To all my circumcised brothers, do you regret not knowing the pleasure of the foreskin that was cut from you from childbirth?

In the midst of reading articles about how to get a better orgasm, I found out about the penis' foreskin. I didn't even know that such a thing existed. My foreskin was cut from me without my consent from childbirth. What's more interesting is that the foreskin provides 10x more pleasure than what we're left with ( a regular circumcised dick). In the past, it was a religious thing to get your foreskin cut. Now it's becoming more medical with an argument solely based on STDs. Yes, it is much more easier to catch and spread an STD when you have a foreskin; but you run the same risk without a foreskin. If you fuck a girl who has an STD, foreskin or not, you're catching something. If men can take care of their oral hygiene, they can clean their foreskins and have protected sex. With that in mind, do any of you circumcised males ever wonder what it would be like with an uncut dick? I do and I think I could finally experience an orgasm on the same level as a female's.
I don't mind not having a foreskin.
Vote A
I wonder what it would feel like.
Vote B
I have/had a foreskin and it's overrated.
Vote C
I wish it was never cut from me without my consent.
Vote D
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Most Helpful Guys

  • Foreskins have to be cleaned or else they get infected. I'm not going to miss something I've never had, and especially when if I had one it would require me to do more cleaning work! If a sexual partner judged me over some anatomical micro-detail like "foreskin or not" they aren't worth my time. Most girls don't give a shit if you have a "god-given floppy condom" on the edges of your dick. They want your dick because the thrusting is entertaining and at some point in their lives they want the baby-making juice that us guys squirt out.

  • I'm not trying to be a dick (pun intended), but that's kind of like asking a person who's been blind since birth if they miss the color green. They have no idea, as it's not something they remember. There is no basis for comparison.

    • But that still doesn't justify letting someone else choose whether to mutilate their penis or not.

    • No, it doesn't; I agree with you. That doesn't change the fact the beyond stretching or expensive reconstructive surgery, there isn't anything that can be done about it, either. Neither of those options truly "restore" a foreskin, anyway. Why be upset about something that can't be changed? Enjoy what you've got, because it's the only one you're going to get.

    • I know it's ridiculous, but I've always been jealous of the multi orgasms that women can have. Us men, specially us circumcised men have to put with some 6 seconds energy draining ejaculation. Even with a foreskin, it would still be an energy draining ejaculation; but more powerful. Now you're right, why I should I bitch? I'll never get to experience it; I just wish I had a choice.

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Most Helpful Girls

  • They have nothing to compare it to unless they were circumcised as adults. You can't miss a feeling if you don't know what it feels like.

    • True, but the fact that I had no say in it still sucks.

    • I agree and that's why I won't circumcise future sons. I'm sorry your parents made a bad decision. Unfortunately, many people still think it is the right thing to do. Even with foreskin restoration there is probably no guarantee you'll feel that lost sensation. I've heard that cut guys still have plenty of feeling left though, like they can still have orgasms and all that. I can't ask my SO anything because he's uncut.

    • @musicbrain5 I agree with you

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  • This is a guy. No girl would know how fore skin feels like.
    fake profile.
    Another guy pretending to be a guy.

  • I live playing with the foreskin.
    I never have or never will be with a guy with a Circumcised penis!!!

    To all my circumcised brothers, do you regret not knowing the pleasure of the foreskin that was cut from you from childbirth?
    • You're pathetic. Did you know foreskins encourage infection? Medical science long ago studied and proved that foreskins don't help pleasure at all, for either partner. Some women have huge labia while others don't... same thing, it's got nothing to do with performance or pleasures.

    • @ddfafdfdsf BULL Shit!!! Your are pathetic!!! It has been proven that men feel more if they HAVE a foreskin!!! It does help pleasure for the guy!!! Maybe it does require more cleaning, but it’s mutalation to cut it off!!!

    • You're some sort of ecoterrorist or vegan terrorist with a political agenda. That certainly explains your attitude a lot. You're FAKE. by the way With a foreskin men tend to ejaculate faster which in fact is not what most women want at all.

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What Girls & Guys Said

4 14
  • I prefer uncut penis 🤭 it's funny play with foreskin

  • I got my foreskin removed at age 7 and what I remember from it, it wasn't that great, I hated always having to pull it back to go pee and it never felt any different when I got erections (yes I had erections when I was 7). I got it removed though because apparently I had too much foreskin. It hurt like a Bitch though for a week when I got it removed and I couldn't run at all.

  • Couldn't care less, really.

  • I was circumcised as an adult.

    I prefer it circumcised, but I'm sure some people might prefer uncircumcised.

    However saying it was 10x more sensitive, just... no way.

