer if it's not a load of work or drama. It does play into marriage considerations since you need something to work with if going to be exclusive for decades to come.
Your deal seems secure as the string seems strong enough from on-line & dates one & 2. Having no friends/family/club members in common is a negative, so easy to just disappear, so hard to "know" each other vicariously to fill the blanks.
I can only suggest that you keep your date/sex standards status quo and keep your communications strong, so you'll know your preferred string is the one with pull. It's OK that some message seem like in a bottle tossed into the ocean, so long as he's reading them.
You can't say he's not trying using evidence from emails because those 5+8 hours indicate otherwise. He's interested in you but you'll never know in the short run if it's just to hit a home run ... so forgetaboutit and live your life, let HIM worry that YOUR intestions might not be honorable and YOU might not accept another date!
What he forgot was to say sorry for being so forward and ask you out again .. but he turned into a tangle tongue.0 0 0 0Well, I sent him an email yesterday morning about some random stuff I saw online that I thought he might find interesting. Then I ended the email letting him know to let me know when he wants to do something again and that I enjoyed our time together. Later that night, he called me and we chatted for another hour and he asked me if I want to do something this Saturday. :) I guess what I'll do now is to slow this down a bit and really try to get to know him.
Taking the time you've spent together (13 hours) between your two dates, corresponds to how much people might see of each other in total over the course of 5-6 dates. So maybe he just got confused by your gesture if he was going on the basis of how comfortable you felt with each other having spent all that time together and you were on a basis of it being just a 2nd date. Neither way of looking at it is right or wrong, you just found yourself on different pages.
I think if you like him and want to continue this relationship you should feel free to give him a call and simply pick up where you left off and where you are both comfortable.1 0 0 0
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If you don't see him again I wouldn't think it's because of how far you went. It would be because he's just not that great of a guy and you can do better. However, if doing that and him not calling will upset you then next time make sure you don't go that far. Before I do anything with a guy I think in my head if they were to not go out with me again would I be upset that I did this. If the answer is yes don't do it. The right guy will not stop dating you because you went too far or didn't go far enough. They will want to be with you regardless. Hopefully he calls :) if not his loss!
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0 1Sounds like you got pretty far, but exactly what happened? Did you both get naked? Did you make him cum?
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