Wet dreams vs. masturbation? which is better?

Most report that wet dreams can feel better than masturbation. Some even feel that wet dreams are better than sex. Relative to masturbation, wet dreams are often intensely pleasurable.what is your take guys I know sex is better but given a choice between wet dreams and masturbation,what would you choose?
Wet Dreams
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  • I rarely have wet dreams, but my god, each one feels so real, yet good. IF they ever developed a way to have wet dreams anytime you wanted, people wouldn't masturbate ever again, or it would decrease in probability. I had a few wet dreams were they felt so real, I had one with a girl I was married to (in my dream), another with some girl I didn't even know, and another with a friend of mind. It was weird, every time I come back to reality, I do something like pinch myself, check my phone or jog in place or something. So its debatable on which feels better, masturbation can happen anytime we like, but wet dreams come along once in a blue moon then it rocks our socks. So I'm going to say wet dream on this one.

    • I prefer masturbation over wet dreams any day! I love to masturbate every day!!

  • Wet dreams, they are amazing. Mastrubation is nothing compared to it (:

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What Girls & Guys Said

1 16
  • And we can't have both because? ... lol

  • Ehh.

    I think wet dreams definitely provide much more satisfaction but come at a greater inconvenience when compared to masturbation. So I chose masturbation due to it being controllable and resulting in less mess.

  • I remember every great sensual dream I've had in my life, but masturbation, yuck no way, why would I. It's like farting, very unromantic but helps relieve.

  • I don't recall ever having a wet dream, so I voted B.

  • my wet dreams have almost always been negative, since I was 11 and had my first one, and my stepfather came in and pulled me out of bed in the middle of cumming, and I couldn't stop and stood there trying to hold still, but hard penis still cumming all over. It is much better to be awake and experience it all.