    And no, you would not have an orgasm like a females. Uncircumcised men don't have 40 second long orgasms like women do.

    • yes we do @kheserthorpe

  • Oh no. Not this again. I've already debated on this matter and this is one debate I absolutely hate having. I'm happy the way my dick is. I really don't care.

  • It bothers me a little, but technology in the future may compensate the feeling. I doubt a woman in 1820 could have expected the hitachi wand.

  • Jesus. Not another circumcision debate lol

    • There was a previous one? Sorry, I'm new to the site lol.

    • Lol there's a circumcision debate at least once a week and it lasts for forever. But I was joking though. Condolences for your lost foreskin my dear. Lol

    • lol @ condolances to list foreskin. hey bro you will be ok. plenty of ither things in life to hold resentments.

  • It's not that I don't mind being circumcised, it's that God said to do it. If God says so, the end!

    • Do you really follow every single rule God makes in the bible to the letter?

    • Your kidding? Right?

    • So you ignore some then? Then that kinda makes your God said so comment very hypocritical. I myself am a Christian, but find many parts of the bible too harsh for this time period. I meant no offense.

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  • I totally hear you brother. I was circed when I was a neonate and I wish I were intact. I don't care that so many girls in the U. S. think foreskins are "EWW." To me it was supposed to be there and I don't have it. Other than in clear cases where there's a legitimate medical indication for it, I'm against circumcision. Of boys or girls.

  • I am glad I was cut when I was babt. Ti do it now I know it would hurt and dont want to endure. That. I think I have a sexxy penis lol.

  • Lol I had all my boys circumcised at birth, I did it from the stand point of your more likely to get infections in general with it

    • I'm not circumcised and I've never had infections… Your comment actually annoys me the way you say "I had all my boys circ". Did you know the USA is the only country in the world that practices widespread circumcision for non religious grounds. There is actually no reason for it whatsoever, it's purely based on Jewish tradition that was passed on to American doctors. Are you Jewish. If you're not then you're an uneducated disgrace for a mother. You're not looking out for your child's interests you're doing what your friends have done to their kids. Read some books and educate yourself before you have part's of your child's dick's cut off for no reason at all. As a male, I actually do think you should feel somewhat ashamed for this practice Kait. It is genital mutilation, it doesn't matter how you look at it. I suppose if you had daughters you would have them circumcised as well (removal of the clitoris and it's hood). It's exactly the same.

    • Removal of the hood would be the same, removal of the clitoris would be equivalent to removal of the glans.

    • I agree with kheserthrope and I do have a daughter, thanks

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  • Without a valid medical reason only a goddamn idiot cuts a baby's penis. Fucking sick and twisted. The only people for it have stupid justifications for it. Cut your fingers off so I don't have to read your bullshit for fuck sake.

  • Why do Americans get it cut off and the rest of the world dont? (Apart from religious reasons) I have a foreskin and I have had zero infections...
    I'm from England and I've never heard that it's more hygienic to have it off, hardly anyone gets it done here.
    If you fuck someone with an std you are catching it cut or not.

  • Same thing here, I just want to experience the feeling and then decide whether keep it or not.

  • I actually like having mine. 90% of my sexual partners have commented that they have never nutted like that before. Something about how fold rubs against the clitoris it was once described to me as having double pleasure. I'm a very active man and I am far from Dirty I do take on Dirty Jobs sometimes money is money after all, and have never had any issues with hygiene or STDs

  • I hate being circumcised, I think it is sexual mutilation, I feel deprived of normal feelings and sexual pleasure. I resent it as a humiliation of being incomplete.

  • Well I've ways wondered what it would be like to have a foreskin.

  • the problem is that men do NOT want to use protection.

    • The real problem is that STDs exist. Our bodies definitely majorly backstab us by making us vulnerable in one of our natural favorite activities. We already catch diseases through breathing, cuts, sneezing, etc; but why sex?

    • I don't think STD spread rates are that different in populations where circumcision is common vs. uncommon. I think uncircumcised men pick up a few things more easily, but circumcised men spread them a little more easily and its even in the end.

    • @kheserthorpe Your information is incorrect. Circumcision does decrease the spread of sexually transmitted diseases. It's medically documented in many many studies. Africa was a good test ground for these studies because over there traditionally many men weren't cut--and guess what they had higher rates of getting infected. Foreskin is like honey attracting flies. I know nature puts it there, but hey nature also gives me fingernails that grow and grow but I cut those right back. Guys have nipples we don't use and we have adam's apples that are useless in our necks, and all humans have a tailbone but it's also useless. Go figure. Mother nature gives us some shit that is just stupid--the foreskin is among this class.