Wanna try anal sex? First read this?

It is necessary to care for the anus, anal canal, and rectum if they are involved in sexual activity. Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) can be transmitted through anal sex and can affect the anus itself. And anal cancer is associated with STDs in men and women. Damage to the internal and external skin and tissue of the anus jeopardizes health, causes pain, and impairs function. The risk for anal cancer is a concern for men and women who have anal sex. It can produce malignant tumors inside and outside the anal canal. Many people with early anal cancer have no symptoms. The major risk factor for anal cancer is infection with HPV. Many LGBT practitioners are advising routine anal Pap smears to detect the early changes that might indicate a risk of developing anal cancer. Recently, infection with a strain of potentially deadly bacteria (called methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus or MRSA) has been reported in men who have sex with men (MSM). These bacteria can cause life-threatening infections that are resistant to antibiotic treatment. Some forms of MRSA live in the anal area and can be passed between sexual partners. An anal fissure is a small tear in the skin and tissue of the anus. It can bleed, itch, and become extremely sore, making bowel movement, sitting, and sex painful. Some heal within a couple of weeks, especially if therapeutic cream, warm baths, and stool softeners are used. Others require surgical removal of the tear, which is exacerbated by sphincter movement, and the underlying scar tissue. The bleeding that occurs with a tear increases the risk for STDs. It is possible to acquire an STD without penetration. Oral-to-anal contact, whether from kissing or from oral contact with fingers that have been touching the anus can spread bacteria and cause infection. Even the use of sex toys may transmit certain diseases.
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According to researchers from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, young men aren't always concerned about getting consent to perform anal sex with female partners, normalizing the idea that coercion and pain are normal.
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Most Helpful Guys

  • Sounds to me like you have a personal problem with anal sex and you're trying to find every possible problem to convince everyone else not to do it. There are risks with anal sex just as there are with vaginal. Life is full of risks, but that's no reason not to live.

    Regular anal sex does not cause "gape" or fecal incontinence as you suggest. That comes from damage caused by carelessly inserting large objects (not normal sized penises) in one's anus. The anal sphincter is just like any other muscle in that it can benefit from gentle stretching. One doctor describes normal anal sex as yoga for the sphincter because it actually has positive effects on the sphincter muscle, just like when stretching other muscles.

    My wife and I have been having regular anal sex for more than 25 years and she has experienced no ill effects whatsoever.

    There is a lot of misinformation and outright ignorance surrounding anal sex. Please don't spread more misinformation about something that can be perfectly healthy when done properly and brings a lot of people a lot of pleasure.

    • Funny that she chose to ignore your sound opinion. Her last response to my opinion is even funnier.

    • Again I'm not against anal sex at all.. why are people so defensive. I give guys anal (strap-on, fingering, etc), I also rimm and I also like to receive some ass licking. As long as YOU are into it, you should do it. But people need to be aware of the issues that CAN come with anal sex. Especially those who are not really into it and only receive anal because the other wants it so bad.

    • And I'm sorry if I trust the opinion of health professionals more than regular people who are NOT health professional. Health professionals actually DO see the risks and issues that CAN come from anal sex and I only spread their information as there are many misconceptions around anal sex. So we at least agree on that part. ;)

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  • Well the anus wasn't made for sex, but you can get STDs and cancer through vagina penetration as well. The vagina can also tear and get bacterial infections.

    So I guess I agree that there are big risks with anal sex, but no matter be it vagina or anus problems can happen if not careful.

    • Yes but the vagina heals well, the anus doesn't. And anal sex can cause life long complications. Regular rectal sex can make the anus 'gape' a bit, and this can lead to soiling. (you can see those stretched anuses in porn.. a lot) 90% of my friends are gay men, 70% of them don't receive anal at all (are 100% top).. tried it and hated it. The few Bottoms I know are VERY open about all their ass problems hahaha.

    • OW and the anal cavity and its surrounding tissue is VERY delicate, and tears often happen during anal sex, even with seasoned lubed-up pros)

    • Yeah I know.

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Most Helpful Girls

  • Oh please, bullshits, if you believe the internet and everything in it that is SO
    EXAGGERATED you actually can't do absolutely anything or you could die from it, I bet that the girl who posted this here is mad about other people having fun and having anal , i'm sick of the exaggerated articles about getting pregnant so easily and getting cancer from literally everything and god knows what else, just stop nobody needs your " life saving "information, i don't know anyone dead or sick after doing anal , are you mad about this?

  • Sure, have anal sex but when you get to be 50 you will be wearing an adult diaper because of fecal leakage. A vagina will stretch because it is meant to in order to pass a baby. An anus is not meant to be stretched out a lot and be given a pounding on a regular basis. But you will find out when you get that age that it is true. You could ask some older folk but no one is going to admit it.

  • Well if you read about anything someone will tell you it gives you cancer, here's a list:


    but seriously, having had anal sex many times I've never caught an STD, Staph (MRSA), HIV or torn my asshole. If it's done right it's fine.

    • Again I'm not against anal sex at all.. why are people so defensive. I give guys anal (strap-on, fingering, etc), I also rimm and I also like to receive some ass licking. As long as YOU are into it, you should do it. But people need to be aware of the issues that CAN come with anal sex. Especially those who are not really into it and only receive anal because the other wants it so bad.

    • So what about the dangers of far more prevalent practices? Why the anal? I'm not having a dig nor did I assume you were against it, it's just a lot of info which can happen in the extreme.

    • I'm sure most people are aware of the dangers of oral sex and vaginal sex (the more prevalent types of sex)

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  • NO! NEVER!😡🤬 It's NOT allowed in my religion. I don't want to have intestinal cancer. I can't marry with a man who wants anal sex with me!😡

  • so what's the point of this? you can get diseases, cancer or hurt yourself from vaginal sex too.

    • LOL!!!

    • Or me from licking a pussy or anus? Never had it, always tested negative. Oh and check what she had up-voted, only those AGAINST anal sex.

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What Girls & Guys Said

4 24
  • You can get ass tears just by having a huge shit.

    What is your question?

  • I want my wife to use a strap on and let me feel what she feels. can't wait.

  • You'll always be afraid until you face your fear

  • Anal is good, the rest isn't a question I want to do it multiple times. The end

    • Seems like you're against it an this is how you justify not letting your man get your butt. Or angry at men for liking anal and wanna manipulate them into not liking it.

    • No I'm not against it. Everyone is entitled to do what THEY enjoy. Just sharing info that many people avoid ;) I love to peg males so I'm not anti anal, I also like to give and receive rimming :D

    • Wow okay I apologize, did not see that coming. That's hot

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  • It's possible to acquire STDs by normal oral and vaginal sex, as well as a number of other issues. As always, if it is done incorrectly, it can cause harm. If it is done correctly, it can reduce the chances of harming significantly.

    I don't know why you are that hateful towards anal sex. It presents no more dangers than vaginal sex, the only difference is that more preparation and information needs to be involved, and most people are too lazy for that.

    • I'm not hateful. Just want, the girls especially, to understand that just because anal is presented in p*rn as absolutely no big deal that in reality it actually is a big deal.